First Spear Kitur
First Spear Kitur
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Kitur in his Sunspear armor and greatsword. |
“Think of me every time you plunge your weapon into the guts of a Mordant Crescent, eh?
— First Spear Kitur
First Spear Kitur is a member of the Order of the Sunspears who has become slightly unhinged after being imprisoned and tortured by the Mordant Crescent. He used to be the mentor of Spearmarshal Zaeim.
Path of Fire[edit]
After joining the Order of the Sunspears, Kitur served them loyally over the years and rose to the rank of First Spear. He eventually took in an apprentice from Istan, Zaeim, and trained him to become a Sunspear. When Balthazar's Forged army invaded Elona and Palawa Joko's regime imposed stricter laws everywhere in 1330 AE, Zaeim learned of Istan's plight and returned home to aid his people despite Kitur's protests.[1]
Kitur continued to fight and organized a refugee escort through the Desolation with Second Spear Nayrim waiting on the other end. However, the escort was ambushed by the Mordant Crescent, and Kitur fought the ambushers as a distraction, allowing the refugees to flee to safety while being captured himself. He was stripped of his weapons and armor and tossed into the Warehouse in the Vehtendi Academy where he was questioned and tortured by the Mordant Crescent who wished to learn the whereabouts of other surviving Sunspears. The mental and physical torture did not break Kitur, however, although his treatment and lengthy imprisonment did seem to affect his sanity somewhat as he believed his blade Rashee was speaking to him.[2]
After some time had passed, the invasion of Kralkatorrik's Branded caused enough chaos around the academy that allowed Kitur to think of a way to escape. He was helped by the Pact Commander and other adventurers who happened to be in the region and escorted him out of the academy while helping him gather his armor pieces and trusty blade. Following the successful escape, he parted ways with the adventurers while wishing them good fortune. Before leaving the area, however, he learned that the Commander had reeducated the Vehtendi cadets about the real history of the world instead of Joko's altered version of it, and believed that the Commander's actions may have planted the seeds of a new generation of Sunspears to oppose Joko's regime.
Following Balthazar's death at the Commander's hands in the Battle of Kodash Bazaar, Kitur and other Sunspears were drawn to Yahnur Plateau by strange but inspiring visions. They found their way to the Sunspear Sanctuary and met with the conscious remains of Tahlkora, the last Spearmarshal, who revealed that she had summoned them all there to help reunite the scattered order and inspire the people of Elona. The Commander aided the Sunspears and the Spearmarshal's griffons and helped them defend the sanctuary from a Mordant Crescent scouting squad which tried to kill all the Sunspears present after discovering the hideout.
Once the Mordant Crescent had been defeated, the Sunspears finally had a base of operations in the Domain of Vabbi safe from prying eyes of Joko's agents. Their next task would be to learn to trust the griffons and how to fly with them, giving the Sunspears an edge against landbound Awakened forces. Kitur conversed with the Commander during his stay in the sanctuary, explaining what he had been up to and informing the Commander of the great work done at Vehtendi Academy.
Living World Season 4[edit]
In 1331 AE, Kitur and the other Vabbian Sunspears received word about Joko's death in the Battle of Gandara and that every Sunspear's help would be needed to fortify the newest base of the Sunspears, Sun's Refuge, in Jahai Bluffs against the growing threat of Kralkatorrik and its Branded. Tahlkora sent the Vabbian Sunspears to Jahai to aid the Istani Sunspears, and Kitur was reunited with Zaeim who had received Tahlkora's blessing to become her successor as the new Spearmarshal of the Sunspears.[3]
- Domain of Vabbi
- Vehtendi Academy
- Yahnur Plateau
- Sunspear Sanctuary (Only after earning Yasfahr, the Rune of Sacrifice)
- Jahai Bluffs
Story involvement[edit]
Path of Fire story[edit]
- Side Stories: Open Skies
Event involvement[edit]
- At Vehtendi Academy
- I've been trapped down here for...I'm not even sure—keeping track of the time wasn't helping my mental state. What say you help me out?
- Stay back. I'll break down the door.
- verification requested]
- I was looking into the rumors before Kralkatorrik arrived. Is it actually there?
- If I can manage to get out of this little, uh, situation, I'll be sure to head that way. Speaking of which...
- Stay back. I'll break down the door.
- I'll look for a way.
It's not much, but it's there. In the mountains across the Brand.
- Sorry, I have to go.
Are you aware of the Sunspear sanctuary to the east? [ - I'll look for a way.
- At Yahnur Plateau
- Ahai, friend! It's a fine thing to see you again!
- Short trip, really. Only a small army of Branded to knock on the head along the way.
- The Mordant Crescent questioners are dedicated to their craft. Not particularly creative, but persistent. Especially when it comes to the whereabouts of the Sunspears.
- The weaker Sunspears were broken ages ago. The Mordant Crescent aren't imaginative enough to dream up a way to break me. And the scars will look handsome, I think.
- No, no. Bruises heal, friend! And now I've had the pleasure of making your acquaintance—well worth the torture and imprisonment, especially now that I'm hearing of your exploits at the academy.
- Quite a reeducation plan you executed over there with the cadets. Rashee thinks you may have planted the seeds of a new generation of Sunspears. Might be crazy talk, but I think I agree.
- How can I enlighten you, friend?
- I see you've reunited with Nayrim. (Same as below.)
- What are your thoughts on this place? (Same as below.)
- Sorry, I need to be going.
There's something else I wanted to talk about
- Sorry, I need to be going.
How's that?
- Sorry, I need to be going.
No worse for wear then?
- Sorry, I need to be going.
But you didn't break.
- Sorry, I need to be going.
Still recovering from the imprisonment?
- Ah, yes. I suspect her sword would spin a fine tale. She's been through a great deal.
- Little and much. We were master and student, now equals. She's put up with me nearly ten years now.
- When Kralkatorrik arrived, I lead a group of refugees through the Desolation. Nayrim took them north while I went to cut the legs off our pursuers. Those who could still walk threw me in that prison.
- You ask a fine question. Joko's regime was unassailable, but things are changing—for the first time in a very long time, my optimism for Vabbi's future may actually be warranted.
- What would you like to know?
- Still recovering from the imprisonment? (Same as above.)
- What are your thoughts on this place? (Same as below.)
- Sorry, I need to be going.
There's something else I wanted to talk about.
- Sorry, I need to be going.
What's next for you two?
- Sorry, I need to be going.
What happened on your last mission?
- Sorry, I need to be going.
What's the story between you two?
- Sorry, I need to be going.
I see you've reunited with Nayrim.
- Talking to saddled birds while the voice of a long-dead legend rattles around in my head... It's unusual for most people, I suppose.
- spearmarshal?
- Of course! She was one of the heroes of Nightfall, there during the defeat of Abaddon and the ascension of Kormir. As voices in your head go, she's an important one.
- Without question. With a wise voice and the strength of the griffons behind us, we stand a real chance of restoring the Sunspear order and saving Elona.
- What would you like to know?
- Still recovering from the imprisonment? (Same as above.)
- I see you've reunited with Nayrim. (Same as above.)
- Sorry, I need to be going.
There's something else I wanted to talk about.
- Sorry, I need to be going.
So you'll continue working with her?
- Sorry, I need to be going.
Legend? You mean the - Sorry, I need to be going.
What are your thoughts on this place?
- Sorry, I need to be going.
Managed to find your way here, I see.
- Sorry, I need to be going.
- ^ First Spear Hakima
- ^ Dialogue with Kitur and Second Spear Nayrim
- ^ Sun's Refuge ambient dialogue
- ^ Names in Kenya,