User:Lady Elyssa/Builds/Ranger
“Some of the open world builds found here may be outdated and have been left here for reference. Please check my main characters pages for some up-to-date options.
The criteria used for all the open worlds builds is here.
Open World PvE Ranger Group Build[edit]
Longbow / GS / Axe + Axe Boonbeast[edit]
Chat Code:
Provides a good source of Fury and brings Stance Skills to provide Boons to allies.
- Vulture Stance
- Beastmastery: Potent Ally
- Moa Stance
- Pet: Red Moa
- Skirmishing: Furious Grip
- Soulbeast: Live Fast
- Skirmishing: Primal Reflexes
- Greatsword 2: Maul
- Moa Stance
- Axe 3: Winter's Bite
- Soulbeast: Live Fast
- Gazelle Pet: Head Toss
- Gazelle Beastmode: Charge (soulbeast)
- Longbow: Point-Blank Shot
- Axe: Path of Scars
- Greatsword: Hilt Bash
- Skirmishing: Sharpened Edges can be taken for a minor DPS boost.
- Quickening Zephyr provides some additional personal Quickness.
- "Sic 'Em!" can be used to increase damage burst DPS.
- Signet of the Wild provides additional Ferocity.
Open World PvE Ranger Solo Builds[edit]
Power Builds[edit]
Damage is dealt directly and takes effect immediately.
Longbow / GS Ranger[edit]
Gain Might on Crit and based on your targets health, swapping weapons in combat grants Swiftness and Fury. Greatsword also grants Fury which provides an additional +10% Crit Chance and increases Ferocity. Attack from the side or rear for an additional +10% Crit Chance. Successfully evading an attack grants Vigor. Swapping Pets gives you 3sec of Quickness.
- Signet of Renewal can be useful in high condition areas.
- “Sick Em!” gives your pet a damage and movement boost for 10 secs.
Longbow / GS Druid[edit]
- Marksmanship: Clarion Bond can be taken to provide another source of Fury + Might that synergises nicely with a Sword + Warhorn in place of the Greatsword.
Longbow / GS Soulbeast[edit]
- While “We Heal As One!” synergises nicely with Soulbeat: Fresh Reinforcement in high condition areas it can be worth taking Bear Stance and taking Live Fast.
- Marksmanship: Clarion Bond can be taken to provide another source of Fury + Might that synergises nicely with a Sword + Warhorn in place of the Greatsword.
- Marksmanship: Stoneform can provide some extra survivability if needed.
- “Sic Em!” provides a huge damage boost for 10sec.
- Wilderness Survival version that Siphons Health when you Poison Foes.
- Dagger + Axe Wilderness Survival + Beastmastery
Condition Builds[edit]
Deals damage over time.
Shortbow / Axe + Torch Sinister Ranger[edit]
You and your pet have a 33% chance on Crit to cause bleeding. Swapping pets grants Fury and your pets first attack does poison damage. Beast abilities inflict weakness when they hit. Attacks from the side or rear have a +10% to Crit and also improve your Shortbow skills courtesy of Skirmishing: Light on your Feet.
- The Boar and Warthog both provide bleeds and some additional CC.
Shortbow / Axe + Torch Viper Ranger
- Seraph Gear with Dwayna Runes
Shortbow / Sword + Torch Viper Druid[edit]
- Glyph of Rejuvenation can be taken for a more mobile heal.
- Seraph Gear with Dwayna Runes for more Boon Support / Healing.
Plaguedoctor might also be worthy of consideration with Krait Runes for Conditions, Dwayna Runes for Regen or Monk for Healing others.
Shortbow / Dagger + Torch Viper Soulbeast[edit]
- Heal: Bear Stance provides additional Condi Cleanse.
Utility Builds[edit]
Boons / Support / Healing / Condi Cleanse
Longbow / Sword + Warhorn Soulbeast[edit]
- Wilderness Survival gives survival skills reduced recharge and condi cleanse.
- Beastmastery: Potent Ally can be swapped for Resounding Timbre for more Regen.
- Heal: Bear Stance can be taken for its condi cleanse.
- Healing Spring provides a decent heal + regen + water field that you can leap into.
- Sigil of Frenzy - On Kill recharge all skills by 2sec
- Sigil of Rage 50% chance on Crit to gain Quickness (3sec) on a 30sec Cooldown.
These builds are focused around a particular theme and include gear suggestions (where feasible) for those who appreciate the theme and look of their characters over a dry DPS build.
Shortbow / Sword + Dagger Poisoned Thorns of the Viper Sylvari Ranger[edit]
- Bleeding - Lynx, Lashtail Devourer.
- Poison - Carrion Devourer, Whiptail Devourer, Forest Spider.
- Sigil of Venom can be used instead of Consumables.
- Sigil of Blight for stacking additional Poison.
- Soulbeast version using Dagger or Sword in Mainhand
For added flair, use a Sylvari draped in Nightmare Court garb from Twilight Arbor with weapons from:
- Verdant weapons (bright green)
- Daydreamer's weapon skins (green)
- Glittering weapons (multi)
- Dreamthistle weapons (light blue)
- Nightmare weapons (pink/purple)
- Aetherized Nightmare weapons (pale blue)
- Mordrem weapons (greeny/blue)
- Merciless weapons (black/silver)
Dual Axes + Shortbow Male Svanir Shaman of Jormag[edit]
Ice Runes could be swapped to Svanir but Ice felt more in keeping with representing the strength of the Svanir.
- Sigil of Hydromancy for some AoE Chill
- Sigil of Ice Inflicts Chill on Hit
- Druid version
Alpine Wolf
Ice Drake
Jelly Fish - Blue, Rainbow
Polar Bear
Snow Leopard
White Moa
- Corrupted Weapons - These are the corrupted forms of the Norn Shaman's Etched weapons
- Icy Dragon Sword
- Frostforged weapons
Additional Information[edit]
Swiftness / Movement Skills[edit]
- Strength of the Pack.
- Signet of the Hunt 25% movement.
- GS 3: Swoop - Leap.
- Quickening Zephyr - 6sec Superspeed.
- Soulbeast - Dagger 3: Instinctive Edge - Leap.
- Soulbeast - Some pet skills while in Beastmode.
- Blocks (Greatsword)
- Evades (Sword / Off Hand Dagger / Shortbow)
- Vigor (Skirmishing, Primal Reflexes)
- Stealth (Longbow, Pet: Smokescale) see also Skirmishing: Trapper’s Expertise and Trapper Runes.
- Utility: Signet of Stone, Lightning Reflexes
- Marksmanship: Stoneform
Condi Cleanse[edit]
- Utility: Signet of Renewal.
- Elite: Nature’s Renewal.
- Druid: Glyph of Alignment. Celestial Avatar - Seed of Life.
- Traits: Nature Magic - Evasive Purity, Wilderness Survival - Empathic Bond / Wilderness Knowledge (Survival Skills).
- Pet: Brown Bear (Purge Conditions).
Crowd Control[edit]
- 4 - Counterattack
- 5 - Hilt Bash
- 4 - Point Blank Shot
- 5 - Concussion Shot
- 4 - Path of Scars
- Utility Skills
- Spike Trap
- Druid Only - Glyph of Equality, Glyph of Tides
Recommended Pets[edit]
Core |
HoT |
PoF |
EoD |
Note: Boars prove to be of particular interest when it comes to their foraging as they can uncover improvised items that bring additional CC.
Pro Tip You can change target with Sword 2: Hornet Sting to move away from one target and then switch target and Leap back in to the fray with Monarch’s Leap.