From Guild Wars 2 Wiki
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About me
- Ingame: namylk.9483
- Server: Far Shiverpeaks
- From Austria, male
- My game updates account: Version history
Game interests
- Dedicated WvW player
- Owner of the title "Ultimate Dominator"
- Diamond rank (7000+)
Wiki interests
- Automatise. Simplify. Improve.
- Creating templates using Mediawiki and Semantic Mediawiki
- Increasing user and editor usability
- Collect and summarise information
- Mediawiki — provides extension as parser and string functions
- {{PAGENAME}} — Page's name, {{NAMESPACE}} — Page's namespace
- {{#tag:<tagname>|<content>}} — Allows to parse content first
- {{#if: <string> | <if not empty> | <else>}}
- {{#ifeq: <string 1> | <string 2> | <if identical> | <else>}}
- {{#expr: <mathematical expression>}}
- {{#time: Y-m-d }}
- {{#pos: <string> | <search term>}}
- {{#replace: <string> | <search term> | <replace term>}}
- {{#explode: <string> | <delimiter> | <position>}}
- Search modifiers — "exact phrase", wildcard zero or more*, wildcard one or more\?, !exclude, fuzzy~
- Wikicode search for template parameters: insource: "exact phrase"
- Namespace: Template: skill, Page name prefix: prefix: Main, Prefix subpage: prefix: Main Page/
- Subpage: subpageof: "Main Page", Links to: linksto: "Main Page"
Guild Wars 2 Wiki
Tools and external links
- Easy Mode/ GW2W Easy Mode
- Glider ids — set glider id with glider-id=<id>
- Mount ids — set mount id with mount-id=<id>
- Novelty ids — set novelty id with novelty-id=<id>
- Outfit ids — set outfit id with outfit-id=<id>
- Image formatting
- Icons — all icons sorted by categories
- Latest icons — icons from the latest game update
Semantic Mediawiki
- Semantic Mediawiki — provides parser functions: #ask and #show and inline queries
- Special:Ask — provides a temporary smw query
- Special:Browse — browses the properties of a page
- {{#ask: [[Category:<category>]] [[<property>::<property value>]] | ?<show property 1> | ?<show property 2> | <options>}}
- {{#show: <pagename> | <options>}} — shortcut for {{#ask: [[<pagename>]] | mainlabel=- | <options>}}
- [[<property>::<value>]] — selects all pages having the <property> set to the <value>
- [[Category:<category>]] — selects all pages within the category <category>
- [[<property>::+]] — selects all pages having the <property> set to any value (not empty)
- [[<namespace>:+]] — selects all pages from a certain namespace, use [[:+]] to search in mainspace
- [[<property>::~*<string>*]] — wildcard search
- [[<property>::!<not value>]] and [[<property>::!~<not string>]] — exclude from search
- [[<property>::in:<string>]] — same as ~*<string>* and [[<number property>::in:100]] (from 0 to 100) or [[<date property>::in:2020]]
- [[<property>::like:<string>]] and [[<property>::nlike:<not string>]] — new concepts for wildcard search
- ?<property> — displays the values of the <property>
- ?<property>=<displayed property name> — overrides the property name intro, can also be empty (see also headers=hide for list formats)
- ?<property># — displays the value in plain format, useful to suppress thousand number separator or page link (see also link=none)
- ?<property>|+limit=<number> — limits the displayed properties to <number>
- ?<property>|+offset=<number> — offsets the displayed properties by <number>
- ?<property>|+order=<sorting order> — allows to sort the displayed properties: "asc", "desc" and "n-asc", "n-desc" (numerical)
- ?<file property>#noimage — suppresses the image
- ?<file property>#<size, e.g. 250px>;<further image options> — image options, note that link=<page name> is not possible
- ?<boolean property>#tick — displays true and false as ✓ or ✕ and ?<boolean property>#num as 1 or 0
- format — defines the result format, e.g. "table", "list", "ol" (ordered list), "ul" (unordered list), "count", "plainlist" (result format specified by template)
- limit — maximal number of results
- offset — where to start
- sort — list of properties that define the sort order, leave empty to sort by main result, separated by ","
- order — sort order: "asc" or "desc", again separated by ","
- headers — can be set to "show" (default) to display the properties as links, "plain" to display them as plain text or "hide"
