Guild Wars 2: Janthir Wilds content


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Confidential is a note that can be found inside Guild Initiative Headquarters during the story instance Prologue: The Tyrian Alliance.

Story involvement[edit]

Janthir Wilds story[edit]




Been a long time, my dear. I really hope that smile of yours is as blinding as I remember. The queen sends you and Leonie her best.

While I wish I wrote on mundane terms, we have another favor to ask of you. On behalf of Her Majesty the Queen and the founding members of the Tyrian Alliance, we'd like to formally request use of your organization's headquarters for our forthcoming summit. I think you can guess the details, especially after the demon attacks.

Given our members' importance, we're seeking an establishment located in neutral territory to hold our inaugural meet. You know better than most how fragile trust can be when the negotiation table has a dagger sticking out of it, but despite the circumstances, the air is quite temperate this time. No daggers, either.

The first summit could be tense, but I can assure you that the building will withstand the event just fine. Maybe I jumped the fence a little quickly, but I've already spoken to Magnus about securing the Lionguard in anticipation. They'll be stationed outside at all times, which should be far less daunting to the locals than eighty guardsmen from twelve different standing armies. The city's security will be heightened that day, just to be safe.

We've come a long way since the treaties, Dougal. I'm not known to daydream, but I wouldn't let Her Majesty hold council with a room full of ulterior motives and competing personalities if I didn't think the risk was worth the reward. I've woken up too many mornings dreading news of more death and destruction. I'm tired of it. Thankfully, everyone else is, too.

When Cre— The paragraph swirls before your eyes, dispersing like dye in water. Must be some sort of mesmer illusion. Whatever it says, this last part is for Dougal's eyes only.

I look forward to a prompt and positive response.

Countess Anise

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