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User Mora Asura 20px.pngAsura User Mora Sylvari 20px.pngSylvari User Mora Human 20px.pngHumans User Mora Norn 20px.pngNorn User Mora Charr.pngCharr
Daredevil icon small.png/Deadeye icon small.png Nokkx Reaper icon small.png Neilida Chronomancer icon small.png/Mirage icon small.png/Virtuoso icon small.png Alexei Tempest icon small.png/Catalyst icon small.png Helna Dragonhunter icon small.png/Firebrand icon small.png Majid
Herald icon small.png Yssod Berserker icon small.png Corilen Soulbeast icon small.png/Untamed icon small.png Kayla Scrapper icon small.png/Mechanist icon small.png Yoric Scrapper icon small.png Ramad
Chronomancer icon small.png/Mirage icon small.png Hokkma Tempest icon small.png/Weaver icon small.png Lyalla Herald icon small.png Anton Deadeye icon small.png Vala Scourge icon small.png Khawaf
Spellbreaker icon small.png Nettza Dragonhunter icon small.png Soliyen Weaver icon small.png Mara Reaper icon small.png Valkor Deadeye icon small.png Lail
Soulbeast icon small.png Kejjum Holosmith icon small.png/Mechanist icon small.png Nihima Berserker icon small.png/Bladesworn icon small.png Daora Druid icon small.png/Soulbeast icon small.png Gerun Soulbeast icon small.png Targyir
Tempest icon small.png/Weaver icon small.png Lonnk Chronomancer icon small.png/Mirage icon small.png Chagiel Holosmith icon small.png/Mechanist icon small.png Dante Dragonhunter icon small.png/Firebrand icon small.png Elias Mesmer icon small.png Sahib
Scrapper icon small.png/Holosmith icon small.png Yehii Daredevil icon small.png/Specter icon small.png Dorchern Dragonhunter icon small.png/Firebrand icon small.png Shana Vindicator icon small.png Myrka Renegade icon small.png Saqib
Firebrand icon small.png/Willbender icon small.png Neffes Untamed icon small.png Rena Reaper icon small.png/Scourge icon small.png Lucrezia Bladesworn icon small.png Gerta Berserker icon small.png/Spellbreaker icon small.png Seifus
Reaper icon small.png/Harbinger icon small.png Naooru Vindicator icon small.png Lota Daredevil icon small.png/Deadeye icon small.png Jin Virtuoso icon small.png Lhaya Tempest icon small.png Bariqa

Renegade icon small.png Saqib Longleap
Ghostly Hero
User Lysander Saqib.jpg
Biography Mist Scrim.png Biography Dignity.png Biography Ash Legion.pngBiography Sorcerous Shaman.pngBiography Clawspur.png Durmand Priory (order icon).png
The Blind Brothers were found as cubs, wandering alone on the edge of Flame Legion territory. Taken to the Black Citadel, they were raised among the Ash Legion, but were always at a disadvantage because of their disability. That all changed with an old Canthan ritual, which gave the blind charr the ability to channel the spirits of legendary figures from the past.

Saqib gained the powers of an array of historical figures, but now seeks to connect with one more: the legendary Charr Kalla Scorchrazor. Once he learns to channel her spirit, he will be prepared to defend Tyria against all threats.