Decima, the Stormsinger
Decima, the Stormsinger
- Race
- Titan
- Level
- 80
- Rank
- Legendary
- Location
- Stricken Plains
(Janthir Syntri)
“Is that what has my darlings all riled up? A few fleas got into my nest? Well, we can't have that. It's unclean. I'll just have to show them... What do we do when pests sneak into our home? We squash them.
Decima, the Stormsinger is a powerful titan who uses deadly beams in combat. Her spheres of influence are igneous conduits and thunderstorms.[1] Along with Greer, the Blightbringer, she intends to drain the magic of bloodstones located on Janthir Syntri.
- Janthir Syntri
- Stricken Plains (only during related events)
- Mount Balrior
- Stormsinger's Court (only during related events)
Story involvement[edit]
Janthir Wilds story[edit]
Event involvement[edit]
- Stop Decima from draining the bloodstone (80) [Group Event]
Combat abilities[edit]
Story mode: Twice Stricken
- Abilities
- Summons Conduits
- Arcane Beams
- Effects
- Hardened Titan Armor - The titan has hardened its armor, reducing all damage to zero and preventing conditions from applying.
- Skills
- Craghammer - Slams her right arm.
Craghammer - Slams her left arm.
Craghammer - Slams her left arm, inflicting massive damage at the point of impact followed by a shock wave of arcane energy. Damage decreases with distance.
- Earthrend (if enemy far away) - Leaps up and slams the ground, causing shards to erupt from the ground in a circular pattern at distant foes. Launches targets, keeping them down for 3 seconds.
- Fulgent Fluxlance - Charges an arcane beam towards a conduit, inflicting damage to all foes standing on the green arrow. Damage is distributed among all foes standing within. Awakens the conduit if the minimum number of players is not met.
- Fulminating Aura - Overwhelms foes standing underneath her with an aura that inflicts heavy damage and Weakness (9s) every second.
- Lightning Strike (if enemy far away) - Decima strikes with lightning and inflicts Knockdown (2.5s), 1 Vulnerability (2s), and 1 Burning (2s).
- Seismic Crash (if enemy in melee range) - Leaps into the air and stomp the ground.
- Stolen skills
Story mode: Against the Wall
- Abilities
- Summons Conduits
- Arcane Beams
- Effects
- Hardened Titan Armor (at 70% and 50% health) - The titan has hardened its armor, reducing all damage to zero and preventing conditions from applying.
- Skills
- Craghammer - Slams her right arm.
Craghammer - Slams her left arm.
Craghammer - Slams her left arm, inflicting massive damage at the point of impact followed by a shock wave of arcane energy. Damage decreases with distance.
- Earthrend (if enemy far away) - Leaps up and slams the ground, causing shards to erupt from the ground in a circular pattern at distant foes. Launches targets, keeping them down for 3 seconds.
- Fulgent Fluxlance - Charges an arcane beam towards a conduit, inflicting damage to all foes standing on the green arrow. Damage is distributed among all foes standing within. Awakens the conduit if the minimum number of players is not met.
- Fulminating Aura - Overwhelms foes standing underneath her with an aura that inflicts heavy damage and Weakness (9s) every second.
- Lightning Strike (during warclaw phases) - Strikes with lightning and inflicts Knockdown (2.5s), 1 Vulnerability (2s), and 1 Burning (2s).
- Seismic Crash (if enemy in melee range) - Leaps into the air and stomps the ground.
- Stolen skills
Open world: Of Mists and Monsters
- Abilities
- Summons Conduits
- Arcane Beams
- Effects
- Empowered - Each awakened conduit increases Decima's outgoing damage. Stacking intensity.
- Charged - The conduit has become charged after absorbing arcane flux energy from its attacks or an attack form another ally. Conduits can use this charge to empower themselves or their allies to use powerful skills.
- Hardened Titan Armor (at 75% and 25% health) - The titan has hardened its armor, reducing all damage to zero and preventing conditions from applying.
- Flux Shield (at 75% and 25% health) - Prevents all health damage while active. Allows Decima to consume linked conduits to refill her defiance.
- Exposed (when all Flux Shield stacks are down) - Takes additional damage.
- Skills
- Craghammer - Channels a slam that inflicts massive damage upon impact followed by a shock wave of arcane energy.
- Deadly Fluxlance - Charges a deadly arcane beam towards a conduit, inflicting massive damage to all foes standing on the red arrow marked by red X's. Applies Empowered to Decima. 1
- Earthrend - Leaps up and slams the ground, causing shards to erupt from the ground in a circular pattern at a distance. Inflicts heavy damage and Knockdown (?s)
- Flux Nova - Summons a wave of electric energy that deals massive damage if not all Flux Shield were taken down.
