User:JohnMcKee/Legendary Mistwalker Stance

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Invoke the power of the legendary Mistwalker, Razah.

— In-game description

Memories skills in the Legendary Mistwalker Stance belong to fighters Razah met during its time on Tyria.


Skill Type Hero point.png Activation.png Energy.png Tango-recharge-darker.png Description
UserJohnMcKee Mhenlos Blessing.jpg Mhenlo's Blessing Legendary Mistwalker 0.75¾ 10 25 Memory. Call upon Mhenlo's blessing to heal you and your allies, and push back nearby foes.
UserJohnMcKee Gwens Escape.jpg Gwen's Escape Legendary Mistwalker 0.75¾ 30 30 Memory. Reproduce Gwen's flight by crippling your enemies and granting yourself retaliation.
UserJohnMcKee Vareshs Call.jpg Varesh's Call Legendary Mistwalker 10.25¼ 30 10 Memory. Curse your foes with Varesh's call, inflicting them with various conditions.
UserJohnMcKee Zei Ris Purification.jpg Zei Ri's Purification Legendary Mistwalker 0.75¾ 15 20 Memory. Purify yourself and your allies using Zei Ri's cleansing techniques.
UserJohnMcKee Sogolons Bond.jpg Sogolon's Bond Legendary Mistwalker 0.5½ 10/-6 20 Memory. Bond yourself with your allies using Sogolon's words, granting them various boons and healing them whenever they take lethal damage.
Redirect Arrow.pngUserJohnMcKee Sever Bond.jpg Sever Bond Severe the bonds you created with your allies.

Related Traits[edit]


Upon activating Mistwalker Stance:

Razah: We rise and fall together!
Razah: May the Mists be with you.

Using [[User:John_Mckee/Mists_Surge|Mists Surge]]:

Razah: You are not ready for immortality.
Razah: Retreat or die.

Using memories skills:

Razah: Such unlimited potential!
Razah: Warriors of the Mists...
Razah: Will they feel 'pain'?

Using any skill:

Razah: I knew this hero.
Razah: You taught me well.
Razah: The Mists remember everything.

Idle conversations[edit]

Razah: Destruction seems a natural part of the human condition.
<Character name>: The Eternal Alchemy has its ways. (asura)
<Character name>: It's part of every being's condition. (charr, norn or human)
<Character name>: Everything ends up reborn. (sylvari)


  • Applies the UserJohnMcKee Legendary Mistwalker.jpg Legendary Mistwalker Stance effect.
  • While Razah invokes memories of other characters, they simply belong to the skills he learned during his time on Tyria.