User:Intricity/Exotic vs Ascended

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A comparison between Exotic and Ascended gear.

Attribute table[edit]

Type Rarity
Ascended Exotic
Weapons One-handed (x2) 125
Two-handed 251 179 215 118 118 239 171 205 113 113
Total weapons
Total weapon attributes 610
Armor Chest 141 101 121 67 67 134 96 115 63 63
Legs 94 67 81 44 44 90 64 77 42 42
Head 63 45 54 30 30 60 43 51 28 28
Shoulders 47 34 40 22 22 45 32 38 21 21
Gloves 47 34 40 22 22 45 32 38 21 21
Boots 47 34 40 22 22 45 32 38 21 21
Total armor 439 315 376 207 207 419 299 357 196 196
Total armor attributes 1069 1166 1449 1017 1106 1372
Trinkets Amulet 157 108 133 71 72 120 85 102 56 56
Ring (x2) 126 85 106 56 57 90 64 77 42 42
Accessory (x2) 110 74 92 49 50 75 53 64 35 35
Back item 63 40 52 27 28 30 21 26 14 14
Jewel (x6) - - - - - 25 15 20 10 12
Total trinkets 692 466 581 308 314 630 430 530 284 296
Total trinket attributes 1624 1778 2198 1490 1628 2072
Total per attribute 1381 961 1173 633 639 1289 899 1091 592 604
Grand total 3303 3612 4473 3087 3366 4228


Raw point difference
Type Difference
Weapons One-handed (x2) 5 5 6 6 6
Two-handed 12 8 10 5 5
Total weapons
Total weapon attributes 30
Armor Chest 7 5 6 4 4
Legs 4 3 4 2 2
Head 3 2 3 2 2
Shoulders 2 2 2 1 1
Gloves 2 2 2 1 1
Boots 2 2 2 1 1
Total armor 20 16 19 11 11
Total armor attributes 52 60 77
Trinkets Amulet 12 8 11 5 4
Ring (x2) 11 6 9 4 3
Accessory (x2) 10 6 8 4 3
Back item 8 4 6 3 2
Total trinkets 62 36 51 24 18
Total trinket attributes 134 150 126
Total per attribute 92 62 82 41 35
Grand total 216 246 245
Percent increase
Type Difference
Weapons One-handed (x2) 4.17% 5.88% 5.88% 5.36% 5.36%
Two-handed 5.02% 4.68% 4.88% 4.42% 4.42%
Total weapons
Total weapon attributes 5.17%
Armor Chest 5.22% 5.21% 5.22% 6.35% 6.35%
Legs 4.44% 4.69% 5.19% 4.76% 4.76%
Head 5.00% 4.65% 5.88% 7.14% 7.15%
Shoulders 4.44% 6.25% 5.26% 4.76% 4.76%
Gloves 4.44% 6.25% 5.26% 4.76% 4.76%
Boots 4.44% 6.25% 5.26% 4.76% 4.76%
Total armor 4.77% 5.35% 5.32% 5.61% 5.61%
Total armor attributes 5.11% 5.42% 5.61%
Trinkets Amulet 8.28% 8.00% 9.02% 7.58% 5.88%
Ring (x2) 9.57% 7.59% 9.28% 7.69% 5.56%
Accessory (x2) 10.00% 5.82% 9.52% 8.89% 6.38%
Back item 14.55% 11.11% 13.04% 12.50% 7.69%
Total trinkets 9.84% 8.37% 9.62% 8.45% 6.08%
Total trinket attributes 8.99% 9.21% 6.08%
Total per attribute 7.14% 6.90% 7.52% 6.93% 5.79%
Grand total 7.00% 7.31% 5.79%

Distribution of stats[edit]

