User:Ramei Arashi/Characters/Loviisa

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User Ramei Arashi Loviisa1.png

My intuition gives me the insight I need to guard the Mists, where the souls of our ancestors endure in glory. This user's most important quality is that they have the necessary intuition to guard the Mists.
I've had a rival ever since I was young. He's intelligent, treacherous, and cunning. I lost our last fight, but next time we meet, I'll even the score. At a recent celebratory moot held in Hoelbrak, this user got in a fight.
Biography Wolf Spirit.png This user embraces the Spirit of the Wolf.
Guardian This user is a Guardian.

(Loviisa was created February 02, 2013)

Loviisa is Finnish for "famous warrior".

Loviisa's Story:


The Great Hunt

Chapter 1: Rising to the Challenge:

A Pup's Illness

Through the Veil

Raven's Revered

Into the Mists

The Wolf Havroun

Chapter 2: Things Best Left Behind:

A New Challenger

First Attack

The Semifinals

The Championship Fight

Chapter 3: Brawn over Brains

Dredge Technology

☐ undecided at this time

☐ undecided at this time

☐ undecided at this time

Sever the Head

Chapter 4: To Know the Unknown

Stealing Secrets

Down the Hatch

☐ undecided at this time

An Apple a Day

Chapter 5: A Friend In Deed

Champion's Sacrifice

☐ undecided at this time

Unholy Grounds

Chapter 6: This Far, No Further

Suspicious Activity

The Battle of Claw Island


☐ undecided at this time

A Light in the Darkness

Critical Blowback


Chapter 7: The Cost of Victory

Forging the Pact

☐ undecided at this time

☐ undecided at this time

☐ undecided at this time

The Battle of Fort Trinity

☐ undecided at this time

Chapter 8: Savior of Tyria

Temple of the Forgotten God

☐ undecided at this time

What the Eye Beholds

☐ undecided at this time

☐ undecided at this time

Further into Orr

☐ undecided at this time

☐ undecided at this time

☐ undecided at this time

Against the Corruption

☐ undecided at this time

The Source of Orr

Victory or Death

Appendix: Reuniting Destiny's Edge

Ascalonian Catacombs

Caudecus's Manor

Twilight Arbor

Sorrow's Embrace

Citadel of Flame

Honor of the Waves

Crucible of Eternity


Loviisa's theme song

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