Pavilion Disciple (Master Huntsman)

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Disambig icon.png This article is about the Master Huntsman. For other services, see Pavilion Disciple.
Master Huntsman.png

Pavilion Disciple

Shopkeeper (merchant).jpg

(This NPC's appearance may change randomly.)

Thousand Seas Pavilion
Master huntsman

Interactive map

The Pavilion Disciple is a master huntsman found at the Thousand Seas Pavilion.



Items offered[edit]

Click here to edit this table


Item Type Rarity Cost
Recipe sheet exotic shield.png Recipe: Mystic Mote
(Requires the recipe not already unlocked.)
Recipe sheet Exotic 25 Pile of Lucent Crystal + 35,000 Karma
Crafter's Backpack Frame.png Crafter's Backpack Frame Crafting material Basic Copper coin
Lump of Tin.png Lump of Tin (10) Crafting material Basic 80 Copper coin
Lump of Coal.png Lump of Coal (10) Crafting material Basic Silver coin 60 Copper coin
Lump of Coal.png Lump of Primordium (10) Crafting material Basic Silver coin 80 Copper coin
Jug of Water.png Jug of Water (10) Crafting material Basic 80 Copper coin
Thermocatalytic Reagent.png Thermocatalytic Reagent (10) Crafting material Ascended 14 Silver coin 96 Copper coin
Hydrocatalytic Reagent.png Hydrocatalytic Reagent (10) Crafting material Ascended 50 Research Note

Kits and tools[edit]

Item Type Rarity Level Cost
Crude Salvage Kit.png Crude Salvage Kit Salvage kit Basic 32 Copper coin
Basic Salvage Kit.png Basic Salvage Kit Salvage kit Basic 88 Copper coin
Fine Salvage Kit.png Fine Salvage Kit Salvage kit Fine Silver coin 88 Copper coin
Journeyman's Salvage Kit.png Journeyman's Salvage Kit Salvage kit Masterwork Silver coin
Master's Salvage Kit.png Master's Salvage Kit Salvage kit Rare 15 Silver coin 36 Copper coin
Orichalcum Harvesting Sickle.png Copper Harvesting Sickle Harvesting sickle Basic 24 Copper coin
Orichalcum Logging Axe.png Copper Logging Axe Logging axe Basic 24 Copper coin
Orichalcum Mining Pick.png Copper Mining Pick Mining pick Basic 24 Copper coin
Orichalcum Harvesting Sickle.png Iron Harvesting Sickle Harvesting sickle Basic 10 56 Copper coin
Orichalcum Logging Axe.png Iron Logging Axe Logging axe Basic 10 56 Copper coin
Orichalcum Mining Pick.png Iron Mining Pick Mining pick Basic 10 56 Copper coin
Orichalcum Harvesting Sickle.png Steel Harvesting Sickle Harvesting sickle Basic 20 88 Copper coin
Orichalcum Logging Axe.png Steel Logging Axe Logging axe Basic 20 88 Copper coin
Orichalcum Mining Pick.png Steel Mining Pick Mining pick Basic 20 88 Copper coin
Orichalcum Harvesting Sickle.png Darksteel Harvesting Sickle Harvesting sickle Basic 30 Silver coin 20 Copper coin
Orichalcum Logging Axe.png Darksteel Logging Axe Logging axe Basic 30 Silver coin 20 Copper coin
Orichalcum Mining Pick.png Darksteel Mining Pick Mining pick Basic 30 Silver coin 20 Copper coin
Orichalcum Harvesting Sickle.png Mithril Harvesting Sickle Harvesting sickle Basic 45 Silver coin 60 Copper coin
Orichalcum Logging Axe.png Mithril Logging Axe Logging axe Basic 45 Silver coin 60 Copper coin
Orichalcum Mining Pick.png Mithril Mining Pick Mining pick Basic 45 Silver coin 60 Copper coin
Orichalcum Harvesting Sickle.png Orichalcum Harvesting Sickle Harvesting sickle Fine 60 Silver coin
Orichalcum Logging Axe.png Orichalcum Logging Axe Logging axe Fine 60 Silver coin
Orichalcum Mining Pick.png Orichalcum Mining Pick Mining pick Fine 60 Silver coin

Ascended recipes[edit]