- mainlabel — Displayed main label text, set to "-" to disable
- link — can be set to "none" to display the result as plain text
- default — default displayed text if nothing is returned
- intro and outro — intro and outro text, for templates use introtemplate and outrotemplate to ensure proper parsing
- searchlabel — search label if limit is exceeded
About me
Favourite build — Fresh Air Elementalist
- Water — Piercing Shards, Flow like Water, Cleansing Water
- Air — One with Air, Raging Storm, Fresh Air
- Provides superspeed, recharges air attunement on critical hit
- Arcane — Arcane Abatement, Final Shielding, Elemental Surge
- Full Marauder might be mixed it with Berserker's or Crusader's
- Rune of Durability — can't get more defensive bonuses
- Sigil of Energy and Sigil of Bloodlust
Semantic Mediawiki
- format=table and format=broadtable — sortable wikitable table
- ?<property>|+align=<left/center/right>
- ?<property>|+width=<width, e.g. 250px>
- class=<css classes>
- sep=ul/ol — special format for multi value properties
- format=list — comma list with properties displayed in parenthesis, since this format uses lots of css stuff it's not recommended to use this in templates (use format=plainlist instead)
- format=ul and format=ol — unordered and ordered list
- format=count — returns the number of results
- format=sum — sums up the queried property of all results
- format=gallery — image gallery format
- format=plainlist — either a plain list format separated by "," or specify your own result format template using template=<template name>
- template=<template name> — set to the template name
- introtemplate=<template name> — used to properly parse tables
- outrotemplate=<template name> — can be set to "table footer"
- sep=<separator> — separator between the individual results
- propsep=<separator> — separator between the properties of a result
- valuesep=<separator> — separator between the values of a property
- {{#smwdoc: <format>|parameters=<specific, base, all>}} — quick parameter documentation
- Property naming — chose some ambiguous and meaningful name
- Property datatypes — "Page", "Text", "Number", etc...
- [[<property>::<value>]] — sets <property> to <value> on the page used and furthermore displays the value
- {{#set: <property>=<value>}} — sets <property> to <value> silently
- {{#set: <property>=<value>}} — sets <property> to <value> silently
- {{#set: <property>=<value a>;<value b>;<value c>|+sep=;}} — sets multiple properties separated by ";"
- Subobjects allow to store and group properties within on one page without specifing auxiliary pages
- {{#subobject:<name>
|<property 1>=<value 1>
|<property 2>=<value 2a>;<value 2b>|+sep=;}} - [[Has subobject::<page name>]] — get all subobjects from one page
Additional concepts
- Property chains — [[<property1>.<property2>::<value>]] and ?<property1>.<property2>
- Subqueries — [[<property1>::<q>[[<property2::value1]]</q>]] having a subquery within the tag <q>
- Inverse properties — [[-<property1>::<value>]] and ?-<property1>
- Subobject sortkey — @sortkey=<sort value> sets a sortkey to the subobject which is used instead of <page name>#<subobject name>
- {{#info: <text>}} — nice tooltip tool that also support links
Guild Wars 2 Wiki
- Double redirects — only one level can be redirected automatically
- Broken redirects — redlink redirects
- Redlinks — non-existing but linked pages
- Uncategorized pages, templates, files, categories
- Pages with empty semantic mediawiki query results
- Pages using duplicate arguments in template calls
- Pages where template include size is exceeded
- Pages with collection table rows where achievement bit ids are missing
Maintenance: Tools
- List of candidates for deletion and proposed moves, splits and merges
- Uncategorized — overview of uncategorized pages
- Item acquisition check — missing item acquisition templates
- Collection table overview — {{Collection table (row)}} usage
- Objectives table overview — {{Objectives table row}} usage
Maintenance: Semantic mediawiki properties
- Unintentionally set ids on user pages —
- BuffsEverywhere/sandbox6 (12345)
- BuffsEverywhere/sandbox6#WvW,PvP (12345)
- Incorrect {{stolen skill}} usage — All stolen skills are set correctly.
