Cathedral of Zephyrs (meta event)

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Cathedral of Zephyrs

Malchor's Leap
(Ruins of Orr)
Event type
Meta event
Total events

Cathedral of Zephyrs is a meta event that takes place in Malchor's Leap. Upon completion, you can access Historian Vermoth, an exotic karma merchant.

Dynamic events[edit]

Initial events
Escorting Malchor
  • Only Malchor the sculptor can break the protection around the strange Dwayna statue at the Altar of Tempests.
  • The seal on the statue of Dwayna must be broken.
  • The Pact has control of Dwayna's cathedral, and Zhaitan's control over Dwayna statues throughout Orr has been disabled.
Defense events

A risen quaggan lieutenant will attempt to recapture the Cathedral after 1:30 to 2:00 hours since it was first captured.

  • Event boss (tango icon).png [Group Event] Protect the Cathedral of Zephyrs (79) (risen quaggan)
    • Failure:
      • Failing the defense event resets the entire event chain after 5 minutes.
    • Success:
      • If this first defense succeeds, the risen will attempt to recapture the Cathedral every 1:00 to 1:30 hours until they succeed, alternating between attacks from a quaggan risen lieutenant and from a risen priestess of Dwayna and her risen minions.

Related achievements[edit]


  • It is common to let the defense events fail due to the difference in rewards between them and the final event of the meta event.