Item Type Rarity Cost
Ascended recipe sheet.png Recipe: Ascended Longbow Container Ascended Laurel + Gold coin
Ascended recipe sheet.png Recipe: Ascended Pistol Container Ascended Laurel + Gold coin
Ascended recipe sheet.png Recipe: Ascended Rifle Container Ascended Laurel + Gold coin
Ascended recipe sheet.png Recipe: Ascended Short Bow Container Ascended Laurel + Gold coin
Ascended recipe sheet.png Recipe: Ascended Harpoon Gun Container Ascended Laurel + Gold coin
Ascended recipe sheet.png Recipe: Ascended Torch Container Ascended Laurel + Gold coin
Ascended recipe sheet.png Recipe: Ascended Warhorn Container Ascended Laurel + Gold coin

Weapon upgrades[edit]

Item Type Rarity Cost
Recipe sheet masterwork feast utility.png Recipe: Bountiful Maintenance Oil Station Recipe sheet Masterwork 250 Research Note + 10 Gold coin
Recipe sheet masterwork feast utility.png Recipe: Magnanimous Maintenance Oil Station Recipe sheet Masterwork 250 Research Note + 10 Gold coin
Recipe sheet masterwork feast utility.png Recipe: Karka Toughness Station Recipe sheet Masterwork 250 Research Note + 10 Gold coin
Recipe sheet masterwork consumable 1.png Recipe: Enhanced Lucent Oil Recipe sheet Masterwork 50 Pile of Lucent Crystal
Recipe sheet masterwork consumable 1.png Recipe: Potent Lucent Oil Recipe sheet Masterwork 50 Pile of Lucent Crystal
Recipe sheet superior sigil.png Recipe: Sigil of Accuracy Recipe sheet Exotic Symbol of Enhancement
Recipe sheet superior sigil.png Recipe: Sigil of Agony Recipe sheet Exotic Symbol of Enhancement
Recipe sheet superior sigil.png Recipe: Sigil of Battle Recipe sheet Exotic Symbol of Control
Recipe sheet superior sigil.png Recipe: Sigil of Blood Recipe sheet Exotic Symbol of Control
Recipe sheet superior sigil.png Recipe: Sigil of Bloodlust Recipe sheet Exotic Symbol of Enhancement
Recipe sheet superior sigil.png Recipe: Sigil of Chilling Recipe sheet Exotic Symbol of Enhancement
Recipe sheet superior sigil.png Recipe: Sigil of Corruption Recipe sheet Exotic Symbol of Enhancement
Recipe sheet superior sigil.png Recipe: Sigil of Debility Recipe sheet Exotic Symbol of Control
Recipe sheet superior sigil.png Recipe: Sigil of Demons Recipe sheet Exotic Symbol of Pain
Recipe sheet superior sigil.png Recipe: Sigil of Energy Recipe sheet Exotic Symbol of Control
Recipe sheet superior sigil.png Recipe: Sigil of Force Recipe sheet Exotic Symbol of Enhancement
Recipe sheet superior sigil.png Recipe: Sigil of Geomancy Recipe sheet Exotic Symbol of Pain
Recipe sheet superior sigil.png Recipe: Sigil of Hobbling Recipe sheet Exotic Symbol of Enhancement
Recipe sheet superior sigil.png Recipe: Sigil of Hydromancy Recipe sheet Exotic Symbol of Control
Recipe sheet superior sigil.png Recipe: Sigil of Intelligence Recipe sheet Exotic Symbol of Enhancement
Recipe sheet superior sigil.png Recipe: Sigil of Leeching Recipe sheet Exotic Symbol of Enhancement
Recipe sheet superior sigil.png Recipe: Sigil of Life Recipe sheet Exotic Symbol of Enhancement
Recipe sheet superior sigil.png Recipe: Sigil of Nullification Recipe sheet Exotic Symbol of Control
Recipe sheet superior sigil.png Recipe: Sigil of Perception Recipe sheet Exotic Symbol of Enhancement
Recipe sheet superior sigil.png Recipe: Sigil of Peril Recipe sheet Exotic Symbol of Enhancement
Recipe sheet superior sigil.png Recipe: Sigil of Purity Recipe sheet Exotic Symbol of Enhancement
Recipe sheet superior sigil.png Recipe: Sigil of Rage Recipe sheet Exotic Symbol of Enhancement
Recipe sheet superior sigil.png Recipe: Sigil of Restoration Recipe sheet Exotic Symbol of Control
Recipe sheet superior sigil.png Recipe: Sigil of Smoldering Recipe sheet Exotic Symbol of Enhancement
Recipe sheet superior sigil.png Recipe: Sigil of Stamina Recipe sheet Exotic Symbol of Control
Recipe sheet superior sigil.png Recipe: Sigil of Venom Recipe sheet Exotic Symbol of Enhancement


