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Revenant 01 concept art.jpg

Walking the Mists can attract various forces, even the Mists themselves. This specialization will allow the revenant to wield a greatsword and summon the Legendary Razah, a mysterious entity ready to help those fighting for the balance of the world... and of the Mists, allowing them to fight mimicking memories of past heroes.

— Mistwalker release notes

Any tango icon 20px.png Mistwalker is an elite specialization for the revenant that focuses on memories skills and melee damage. It also allows the revenant to wield a greatsword.


Nobody gets unnoticed in the Mists, and riding on the back of a dragon there might have had some consequences, not only in Tyria, but in the Mists themselves.

Razah, a fragment of the Mists that had been in a deep slumber for centuries, woke up to examine what was wreaking havoc in this place of great mystery.

When Razah saw the Commander, it remembered how another Hero fought against fierce threats to humanity. Unfortunately, Razah couldn’t join them, for it was bound to the Mists. However, sensing the powerful energy emanating from the Elder Dragon, Razah tried to reach as many beings as possible, connecting to fighters who called themselves “Revenants”. Razah allowed them to walk through the Mists and summon memories from past Heroes.

List of mistwalker skills[edit]

See also: List of revenant skills

Profession mechanic[edit]

Mistwalkers wield their greatsword in a peculiar way, letting the Mists carry it for them. The floating greatswords travel alongside the Mistwalkers, allowing them to focus on the power they are channelling.

Mistwalkers use a new skill type, Memories coming from Razah’s past. These memories are torn off from the Mists, wrapping the Mistwalker in a Mists Aura which deals damage to foes around.

Skill Type Activation.png Energy.png Tango-recharge-darker.png Description
UserJohnMcKee Legendary Mistwalker.jpg Legendary Mistwalker Stance Invoke the power of the legendary Mistwalker, Razah.
Additional mechanics
UserJohnMcKee Mists Surge.jpg Mists Surge 0.25¼ 30 60 Summon the power of the Mists to surround your body, setting your energy to the maximum and preventing it from degenerating. When the effect disappears, energy of the current legend is drained to 0%.

Weapon skills[edit]

Skill Type Activation.png Energy.png Tango-recharge-darker.png Description


1 UserJohnMcKee Cynns Immolation.jpg Cynn's Immolation 0.5½ Creates a fiery shockwave that damages distant foes.
1 Redirect Arrow.pngUserJohnMcKeeVekks Lightning.jpg Vekk's Lightning 0.75¾ Creates an electrical shockwave that damages distant foes.
1 Redirect Arrow.pngUserJohnMcKee Zeds Blizzard.jpg Zed's Blizzard 0.75¾ Creates a shockwave around you that damages and chills foes.
2 UserJohnMcKee Joras Fury.jpg Jora's Fury 10.25¼ 5 10 Slams the ground with the flat side of your greatsword to cripple your enemies.
3 UserJohnMcKee Vizus Slash.jpg Vizu's Slash 1 10 15 Rush in a target's direction, slashing foes along your path.
4 UserJohnMcKee Veratas Aura.jpg Verata's Aura 4 15 25 Thrust your greatsword into the ground and create a dome around you that destroys projectiles and grants allies Verata's Aura.
4 Redirect Arrow.pngUserJohnMcKee Veratas Gaze.jpg Verata's Gaze 0.75¾ 5 Detonate the dome to strike fear in the hearts of your enemies.
5 UserJohnMcKee Pyres Barrage.jpg Pyre's Barrage 30.75¾ 20 35 Summon ghostly greatswords that fall on your foes.

Slot skills[edit]


Skill Type Hero point.png Activation.png Energy.png Tango-recharge-darker.png Description
UserJohnMcKee Mhenlos Blessing.jpg Mhenlo's Blessing Legendary Mistwalker 0.75¾ 10 25 Memory. Call upon Mhenlo's blessing to heal you and your allies, and push back nearby foes.


Skill Type Hero point.png Activation.png Energy.png Tango-recharge-darker.png Description
UserJohnMcKee Gwens Escape.jpg Gwen's Escape Legendary Mistwalker 0.75¾ 30 30 Memory. Reproduce Gwen's flight by crippling your enemies and granting yourself retaliation.
UserJohnMcKee Vareshs Call.jpg Varesh's Call Legendary Mistwalker 10.25¼ 30 10 Memory. Curse your foes with Varesh's call, inflicting them with various conditions.
UserJohnMcKee Zei Ris Purification.jpg Zei Ri's Purification Legendary Mistwalker 0.75¾ 15 20 Memory. Purify yourself and your allies using Zei Ri's cleansing techniques.


Skill Type Hero point.png Activation.png Energy.png Tango-recharge-darker.png Description
UserJohnMcKee Sogolons Bond.jpg Sogolon's Bond Legendary Mistwalker 0.5½ 10/-6 20 Memory. Bond yourself with your allies using Sogolon's words, granting them various boons and healing them whenever they take lethal damage.
Redirect Arrow.pngUserJohnMcKee Sever Bond.jpg Sever Bond Sever the bonds you created with your allies.

List of mistwalker traits[edit]

See also: List of revenant traits
Tier Name Tango-recharge-darker.png Description
Minor Proficiency Greatsword Proficiency.png Greatsword Proficiency You can wield greatswords.
Minor Adept Mists Entity You gain access to the Mists Surge mechanic and to Memories skills.
Major Adept Mists Absorption 5 Disabling a foe suffering from two or more conditions reduces Mists Surge recharge time.
Major Adept Aggressive Force Mists Aura has a greater range and greatswords skills have a reduced recharge time.
Major Adept Inspiring Afterlife You gain concentration, your boons last longer, and your allied healing is increased.
Minor Master Mists Strength 20 Invoking a legend reinforces you for a short time.
Major Master Soothing Mists Mists Surge heals you and your allies when it ends.
Major Master Unforgivable Energy 8 Critical hits make your next attack unblockable.
Major Master Mists Retreat 8 Dodging attacks grants fury and quickness.
Minor Grandmaster Mists Momentum 10 Using an elite skill above health threshold grants you quickness and swiftness.
Major Grandmaster Fortifying Surge Mists Surge lasts longer and grants you all boons when it ends.
Major Grandmaster Ghastly Aggression Greatsword skills strike twice, but dealt damage is greatly reduced.
Major Grandmaster Mists Intervention The Mists randomly transform the conditions you suffer from into boons.

List of mistwalker equipment[edit]


  • Mistwalkers use memories and learnings from other heroes (and villains) through Razah.