Pile of Putrid Essence

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Pile of Putrid Essence.png

Pile of Putrid Essence

Item type
Crafting material
Material type
Rare material
Mat. storage
Advanced Crafting Materials
Disciplines used by
Armorsmith tango icon 20px.png 400
Artificer tango icon 20px.png 400
Handiworker tango icon 20px.png 225
Huntsman tango icon 20px.png 400
Jeweler tango icon 20px.png 400
Leatherworker tango icon 20px.png 400
Scribe tango icon 20px.png 50
Tailor tango icon 20px.png 400
Weaponsmith tango icon 20px.png 400
63 Copper coin
Game link
Trading post
External links


Dropped by[edit]

Contained in[edit]

Map Bonus Reward[edit]

It is currently Week 1.


Pile of Putrid Essence
Mystic Forge
Output qty.
Pile of Putrid Essence
Mystic Forge
Output qty.

Used in[edit]

Mystic Forge

Item Rarity Ingredients
Amalgamated Draconic Lodestone.png Amalgamated Draconic Lodestone Exotic
Amalgamated Draconic Lodestone.png Amalgamated Draconic Lodestone (x25) Exotic
Obsidian Shard.png Obsidian Shard (x3) Legendary

Multiple disciplines

Item Rarity Discipline(s) Rating Ingredients
Amalgamated Draconic Lodestone.png Amalgamated Draconic Lodestone
(Learned from: Recipe: Amalgamated Draconic Lodestone (putrid))
Exotic ArtificerArtificer tango icon 20px.pngArmorsmithArmorsmith tango icon 20px.pngHuntsmanHuntsman tango icon 20px.pngLeatherworkerLeatherworker tango icon 20px.pngTailorTailor tango icon 20px.pngWeaponsmithWeaponsmith tango icon 20px.pngJewelerJeweler tango icon 20px.png 400
Relic of the Krait.png Relic of the Krait
(Learned from: Recipe: Relic of the Krait)
Exotic ArmorsmithArmorsmith tango icon 20px.pngLeatherworkerLeatherworker tango icon 20px.pngTailorTailor tango icon 20px.png 400

Armorsmith tango icon 20px.png Armorsmith

Item Rarity Rating Ingredients
Superior Rune of the Krait.png Superior Rune of the Krait Exotic 400

Artificer tango icon 20px.png Artificer

Item Rarity Rating Ingredients
Powerful Potion of Undead Slaying.png Extended Potion of Undead Slaying (x10)
(Learned from: Recipe: Extended Potion of Undead Slaying)
Rare 400
Powerful Potion of Undead Slaying.png Powerful Potion of Undead Slaying (x10) Fine 400

Handiworker tango icon 20px.png Handiworker

Item Rarity Rating Ingredients
Bronze Tequatl Trophy.png Bronze Tequatl Trophy
(Learned from: Recipe: Bronze Tequatl Trophy)
Basic 225
Primordial Leviathan Rib Cage.png Primordial Leviathan Rib Cage
(Learned from: Homestead Recipe Book: Halloween, Volume 4)
Basic 225
Primordial Leviathan Rib Cage- Curved.png Primordial Leviathan Rib Cage: Curved
(Learned from: Homestead Recipe Book: Halloween, Volume 4)
Basic 225
Primordial Leviathan Rib Cage- Left Curved.png Primordial Leviathan Rib Cage: Left Curved
(Learned from: Homestead Recipe Book: Halloween, Volume 4)
Basic 225
Primordial Leviathan Rib Cage- Right Curved.png Primordial Leviathan Rib Cage: Right Curved
(Learned from: Homestead Recipe Book: Halloween, Volume 4)
Basic 225
Silver Tequatl Trophy.png Silver Tequatl Trophy
(Learned from: Recipe: Silver Tequatl Trophy)
Basic 300
Tequatl Tailbone.png Tequatl Tailbone
(Learned from: Recipe: Tequatl Tailbone)
Basic 300

Huntsman tango icon 20px.png Huntsman

Item Rarity Rating Ingredients
Superior Sigil of Celerity.png Superior Sigil of Celerity Exotic 400

Scribe tango icon 20px.png Scribe

Item Rarity Rating Ingredients
Jack-o'-Lantern.png Jack-o'-Lantern Basic 50

Tailor tango icon 20px.png Tailor

Item Rarity Rating Ingredients
Superior Rune of the Undead.png Superior Rune of the Undead Exotic 400

Weaponsmith tango icon 20px.png Weaponsmith

Item Rarity Rating Ingredients
Reclamation.png Reclamation
(Learned from: Recipe: Reclamation)
Exotic 450
Vizier's Folly.png Vizier's Folly
(Learned from: Recipe: Vizier's Folly)
Exotic 450