Type Rarity
Ascended Exotic
3-stat 4-stat 7-stat 3-stat 4-stat 7-stat
Total Distribution Total Distribution Total Distribution Total Distribution Total Distribution Total Distribution
Weapons One-handed (x2) 610 250 (40.98%)
180 (29.51%)
180 (29.51%)
668 216 (32.34%)
216 (32.34%)
118 (17.66%)
118 (17.66%)
826 118 (14.29%) 580 240 (41.38%)
170 (29.31%)
170 (29.31%)
632 204 (32.28%)
204 (32.28%)
112 (17.72%)
112 (17.72%)
784 118 (14.29%)
Two-handed 609 251 (41.22%)
179 (29.39%)
179 (29.36%)
666 215 (32.28%)
215 (32.28%)
118 (17.72%)
118 (17.72%)
826 118 (14.29%) 581 239 (41.14%)
171 (29.43%)
171 (29.43%)
636 205 (32.23%)
205 (32.23%)
113 (17.77%)
113 (17.77%)
791 113 (14.29%)
Armor Chest 343 141 (41.11%)
101 (29.45%)
101 (29.45%)
376 121 (32.18%)
121 (32.18%)
67 (17.82%)
67 (17.82%)
496 97 (14.29%) 326 134 (41.10%)
96 (29.45%)
96 (29.45%)
356 115 (32.30%)
115 (32.30%)
63 (17.70%)
63 (17.70%)
441 63 (14.29%)
Legs 228 94 (41.23%)
67 (29.39%)
67 (29.39%)
250 81 (32.40%)
81 (32.40%)
44 (17.60%)
44 (17.60%)
308 44 (14.29%) 218 90 (41.28%)
64 (29.36%)
64 (29.36%)
238 77 (32.35%)
77 (32.35%)
42 (17.65%)
42 (17.65%)
294 42 (14.29%)
Head 153 63 (41.18%)
45 (29.41%)
45 (29.41%)
168 54 (32.14%)
54 (32.14%)
30 (17.86%)
30 (17.86%)
210 30 (14.29%) 146 60 (41.10%)
43 (29.45%)
43 (29.45%)
158 51 (32.28%)
51 (32.28%)
28 (17.72%)
28 (17.72%)
196 28 (14.29%)
Shoulders 115 47 (40.87%)
34 (29.57%)
43 (29.57%)
124 40 (32.26%)
40 (32.26%)
22 (17.74%)
22 (17.74%)
154 22 (14.29%) 109 60 (41.28%)
32 (29.36%)
32 (29.36%)
118 38 (32.20%)
38 (32.20%)
21 (17.80%)
21 (17.80%)
147 21 (14.29%)
Gloves 115 47 (40.87%)
34 (29.57%)
43 (29.57%)
124 40 (32.26%)
40 (32.26%)
22 (17.74%)
22 (17.74%)
154 22 (14.29%) 109 60 (41.28%)
32 (29.36%)
32 (29.36%)
118 38 (32.20%)
38 (32.20%)
21 (17.80%)
21 (17.80%)
147 21 (14.29%)
Boots 115 47 (40.87%)
34 (29.57%)
43 (29.57%)
124 40 (32.26%)
40 (32.26%)
22 (17.74%)
22 (17.74%)
154 22 (14.29%) 109 60 (41.28%)
32 (29.36%)
32 (29.36%)
118 38 (32.20%)
38 (32.20%)
21 (17.80%)
21 (17.80%)
147 21 (14.29%)
Total armor 1069 439 (41.07%)
315 (29.47%)
315 (29.47%)
1166 376 (32.25%)
376 (32.25%)
207 (17.75%)
207 (17.75%)
1449 207 (14.29%) 1017 419 (41.20%)
299 (29.40%)
299 (29.40%)
1106 357 (32.28%)
357 (32.28%)
196 (17.72%)
196 (17.72%)
1372 196 (14.29%)
Trinkets Amulet 373 157 (42.09%)
108 (28.95%)
108 (28.95%)
408 133 (32.60%)
133 (32.60%)
71 (17.40%)
71 (17.40%)
504 72 (14.29%) 290 120 (41.38%)
85 (29.31%)
85 (29.31%)
316 102 (32.28%)
102 (32.28%)
56 (17.72%)
56 (17.72%)
392 56 (14.29%)
Ring (x2) 296 126 (42.57%)
85 (28.72%)
85 (28.72%)
324 106 (32.72%)
106 (32.72%)
56 (17.28%)
56 (17.28%)
399 57 (14.29%) 218 90 (41.28%)
64 (29.36%)
64 (29.36%)
238 77 (32.35%)
77 (32.35%)
42 (17.65%)
42 (17.65%)
294 42 (14.29%)
Accessory (x2) 258 110 (42.64%)
74 (28.68%)
75 (28.68%)
282 92 (32.62%)
92 (32.62%)
49 (17.38%)
49 (17.38%)
350 50 (14.29%) 181 75 (41.44%)
53 (29.38%)
53 (29.38%)
198 64 (32.32%)
64 (32.32%)
35 (17.68%)
35 (17.68%)
245 35 (14.29%)
Back item 143 63 (44.06%)
40 (27.97%)
75 (28.68%)
158 52 (32.91%)
52 (32.91%)
27 (17.09%)
27 (17.09%)
196 28 (14.29%) 72 30 (41.67%)
21 (29.17%)
21 (29.17%)
80 26 (32.50%)
26 (32.50%)
14 (17.50%)
14 (17.50%)
98 14 (14.29%)
Jewel (x6) - - - - - - 55 25 (45.45%)
15 (27.27%)
15 (27.27%)
60 20 (33.33%)
20 (33.33%)
10 (16.67%)
10 (16.67%)
84 12 (14.29%)
Total trinkets 1624 692 (42.61%)
466 (28.69%)
466 (28.69%)
1778 581 (32.68%)
581 (32.68%)
308 (17.32%)
308 (17.32%)
2198 314 (14.29%) 1490 630 (42.28%)
430 (28.86%)
430 (28.86%)
1628 530 (32.56%)
530 (32.56%)
284 (17.44%)
284 (17.44%)
2072 296 (14.29%)
Grand total 3303 1381 (41.81%)
961 (29.09%)
961 (29.09%)
3612 1173 (32.48%)
1173 (32.48%)
633 (17.52%)
633 (17.52%)
4473 639 (14.29%) 3087 1289 (41.76%)
899 (29.12%)
899 (29.12%)
3366 1091 (32.41%)
1091 (32.41%)
592 (17.59%)
592 (17.59%)
4228 604 (14.29%)