Item Type Rarity Cost
Recipe sheet rare inscription.png Recipe: Ravaging Iron Imbued Inscription Recipe sheet Rare 350 Karma
Recipe sheet rare inscription.png Recipe: Rejuvenating Iron Imbued Inscription Recipe sheet Rare 350 Karma
Recipe sheet rare inscription.png Recipe: Honed Iron Imbued Inscription Recipe sheet Rare 350 Karma
Recipe sheet rare inscription.png Recipe: Hunter's Iron Imbued Inscription Recipe sheet Rare 350 Karma
Recipe sheet rare inscription.png Recipe: Strong Iron Imbued Inscription Recipe sheet Rare 350 Karma
Recipe sheet rare inscription.png Recipe: Vigorous Iron Imbued Inscription Recipe sheet Rare 350 Karma
Recipe sheet rare inscription.png Recipe: Hearty Iron Imbued Inscription Recipe sheet Rare 350 Karma
Recipe sheet rare inscription.png Recipe: Ravaging Steel Imbued Inscription Recipe sheet Rare 455 Karma
Recipe sheet rare inscription.png Recipe: Rejuvenating Steel Imbued Inscription Recipe sheet Rare 455 Karma
Recipe sheet rare inscription.png Recipe: Honed Steel Imbued Inscription Recipe sheet Rare 455 Karma
Recipe sheet rare inscription.png Recipe: Hunter's Steel Imbued Inscription Recipe sheet Rare 455 Karma
Recipe sheet rare inscription.png Recipe: Strong Steel Imbued Inscription Recipe sheet Rare 455 Karma
Recipe sheet rare inscription.png Recipe: Vigorous Steel Imbued Inscription Recipe sheet Rare 455 Karma
Recipe sheet rare inscription.png Recipe: Hearty Steel Imbued Inscription Recipe sheet Rare 455 Karma
Recipe sheet rare inscription.png Recipe: Carrion Darksteel Imbued Inscription Recipe sheet Rare 567 Karma
Recipe sheet rare inscription.png Recipe: Cleric's Darksteel Imbued Inscription Recipe sheet Rare 567 Karma
Recipe sheet rare inscription.png Recipe: Assassin's Darksteel Imbued Inscription Recipe sheet Rare 567 Karma
Recipe sheet rare inscription.png Recipe: Berserker's Darksteel Imbued Inscription Recipe sheet Rare 567 Karma
Recipe sheet rare inscription.png Recipe: Valkyrie Darksteel Imbued Inscription Recipe sheet Rare 567 Karma
Recipe sheet rare inscription.png Recipe: Rampager's Darksteel Imbued Inscription Recipe sheet Rare 567 Karma
Recipe sheet rare inscription.png Recipe: Knight's Darksteel Imbued Inscription Recipe sheet Rare 567 Karma
Recipe sheet rare inscription.png Recipe: Carrion Mithril Imbued Inscription Recipe sheet Rare 672 Karma
Recipe sheet rare inscription.png Recipe: Cleric's Mithril Imbued Inscription Recipe sheet Rare 672 Karma
Recipe sheet rare inscription.png Recipe: Assassin's Mithril Imbued Inscription Recipe sheet Rare 672 Karma
Recipe sheet rare inscription.png Recipe: Berserker's Mithril Imbued Inscription Recipe sheet Rare 672 Karma
Recipe sheet rare inscription.png Recipe: Valkyrie Mithril Imbued Inscription Recipe sheet Rare 672 Karma
Recipe sheet rare inscription.png Recipe: Rampager's Mithril Imbued Inscription Recipe sheet Rare 672 Karma
Recipe sheet rare inscription.png Recipe: Knight's Mithril Imbued Inscription Recipe sheet Rare 672 Karma
Recipe sheet exotic inscription.png Recipe: Carrion Orichalcum Imbued Inscription Recipe sheet Exotic 896 Karma
Recipe sheet exotic inscription.png Recipe: Cleric's Orichalcum Imbued Inscription Recipe sheet Exotic 896 Karma
Recipe sheet exotic inscription.png Recipe: Assassin's Orichalcum Imbued Inscription Recipe sheet Exotic 896 Karma
Recipe sheet exotic inscription.png Recipe: Berserker's Orichalcum Imbued Inscription Recipe sheet Exotic 896 Karma
Recipe sheet exotic inscription.png Recipe: Valkyrie Orichalcum Imbued Inscription Recipe sheet Exotic 896 Karma
Recipe sheet exotic inscription.png Recipe: Rampager's Orichalcum Imbued Inscription Recipe sheet Exotic 896 Karma
Recipe sheet exotic inscription.png Recipe: Knight's Orichalcum Imbued Inscription Recipe sheet Exotic 896 Karma
Recipe sheet exotic inscription.png Recipe: Crusader Orichalcum Imbued Inscription Recipe sheet Exotic 896 Karma
Recipe sheet exotic inscription.png Recipe: Marauder Orichalcum Imbued Inscription Recipe sheet Exotic 924 Karma
Ascended recipe sheet.png Recipe: Ascended Inscription Container Ascended 21,000 Karma
Recipe sheet ascended inscription.png Recipe: Giftbringer's Inscription
(Requires the festival Wintersday.)
Recipe sheet Ascended 250 Snowflake + 21,000 Karma
Recipe sheet ascended inscription.png Recipe: Tixx's Giver's Inscription
(Requires the festival Wintersday.)
Recipe sheet Ascended 250 Snowflake + 21,000 Karma