- Fulgent Fluxlance - Charges an arcane beam towards a conduit, inflicting massive damage to all foes standing on the green arrow. Damage is distributed among all foes standing within. Awakens the conduit and applies Empowered to Decima if the minimum number of players is not met. 1
- Fulminating Aura - Overwhelms foes standing underneath her with an aura that inflicts heavy damage every second.
- Overcharged Conduit Blast - Releases a blast of energy from an overcharged awakened conduit.
- Seismic Crash -
- Stolen skills
Raid: Mount Balrior[edit]
- Abilities
- Extensive Rock Collection
- Effects
(unlocked at 75% and 40% health)
- Charge - As Decima absorbs sparks, she gains charge. Each stack of charge increases the damage of Thrumming Presence and Decimation. Upon reaching a maximum of 10 charge stacks, Decima will become invulnerable and annihilate everything around her.
- Unstoppable (upon reaching 10 charge stacks) - Decima has gained 10 stacks of charge and is now unstoppable.
- Peal of Discord - Decima will periodically consume stacks of this effect to target a number of nearby enemies with Chorus of Thunder.
- Peal of Harmony - Decima will periodically consumes[sic] stacks of this effect to target a number of conduits with Chorus of Thunder.
- Nova Shield (at 75% and 40% health) - While charging up Flux Nova, Decima is immune to health damage but susceptible to defiance damage.
- Fractured Armor (upon breaking defiance bar) - A section of Decima's armor has cracked, leaving it vulnerable to Flux Nova. Upon completion of Flux Nova, the fractured section of armor is destroyed, stunning and exposing Decima in the process.
- Skills
- Aftershock - Decima summons multiple circular AoEs forming concentric rings around the outer part of the arena during Fluxlance Fusillade that inflict heavy damage.
- Chorus of Thunder - Decima calls out to the storm, which responds with a thundering chorus. This consumes all stacks of Peal of Discord and Peal of Harmony. Each stack of Peal of Discord lets Decima target the closest untargeted player with Chorus of Thunder. Each stack of Peal of Harmony lets Decima target an uncharged conduit near the farthest player. Thunderbolts deal increased damage to secondary targets in their area.
- Decimation - As Decima gains Charge, her fluxlance attacks deal extra damage.
- Discordant Thunder [verification requested] - Decima calls out to the storm, and the storm responds with a thundering chorus. A number of players closest to Decima are targeted with bolts of Discordant Thunder. If a bolt's area of effect strikes a conduit, it gains some charge.
- Earthrend - When Decima leaps, anything she lands on gets squashed like a bug.
Earthrend - Decima causes a large ring-shaped area of ground to erupt with jagged rocks and pyrite. The tremendous force sends enemies sliding toward Decima. Enemies that impact a conduit will take extra damage and ricochet in another direction.
- Fluxlance - Decima fires a single fluxlance beam at an enemy. A conduit struck by the beam gains Charge, but blocks the beam's path, allowing targets to take cover if needed. Makes enemies vulnerable to dancing sparks.
- Fluxlance Fusillade - Decima fires several fluxlance beams at enemies in sequence. Conduits struck by a beam gain charge, but block the beam's path, allowing targets to take cover if needed. Makes enemies vulnerable to dancing sparks.
- Replaces Fluxlance after Decima reaches 75% health.
- Fluxlance Salvo - Decima fires a salvo of fluxlance beams simultaneously. A conduit struck by a beam gains Charge, but blocks the beam's path, allowing targets to take cover if needed. Makes enemies vulnerable to dancing sparks.
- Replaces Fluxlance Fusillade after Decima reaches 40% health.
- Focused Fluxlance - Decima targets a conduit with a focused fluxlance attack. The beam charges the targeted conduit unless the indicated number of players stand in the beam to absorb it. Does not trigger extra damage from Harmonic Sensitivity.
- Foreshock - Decima performs a series of stomp attacks to pulverize her puny opponents.
Mainshock - Decima slams an orb of arcane flux into the ground, causing a cascade of ruptures to form around her. The ground heaves with enough force to shatter bones and cripple her enemies.
- Fracture Armor - Decima's armor fractures, leaving her vulnerable to her own Flux Nova attack. When Flux Nova detonates, Decima will become stunned and exposed.
- Fulgent Fence - Decima periodically links two conduits together with a tether of arcane flux. Enemies entering the beam are damaged and pushed out. Enemies that are shoved into the beam by Decima's attacks are ejected at high speed.
- Fulminate (at 75% and 40% health) - Just before Decima unleashes Flux Nova, she also fulminates all conduits. Conduits with 3 charges damage all enemies, apply exposed, and grant Decima 5 stacks of Peal of Harmony and Peal of Discord. Conduits with 1 or 2 charges damage all enemies.
Flux Nova - Decima gathers a colossal amount of arcane flux into an unstable orb. After several seconds, she detonates this orb to obliterate her enemies. If Decima reaches full charge while channeling this skill, it ends early, and the damage becomes unsurvivable.
