Guild Wars 2: End of Dragons content

Research Journal

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Research Journal

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Research Journal is a book written by Novice Bengtsson and found in the Ministry of Archives at Soojung Heights of New Kaineng City.




Research Journal

Entry 1—I'll start with Magister Stonehealer's academic interests, prophecies, ancient civilizations, and dragons, to name a few. There's crossover there. Do I have any hypotheses that might be of interest to him?

Hypothesis: There are untouched corners of this world, ignored by the Elder Dragons, that saw little of their influence or knew of them differently.

—If five came from one, what were the infant Elder Dragons like?
—Were they born "Elder"?
—Did they have to claim their own ascension over time as Aurene did?

Entry 2—A common thread that sticks out in the Priory's texts is that records note dragon iconography and reverence for thousands of years. Illustrations and descriptions of statues far grander in scale than any mere saltspray dragon.

Hypothesis: Canthans have known about the Elder Dragon of water, even before the events of the Zhaitan disaster, possibly as far back as the Dragon Empire's founding.

—Did the naga of that era know?
—Their orators and storytellers could have spun stories to the early human settlers. (I'll investigate this.)

Entry 3—Yuuto let me examine an artifact from the Ministry of Archives' private reserves. She mentioned that several had been collected from Canthan shores over the years and now ward New Kaineng from the Unchained. A similar orb currently protects Fort Trinity from what's left of Zhaitan's forces.

Hypothesis: This "Soo-Won" the archivists talk about doesn't fit the usual psychological profile of other Elder Dragons. Like Elder Dragon Aurene, Glint, and Kuunavang, she's formed a more positive connection with mortals.

—If these orbs are from Soo-Won, and she is the Elder Dragon of water, were they originally created for her own benefit or for the mortals in the destructive path of her offspring?
—Did she have to protect herself from her own offspring?
—Who else has Soo-Won protected over the past dragon cycles?