Veteran Jungle Tendril

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Disambig icon.png This article is about the generic creature. For the unique variant found in Iron Marches, see Veteran Jungle Tendril (Veteran Mordrem Gravelash). For the Void variant, see Veteran Jungle Tendril (Void).

Veteran Jungle Tendrils are vine-like Mordrem creatures.


Maguuma Jungle
Maguuma Wastes

Event involvement[edit]

Event swords 2 (map icon).png Eastern Entanglement (26)
Event swords 2 (map icon).png Northern Entanglement (26)
Event cog (tango icon).png Rescue the captured workers (58) (only when upscaled)
Event swords (tango icon).png Clear the jungle tendril and its roots (80)
Event boss (tango icon).png Clear Prosperity of jungle tendrils and Mordrem (80)
Event collect (tango icon).png Help Solus collect plant material for his oil processors (80) (only when upscaled)

Combat abilities[edit]

  • Poison Whip - Ranged auto-attack that throw 6 arcing, unreflectable projectiles toward an enemy's location. Each projectile explodes on impact in an area and inflicts Poisoned.png1 Poisoned (10s). 1 second cast time. 4 second recharge. 1800 range. 100 radius.
  • Quick Strike - Melee auto-attack that inflicts Bleeding.png1 Bleeding (5s). 1 second cast time. 4 second recharge. 130 range.
  • Whirl - Point-blank area of effect attack that occurs after a brief delay, inflicting Knockback.png Knockback (2s) and Bleeding.png1 Bleeding (5s). 10 second recharge. 240 range.
Stolen skills


Name Type Rarity Quantity Creature level
Small Fang.png Small Fang Crafting material Fine 1 25-27
Sharp Fang.png Sharp Fang Crafting material Fine 1 58
Large Fang.png Large Fang Crafting material Fine 1 80
Vicious Fang.png Vicious Fang Crafting material Rare 1 80
Small Venom Sac.png Small Venom Sac Crafting material Fine 1 25-27
Full Venom Sac.png Full Venom Sac Crafting material Fine 1 58
Potent Venom Sac.png Potent Venom Sac Crafting material Fine 1 80
Powerful Venom Sac.png Powerful Venom Sac Crafting material Rare 1 80
Barb.png Barb Trophy Junk 1-2 25-27,58
Spike.png Spike Trophy Junk 1-2 80
Glob of Globby Goop.png Glob of Globby Goop Trophy Junk 1-2 25-27,58
Glob of Globby Gloop.png Glob of Globby Gloop Trophy Junk 1-2 80
Zephyrite Lockpick.png Zephyrite Lockpick
(only drops in Dry Top)
Service Rare 1 80
Destroyed Matrix Cube Key.png Bandit Skeleton Key
(only drops in The Silverwastes)
Service Rare 1 80
Silverwastes Shovel.png Silverwastes Shovel
(only drops in The Silverwastes)
Consumable Basic 1 80
Fresh Plant Material.png Fresh Plant Material
(only drops if the Help Solus collect plant material for his oil processors event is active)
(only drops in Sharp Valley)
Trophy, Event item Basic 1-3 80