Skill icon
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Skill icons are small pictures used to represent a skill on the player's skill bar. The skill description can be viewed by hovering over the icon with the mouse.
Color schemes[edit]
The color scheme used on a skill can depend on profession, attunement, skill type or skill slot.
- Healing skills are various shades of blue, regardless of profession.
- Downed skills and drowning skills are black and red, regardless of profession.
Guardian skills are blue and white.
Warrior skills are yellow and orange.
Engineer skills are grey and rust-colored.
Ranger skills are yellow and light green.
- Pet skills vary depending on the pet.
Thief skills are grey and red.
Elementalist skills are red and blue, and some skills use the attunement palettes.
- Air Attunement skills are purple and black.
- Earth Attunement skills are yellow and brown.
- Fire Attunement skills are red and orange.
- Water Attunement skills are blue and white.
Mesmer skills are purple and magenta.
Necromancer skills are dark green and black.
Revenant skills are black, white, and dark red.