(If player is not a huntsman)
I can train you to be a huntsman and make superior weapons like guns, bows, warhorns and torches.
Talk give option tango.png Please teach me to be a huntsman.
Talk merchant tango.png I need huntsman supplies.
Talk more option tango.png What can I craft as a huntsman?
Harpoon guns, longbows, shortbows, pistols, rifles, torches, warhorns and sigils.
Talk give option tango.png Please teach me to be a huntsman.
Talk end option tango.png Sounds interesting.
Talk end option tango.png I'd like to hear about those adventures...some other time.
(If character already has two disciplines)
You already have the maximum active disciplines, so you'll need to deactivate one first. You won't lose your progress, but reactivating it will cost more than learning a new discipline.
Talk merchant tango.png I'd like to purchase an additional crafting license.
Talk give option tango.png I'll deactivate <first discipline> and become a huntsman.
Talk give option tango.png I'll deactivate <second discipline> and become a huntsman.
Talk end option tango.png Never mind. I'm not ready to become a huntsman.
(If player is already a huntsman)
Hello friend. A fine time for hunting. Are your weapons ready?
(If on of the second parts of a Legendary collection is unlocked)
Talk more option tango.png I am working on crafting <Legendary Weapon>.
I'm happy to help you hone your craft in pursuit of this. Here is what you have left to work on!
(For a 1st Gen Legendary Weapon)
Talk more option tango.png Basic <Mithril/Elder> <Weapon Type> Requisition
(For a 2nd Gen Legendary Weapon)
Talk more option tango.png Basic <Weapon Type> Requisition
Before I agree to teach you how to make superior <Weapon Type>, I need to fill an order for Basic <Mithril/Elder> <Weapon Type>s for the war front. Bring me 250 of them, and I'll train you up right!
(Only if you have 250 Basic <Mithril/Elder> <Weapon Type> in your inventory.)
Talk give option tango.png I have 250 Basic <Mithril/Elder> <Weapon Type>s.
These will make a big difference! I'd gladly train you in the arts in the arts of <Weapon Type> crafting, but you'll need to show me your skill level first. (Grants "Basic <Weapon Type> Requisition" for 2nd Gen Legendary Weapons or "Basic <Mithril/Elder> <Weapon Type>" for 1st Gen Legendary Weapons)
Talk more option tango.png How do I prove my <Weapon Type> <part> skills to you?
(If working on a weapon which requires metal)
Let's see where your skill level is at first. Bring me <5/10> each of the following <Weapon Type> <part>s: Bronze, Iron, Darksteel, Mithril, Orichalcum, and <1/5>* of Deldrimor Steel. *(5/1 for 1st Gen, 10/5 for 2nd Gen)
(If working on a weapon which requires wood)
Let's see where your skill level is at first. Bring me <5/10> each of the following <Weapon Type> <part>s:Green, Soft, Seasoned, Hard, Elder, Ancient, and <1/5>* of Spiritwood. *(5/1 for 1st Gen, 10/5 for 2nd Gen)
(If you have the entire order in inventory.)
Talk give option tango.png I have all the <Weapon Type> <part>s you asked for.
These <Weapon Type> <part>s will do. Are you ready to learn how to craft a <Superior/Precise/Weighted> <Weapon Type> <part>? (Grants The Art of <Craft>: <Weapon Type> <part> Edition Vol. 2 for 2nd Gen or The Art of <Craft>: <Weapon Type> <part> Edition for 1st Gen)
Talk more option tango.png Teach me to craft a <Superior/Precise/Weighted> <Weapon Type> <part>!
A <Superior/Precise/Weighted> <Weapon Type> <part> recipe has been unlocked for Huntsman. You will need to be a Grandmaster Huntsman to craft it. (Unlocks needed recipe)
Talk more option tango.png Show me what else I need to do.
Talk end option tango.png Thank you for all your help.
(If you do not have the entire order in inventory.)
Talk end option tango.png I'll work on that!
Talk more option tango.png How do I prove my <Weapon Type> <second part> skills to you?
(If working on a weapon which requires metal)
Let's see where your skill level is at first. Bring me <5/10> each of the following <Weapon Type> <second part>s: Bronze, Iron, Darksteel, Mithril, Orichalcum, and <1/5>* of Deldrimor Steel. *(5/1 for 1st Gen, 10/5 for 2nd Gen)