- Missing ids:
- Gliders: No results found.
- Mounts: Enchanted Warclaw Skin, Plush Tiger Warclaw Skin, Spineshell Roller Beetle Skin, Steamwork Skyscale Skin
- Outfits: No results found.
- Incorrect semantic mediawiki properties — No processing errors found.
Tables — see also: wikipedia:Tables and GW2Wiki:Tables
- {{STDT}} — standard table design template
- Sorting — sorting tables
- Collapsible tables — {{STDT|expandable}} and {{STDT|collapsible}}
- Substitution can be used with templates, magic words or parser functions and automatically converts the returned value of those into wikitext.
- {{subst:<magic word>}} — substitutes the magic word, e.g. {{subst:PAGENAME}}
- {{subst:<template>}} — e.g. {{reset indent}}
- {{subst:#show:{{subst:PAGENAME}}|?Has canonical name}}
- [[Special:Diff/<old id>/<new id>]] — version difference link
- [[Special:PermanentLink/<id>]] — permanent link
- [[Special:History/<page name>]] — history link
- [[Special:Whatlinkshere/<page name>]] — what links here
- Templates simplify life! Templates are used to for repetitive and complicated tasks to avoid duplicate work. Created in template namespace and can be transcluded with {{<template name>}} on any page, without or with parameters, e.g. {{<template name>|<unnamed parameter value 1>|<parameter 1>=<value 1>}}
- Parameters are either named, e.g. <parameter 1> are called with {{{<parameter 1>}}} or unnamed, i.e. they are numbered ascending, e.g. {{{1}}}.
- If a parameter isn't specified in the template, the parameter name itself will be displayed. Use an alternative value to avoid this (which can also be empty): {{{<parameter 1>|<alternative value>}}}.
- Template inclusion can be handled by the following tags: <includeonly> — included, only invisible on template page; <noinclude> — excluded, only visible the template page; <onlyinclude> — included, but visible on the template page.
- Formatting guide — template page documentation formatting guide, please make sure to give at least a short description and a list of all available parameters.
- {{#vardefine:<variable name>|<value>}} — allows to specify a variable that can be called with {{#var:<variable name>}} anytime.
- {{#arraymap:<list>|<delimiter>|<variable>|<applied on each element>|<new delimiter>|<conjunction delimiter (optional)>}} — maps over a list separated by the delimiter (e.g. new line: "\n" or comma: ","), where each entry (use them as variable, e.g. @@@) is modified individually and then concatenated with the new delimiter.
Arraymap lists
Professions | HoT specialization | PoF specialization | EoD specialization | Boons | Conditions | Control effects | Weapons |
Guardian Revenant Warrior Engineer Ranger Thief Elementalist Mesmer Necromancer |
Dragonhunter Herald Berserker Scrapper Druid Daredevil Tempest Chronomancer Reaper |
Firebrand Renegade Spellbreaker Holosmith Soulbeast Deadeye Weaver Mirage Scourge |
Willbender Vindicator Bladesworn Mechanist Untamed Specter Catalyst Virtuoso Harbinger |
Aegis Alacrity Fury Might Protection Quickness Regeneration Resistance Retaliation Stability Swiftness Vigor |
Bleeding Blinded Burning Chilled Confusion Crippled Fear Immobile Poisoned Slow Taunt Torment Vulnerability Weakness |
Daze Float Knockback Knockdown Launch Pull Sink Stun |
Axe Dagger Mace Pistol Scepter Sword Focus Shield Torch Warhorn Greatsword Hammer Longbow Rifle Short bow Staff Spear Harpoon gun Trident |