Answer lore questions to draw out a challenger from the legions for a duel

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Answer lore questions to draw out a challenger from the legions for a duel

Tela Range
(Plains of Ashford)
Event type
Event fist (tango icon).png Dynamic event
Interactive map

Interactive map

Answer lore questions to draw out a challenger from the legions for a duel is a level 2 dynamic event that occurs in Tela Range.

Throughout the event there are three examiners per legion which ask lore related questions about their legion. Most questions can be easily deduced or are known through general gameplay.

Failing a question has no negative consequence on the event progression. A player must complete an examiner's questions in order to progress the event bar.


  • Challenger emerges:
  • Event bar.jpg
  • Ash questions answered: x
  • Blood questions answered: x
  • Iron questions answered: x
  • An <legion> challenger emerges!
  • <legion> Legion Challenger
    Event bar.jpg


Reward tier Experience Karma Coin
Gold 515 Experience.png 27 Karma Copper coin
Silver 438 Experience.png 23 Karma Copper coin
Bronze 386 Experience.png 21 Karma Copper coin
These are the expected rewards for a level 2 player. Higher level players receive dynamically adjusted rewards.





Bold indicates a correct answer.
During the event
Ash Legion [Lore]: Just a warning: say the wrong things about the Ash Legion, even as a whisper, and you won't be here long. I'd rather not have to clean up the mess, so let's see what you know.
Talk more option tango.png Try me.
When you strike from the shadows, you have to know your target. What do you want to be tested on?
Talk more option tango.png Legion iconography.
What is the emblem of the Ash Legion?
Talk more option tango.png A black sun.
Talk more option tango.png Cloak and dagger.
Talk more option tango.png A dead body.
Talk more option tango.png The leaders of the legions.
Who is the Imperator of the Ash Legion?
Talk more option tango.png Bangar Ruinbringer.
Talk more option tango.png Malice Swordshadow.
She hasn't been the Ash Imperator for long, but she's already begun to make her mark. If you know what to look for, that is.
Talk more option tango.png Subtlety is to be expected.
Talk more option tango.png Smodur the Unflinching.
Talk more option tango.png Combat strategy.
Blood Legion [Lore]: To know the Blood Legion is to know greatness. What do you know of the Blood Legion?
Talk more option tango.png Just ask.
When you're on the front line, a little knowledge can be the diference betwee life and death. Pick a topic and I'll test your mettle.
Talk more option tango.png Battlefield identification.
What are the colors of the Blood Legion?
Talk more option tango.png Taupe and fuchsia.
Not even close.
Talk more option tango.png I was just testing you. And you passed. Next question.
Talk more option tango.png Red and silver.
That's right. The blood of our enemies and the shine of our blades.
Talk more option tango.png It's a good look. Give me another topic.
Talk more option tango.png Gold and maroon.
Not even close.
Talk more option tango.png I was just testing you. And you passed. Next question.
Talk more option tango.png The chain of command.
Talk more option tango.png Khan-Ur.
You're going to be real familiar with the chain of command if you don't figure this out. When I beat you with it.
Talk more option tango.png Just give me another chance.
Talk more option tango.png Tribune.
Every soldier has to know their place. And for most of us, that's well below a Tribune.
Talk more option tango.png I see. Next question.
Talk more option tango.png <option 3>.
<reply 3>
Talk more option tango.png <player response>.
Talk more option tango.png History.
According to legend, who is said to have been the very first Blood Legion soldier?
Talk more option tango.png The Khan-Ur's firstborn cub.
That's correct. It may only be legend, but it would explain why Blood is best.
Talk more option tango.png It wouldn't be a legend if it weren't true. Next topic.
Talk more option tango.png The Khan-Ur's military attache.
<no 2>
Talk more option tango.png <nope>
Talk more option tango.png The Khan-Ur's cubhood friend, Palomine.
<no 3>
Talk more option tango.png <nope >
Iron Legion [Lore] (1): Mistake one legion for the other, and you might end up dead. Tell me what you know about the Iron Legion.
Talk more option tango.png I'm ready.
Let's see how much you know about the makers of the Black Citadel. Pick a topic.
Talk more option tango.png Legion contributions.
What was perhaps the Iron Legion's greatest contribution to handheld weaponry?
Talk more option tango.png Maces and hammers.
Talk more option tango.png Pistols and rifles.
Absolutely! Iron Legion's development of hand-held guns has made other hand-held weapons all but obsolete.
Talk more option tango.png No argument, happiness is a warm gun. Next topic.
Talk more option tango.png Bows and arrows.
Talk more option tango.png History.
Which legion was responsible for the last successful assault into Ascalon?
Talk more option tango.png The Ash Legion, of course.
Talk more option tango.png The Iron Legion, of course.
Of course! They captured the city of Rin and gave it a charr makeover to create the Black Citadel.
Talk more option tango.png A lot of gears and cogs. Give me another topic.
Talk more option tango.png The Blood Legion, of course.
Talk more option tango.png Tribunes.
Which of the following are NOT Iron Legion Tribunes[sic] stationed at the Black Citadel?
Talk more option tango.png Gaheron Baelfire.
Correct. To even imply that that Flame Legion traitor has anything to do with the Iron Legion is blasphemy.
Talk more option tango.png Fume Brighteye.
Talk more option tango.png Bhuer Goreblade.
Iron Legion [Lore] (2): When it comes to the Iron Legion, there's no such thing as too much knowledge. You think you know enough?
Talk more option tango.png Let the questions begin.
When the engines of war come to life, you'd better know what they can do. Choose a topic and I'll test you.
Talk more option tango.png Battlefield identification.
What are the colors of the Iron Legion?
Talk more option tango.png Black and white.
Talk more option tango.png Rust red and tarnish green.
Talk more option tango.png Blue and silver.
The inspiration for my favorite gun; cobalt blue steel and chased with silver.
Talk more option tango.png When it comes to guns, I try not to have favorites. Time for another topic.
Talk more option tango.png The leaders of the legions.
Who is the imperator of the Iron Legion?
Talk more option tango.png Bangar Ruinbringer.
Talk more option tango.png Malice Swordshadow.
Talk more option tango.png Smodur the Unflinching.
He has proven his name many times. The world's never seen a better engineer.
Talk more option tango.png Fitting, for the Imperator of the Iron Legion. What's next?
Talk more option tango.png I hear Smodur's been keeping an eye out for one, though.
Ha ha! Wildly inappropriate. But funny. Just don't say that to anyone else.
Talk more option tango.png It'll be our secret. What's next?
Talk more option tango.png Headquarters.
The home base of the Iron Legion is called?
Talk more option tango.png The city of Rin.
Talk more option tango.png The Black Citadel.
That's right. Home to the legions' finest and birthplace of the world's finest machies[sic] of war.
Talk more option tango.png And a great place to spend a weekend. What else have you got?
Talk more option tango.png Exterminatus Headquarters.
After answering a sufficient number of questions before the challenger appears
Ash Legion [Lore]: Hey, you poke me with that thing again and I break it off. Got it?
Talk end option tango.png Got it.
After answering a sufficient number of questions, one of the following NPC challengers appears
Iron Legion Challenger: You ready? You better be.
After defeating the challenger
Iron Legion Challenger: No....No...No!
