Guild Wars 2: Janthir Wilds content

Mistburned Reindeer

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Mistburned Reindeer are Mistburned reindeer found in west Janthir Syntri.



Combat abilities[edit]

  • Gore — Strikes the target with its antlers. Hits twice.
    • Gouge — Slashes at the target with its antlers again.
  • Hoarfrost — Creates three exploding ice shards. This attack may either appear as the reindeer jumping three times and creating each ice shard where it lands, or as it shooting out three spikes of ice that create the exploding ice shards where they land.
  • Overrun — Charges at the target, an ice shockwave forming as it runs that inflicts Chilled.png Chilled (5s) when it strikes the target. Marked by a large orange arrow pointing in the direction the reindeer is facing.
  • Pummel — Repeatedly kicks its legs, hitting the target four times.
Stolen skills
