Guaranteed Armor Unlock

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Guaranteed Armor Unlock.png

Guaranteed Armor Unlock

Item type
Req. level
Account Bound
Game link

Double-click to consume.
Consuming this will unlock one random armor skin in your wardrobe that you do not already have.

All unobtained skins have an equal chance of dropping.
"Skritt will collect just about everything at least once." —Priory Notes on Primitive Races, page 422

— In-game description

Guaranteed Armor Unlock is a container that unlocks one random armor skin.


Sold by[edit]

Vendor Area Zone Cost
Black Lion Chest Merchant Black Lion Chest Merchant Dwayna High Road
Trade Commons
Trader's Forum
Memorial Quadrant
Interdisciplinary Accessium
Reckoner's Terrace
Outer Ring
Divinity's Reach
Lion's Arch
Black Citadel
Rata Sum
The Grove
The Wizard's Tower
30 Black Lion Statuette
Black Lion Representative (Black Lion Chest Merchant) Black Lion Representative   Thousand Seas Pavilion 30 Black Lion Statuette
Black Lion Statuette Black Lion Statuette 30 Black Lion Statuette
Mezzar Plunderpaw Mezzar Plunderpaw Outer Ring The Wizard's Tower 30 Black Lion Statuette

Contained in[edit]

Possible unlocks[edit]

Special events armor Gemstore armor Regular armor Cultural armor Dungeon armor Back item


  • Unlocking the chest piece of a gemstore armor set unlocks the entire set (head, shoulders, gloves, legs, footwear).
    • Only the chest pieces of these sets are listed in the contents preivew.
    • For example, the entire set of Flamewalker armor will unlock at once.
  • Unlocking a piece of cultural armor will not count towards the Fashion achievements, since skins cannot be soulbound.

See also[edit]