(If working on a weapon which requires wood)
Let's see where your skill level is at first. Bring me <5/10> each of the following <Weapon Type> <second part>s:Green, Soft, Seasoned, Hard, Elder, Ancient, and <1/5>* of Spiritwood. *(5/1 for 1st Gen, 10/5 for 2nd Gen)
(If you have the entire order in inventory.)
Talk give option tango.png I have all the <Weapon Type> <second part>s you asked for.
These <Weapon Type> <second part>s will do. Are you ready to learn how to craft a <Imbued/Balanced/Mechanical> <Weapon Type> <part>? (Grants The Art of <Craft>:<Weapon Type> <second part> Edition Vol. 2 for 2nd Gen Legendary Weapons or "Basic <Mithril/Elder> <Weapon Type>" for 1st Gen Legendary Weapons)
Talk more option tango.png Teach me to craft a <Imbued/Balanced/Mechanical> <Weapon Type> <part>!
A <Imbued/Balanced/Mechanical> <Weapon Type> <second part> recipe has been unlocked for Huntsman. You will need to be a Grandmaster Huntsman to craft it. (Unlocks needed recipe)
Talk more option tango.png Show me what else I need to do.
Talk end option tango.png Thank you for all your help.
(If you do not have the entire order in inventory.)
Talk end option tango.png I'll work on that!
Talk more option tango.png Show me what else I need to do.
Talk more option tango.png I'm happy to help. Is making a Basic <Mithril/Elder> <Weapon Type> as easy as it sounds?
A recipe to craft Basic <Mithril/Elder> <Weapon Type>s has been unlocked for Huntsman. You will need to be an Adept Huntsman to craft it[sic]. (Unlocks needed recip)
Talk more option tango.png Show me what else I need to do.
Talk end option tango.png Thank you for all your help.
Talk more option tango.png Improve my <Weapon Type> <part> crafting. (After earning Basic/Basic<Elder/Mithril> Weapon Requisition.)
Talk more option tango.png Improve my <Weapon Type> <second part> crafting. (After earning Basic/Basic<Elder/Mithril> Requisition.)
Talk more option tango.png I forgot how to craft a <Superior/Precise/Weighted> <Weapon Type> <part>. (Only after learning recipe and before making one.)
Talk more option tango.png I forgot how to craft a <Imbued/Balanced/Mechanical> <Weapon Type> <second part>. (Only after learning the recipe and before making one.)
Talk more option tango.png <Superior/Precise/Weighted> <Weapon Type> <part> forging tools.
A recipe to craft <Superior/Precise/Weighted> <Weapon Type> <part> has been unlocked for Huntsman. You will need to be a Grandmaster Huntsman to craft them. (Unlocks needed recipe)
Talk more option tango.png Show me what else I need to do.
Talk end option tango.png Thank you for all your help.
Talk end option tango.png Thank you for all your help.
(If you have finished all of the Master Huntsman's tasks)
That's all I can help you with. From here on, it's up to you.
Talk end option tango.png Thank you for all your help.
Talk more option tango.png I have some questions about the huntsman craft.
Absolutely. Ask away.
Talk more option tango.png How do I craft weapons?
To craft your hunting weapons, you'll need to pair two components with an inscription at the huntsman's station.
Talk back option tango.png Can I ask you something else?
Talk end option tango.png Thank you.
Talk more option tango.png Where can I find the materials I need for my weapons?
You can buy materials from me, from the trading post, or gather them from resource nodes all over the world.
Talk back option tango.png Can I ask you something else?
Talk merchant tango.png I need huntsman supplies.
Talk end option tango.png Thank you.
Talk more option tango.png How can I learn new recipes?
Experiment with components in the Discovery Pane at the huntsman' station to learn new recipes.
Talk back option tango.png Can I ask you something else?
Talk end option tango.png Thank you.
Talk more option tango.png What can you tell me about sigils?
Sigils add special capabilities to your hunting weapons.
Talk back option tango.png Can I ask you something else?
Talk end option tango.png Thank you.
Talk end option tango.png Thanks for your time.
Talk end option tango.png Almost. I'll see you again soon.