Flux Nova - Upon reaching maximum charge, Decima gathers all her arcane flux into an unstable orb. After a few seconds, she detonates it to obliterate her enemies. This version of Flux Nova can trigger any time Decima reaches maximum charge.
- Decima gains Nova Shield, and charges up a skill which heavily damages all enemies. During this time, any dancing sparks that reach her will refresh her defiance bar, while breaking it will grant her Fractured Armor. If she is under the effect of Fractured Armor, finishing this attack will cause her to gain Stun and Exposed for 10 seconds, although this does not stop the damage from this skill.
- Harmonic Sensitivity - Taking damage from a fluxlance attack while under the effects of Harmonic Sensitivity causes extra damage.
- Harmonious Thunder [verification requested] - Decima calls out to the storm, and the storm responds with a thundering chorus. Decima targets a number of conduits with bolts of Harmonious Thunder, granting them each some charge.
- Seismic Crash - When Decima leaps, anything she lands on gets squashed like a bug.
Seismic Crash - Decima slams down, causing the immediate vicinity to erupt with jagged rocks and pyrite. The tremendous force sends enemies sliding away. Dodge rolling will end the slide prematurely. Deals increased damge to close targets. Enemies that impact a conduit will take extra damage and ricochet in another direction.
- Sparking Aura - Conduits with charge periodically release dancing sparks that move toward Decima. Sparks lose some health and stop moving temporarily when enough players are standing in their aura. If a dancing spark reaches Decima, it is absorbed and grants her some charge.
Galvanic Sensitivity - Taking damage from a spark while under the effects of Galvanic Sensitivity causes extra damage.
- Swirling Winds - Channels winds that push enemies either clockwise or counter-clockwise.
- Thrumming Presence - Decima's aura makes your bones resonate with arcane flux. Each time she gains charge, the sensation becomes more painful. Makes enemies more vulnerable to Decima's fluxlance beams.
- Applied to all enemies within the red circle at Decima's feet.
Convergence: Mount Balrior[edit]
- Raid rewards
- Decima's Chest (in the Mount Balrior raid only)
- 2
(doubled with Call of the Mists active) (in the Mount Balrior raid only)
- 200,025 Mount Balrior raid only) (in the
- 10,000
(in the Mount Balrior raid only)
- Gaeting Crystal (15) (in the Mount Balrior raid only)
- Decima's Coffer (in the Mount Balrior raid only)
- Compendium of Knowledge (in the Mount Balrior raid only) (with Call of the Mists active)
- Three of the following:
- Piece of Rare Unidentified Gear
- Chest of Decima's Gloves (in the Mount Balrior raid only)
- Mini Sentient Conduit (in the Mount Balrior raid only)
- Sea-Glass Wave Axe (in the Mount Balrior raid only)
- Sea-Glass Wave Dagger (in the Mount Balrior raid only)
- Sea-Glass Wave Focus (in the Mount Balrior raid only)
- Sea-Glass Wave Greatsword (in the Mount Balrior raid only)
- Sea-Glass Wave Hammer (in the Mount Balrior raid only)
- Sea-Glass Wave Longbow (in the Mount Balrior raid only)
- Sea-Glass Wave Mace (in the Mount Balrior raid only)
- Sea-Glass Wave Pistol (in the Mount Balrior raid only)
- Sea-Glass Wave Rifle (in the Mount Balrior raid only)
- Sea-Glass Wave Scepter (in the Mount Balrior raid only)
- Sea-Glass Wave Shield (in the Mount Balrior raid only)
- Sea-Glass Wave Short Bow (in the Mount Balrior raid only)
- Sea-Glass Wave Spear (in the Mount Balrior raid only)
- Sea-Glass Wave Staff (in the Mount Balrior raid only)
- Sea-Glass Wave Sword (in the Mount Balrior raid only)
- Sea-Glass Wave Torch (in the Mount Balrior raid only)
- Sea-Glass Wave Warhorn (in the Mount Balrior raid only)
Twice Stricken loading screen.
Against the Wall loading screen with Greer, the Blightbringer and Decima.
Key art for Godspawn by Ede László featuring Greer, Decima, and Ura battling the Wayfinder and their allies.
Decima during Convergence: Mount Balrior
- In the raid Decima has 60,165,720 health.
- In the raid Decima has ? armor (1374 toughness and ? defense).
- In the raid Decima has a 750 range diameter hitbox, which is considered large.
- Decima is voiced by Catherine Taber.
- Decima and Greer, the Blightbringer might be a reference to the show Person of Interest, which features the character John Greer and a company Decima Technologies.
- On launch in Mount Balrior Decima initially had 83,288,232 health, and was shadow nerfed to 70,795,000 a few hours later. On the December 10, 2024 update it got further reduced to 60,165,720.
- ^ Raids Return to Guild Wars 2 Next Week!,