Type Difference
3-stat 4-stat 7-stat
Total Distribution Total Distribution Total Distribution
Weapons One-handed (x2) 15 5 (33.33%)
5 (33.33%)
5 (33.33%)
18 6 (33.33%)
6 (33.33%)
3 (16.67%)
3 (16.67%)
21 3 (14.29%)
Two-handed 28 12 (42.86%)
8 (28.57%)
8 (28.57%)
30 10 (33.33%)
10 (33.33%)
5 (16.67%)
5 (16.67%)
35 5 (14.29%)
Armor Chest 17 7 (41.18%)
5 (29.41%)
5 (29.41%)
20 6 (30.00%)
6 (30.00%)
4 (20.00%)
4 (20.00%)
28 4 (14.29%)
Legs 10 4 (40.00%)
3 (30.00%)
3 (30.00%)
12 4 (33.33%)
4 (33.33%)
2 (16.67%)
2 (16.67%)
14 2 (14.29%)
Head 7 3 (42.86%)
2 (28.57%)
2 (28.57%)
10 3 (30.00%)
3 (30.00%)
2 (20.00%)
2 (20.00%)
14 2 (14.29%)
Shoulders 6 2 (33.33%)
2 (33.33%)
2 (33.33%)
6 2 (33.33%)
2 (33.33%)
1 (16.67%)
1 (16.67%)
7 1 (14.29%)
Gloves 6 2 (33.33%)
2 (33.33%)
2 (33.33%)
6 2 (33.33%)
2 (33.33%)
1 (16.67%)
1 (16.67%)
7 1 (14.29%)
Boots 6 2 (33.33%)
2 (33.33%)
2 (33.33%)
6 2 (33.33%)
2 (33.33%)
1 (16.67%)
1 (16.67%)
7 1 (14.29%)
Total armor 52 20 (38.46%)
16 (30.77%)
16 (30.77%)
60 16 (30.77%)
16 (30.77%)
11 (18.33%)
11 (18.33%)
77 11 (14.29%)
Trinkets Amulet 28 12 (42.86%)
8 (28.57%)
8 (28.57%)
32 11 (34.38%)
11 (34.38%)
5 (15.63%)
5 (15.63%)
28 4 (14.29%)
Ring (x2) 23 11 (47.83%)
6 (26.09%)
6 (26.09%)
26 9 (34.62%)
9 (34.62%)
4 (15.38%)
4 (15.38%)
21 3 (14.29%)
Accessory (x2) 22 10 (44.45%)
6 (27.27%)
6 (27.27%)
24 8 (33.33%)
8 (33.33%)
4 (16.67%)
4 (16.67%)
21 3 (14.29%)
Back item 16 8 (50.00%)
4 (25.00%)
4 (25.00%)
18 6 (33.33%)
6 (33.33%)
3 (16.67%)
3 (16.67%)
14 2 (14.29%)
Total trinkets 134 62 (46.27%)
36 (26.87%)
36 (26.87%)
150 51 (34.00)
51 (34.00)
24 (16.00%)
24 (16.00%)
126 18 (14.29%)
Grand total 216 92 (42.69%)
62 (28.70%)
62 (28.70%)
246 82 (33.33%)
82 (33.33%)
41 (16.67%)
41 (16.67%)
245 35 (14.29%)

