Guild Wars 2: Janthir Wilds content

Veteran Mistburned Timber Wolf

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Veteran Mistburned Timber Wolves are Mistburned timber wolves found in Janthir Syntri. They often travel in packs guarded by Mistburned Timber Wolf.



Combat abilities[edit]

  • Random Conditions
  • Leap
  • Bloody Maw — Bites the target, inflicting Bleeding.png2 Bleeding (10s) and either Burning.png Burning (10s), Poisoned.png Poisoned (10s) or Torment.png Torment (10s)
  • Gnashing Teeth — Bites the target, inflictingBurning.png2 Burning (10s).
  • Gnashing TeethLeaps at the target, inflicting Bleeding.png2 Bleeding (10s).
  • Shake — Shakes itself off, creating a field that can apply Burning.png2 Burning (10s), Bleeding.png2 Bleeding (10s), Poisoned.png2 Poisoned (10s), or Torment.png2 Torment (10s).
  • Dodge — Jumps a short distance backwards, gaining Aegis.png Aegis (1s).
  • Speak - Howls, dealing mild damage and causing Vulnerability.png2 Vulnerability(10s) to nearby enemies, with a chance of additionally causing Weakness.png Weakness(10s) and Poisoned.png Poisoned(10s) Nearby allies gain Might.png2 Might(20s)
Stolen skills