Weapon strength[edit]

Weapon Ascended Exotic Difference Difference percent
Min Max Average Min Max Average Min Max Average Min Max Average
One-handed Axe 900 1100 1000 857 1048 952.5 43 52 47.5 5.02% 4.96% 4.99%
Dagger 970 1030 1000 924 981 952.5 46 49 47.5 4.98% 4.99% 4.99%
Mace 940 1060 1000 895 1010 952.5 45 50 47.5 5.03% 4.95% 4.99%
Pistol 920 1080 1000 876 1029 952.5 44 51 47.5 5.02% 4.96% 4.99%
Scepter 940 1060 1000 895 1010 952.5 45 50 47.5 5.03% 4.95% 4.99%
Sword 950 1050 1000 905 1000 952.5 45 50 47.5 4.97% 5.00% 4.99%
Off-hand only Focus 873 927 900 832 883 857.5 41 44 42.5 4.93% 4.98% 4.96%
Shield 846 954 900 806 909 857.5 40 45 42.5 4.96% 4.95% 4.96%
Torch 828 972 900 789 926 857.5 39 46 42.5 4.94% 4.97% 4.96%
Warhorn 855 945 900 814 900 857.5 41 45 42.5 5.04% 4.97% 4.96%
Two-handed Greatsword 1045 1155 1100 995 1100 1047.5 50 55 52.5 5.03% 5.00% 5.01%
Hammer 1034 1166 1100 985 1111 1048 49 55 52 4.97% 4.95% 4.96%
Longbow 966 1134 1050 920 1080 1000 46 54 50 5.00% 5.00% 5.00%
Rifle 1035 1265 1150 986 1205 1095.5 49 60 54.5 4.97% 4.98% 4.97%
Short bow 950 1050 1000 905 1000 952.5 49 55 47.5 4.97% 5.00% 4.99%
Staff 1034 1166 1100 985 1111 1048 49 55 52 4.97% 4.95% 4.96%
Aquatic Harpoon gun 950 1050 1000 905 1000 952.5 45 50 47.5 4.97% 5.00% 4.99%
Spear 950 1050 1000 905 1000 952.5 45 50 47.5 4.97% 5.00% 4.99%
Trident 950 1050 1000 905 1000 952.5 45 50 47.5 4.97% 5.00% 4.99%