Guild Wars 2: Secrets of the Obscure content

Relic of Mabon

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Relic of Mabon.png

Relic of Mabon

Rare Collections.png Relics—Secrets of the Obscure Set 1
Req. level
Account Bound
Soulbound on Use
Silver coin
Game link
2 Recharge time  
Relic of Mabon

Upon applying might while in combat, gain Mabon's Strength. At 10 stacks, your might stacks become more effective for a duration, after which you lose all might and Mabon's Strength.

Relic of Mabon.png Mabon's Strength (8s): At 10 stacks, might you apply becomes stronger.
Radius.png Effectiveness Increased: 25%
Duration.png Duration: 8 seconds

— In-game description


Contained in[edit]

Sold by[edit]

Vendor Area Zone Cost Notes
Archivist Ikur Archivist Ikur Outer Ring The Wizard's Tower 250 Pinch of Stardust + 500 Research Note Requires the achievement Strength of the Unseen.
Heroics Notary Heroics Notary  
Eternal Battlegrounds
Blue Alpine Borderlands
Green Alpine Borderlands
Obsidian Sanctum (zone)
Edge of the Mists
Red Desert Borderlands
Armistice Bastion
50 Testimony of Jade Heroics + 100 Badge of Honor Requires Guild Wars 2: Secrets of the Obscure and either Strength of the Unseen or acquisition from Amnytas Gear Box.
League Vendor League Vendor Hall of Memories Heart of the Mists 10 PvP League Ticket + 50 Ascended Shard of Glory Requires Guild Wars 2: Secrets of the Obscure and either Strength of the Unseen or acquisition from Amnytas Gear Box.


This achievement rewards items. Strength of the Unseen Amnytas 3Achievement points
Learn more about Mabon's past and his impact on the Astral Ward.
Prerequisite: Mabon's Fate
  • Tier
2: Relic of Mabon.png Relic of Mabon
  • Tier
2: Strength of the Unseen.png Strength of the Unseen

Completed 1 Step 1Achievement points
Completed 8 Steps 2Achievement points


  • PvP Build user interface - automatically unlocked for use in PvP only.

Salvages into[edit]


The relic grants the effects of Relic of Mabon.png Mabon's Strength and Relic of Mabon.png Relic of Mabon. After reaching 10 stacks all might applied to the player with the relic is increased.

  • The 25% increase only applies to base might and is unaffected by traits like Awaken the Pain, Notoriety etc. On the other hand Pinnacle of Strength increases the base might.
  • The 25% increase is calculated with roundup. each stack grants +8 additional bonus, thus the relic will grant +200 additional bonus at 25 stacks.

Version history[edit]

For a detailed relic history, see here.

Patch Changes
September 26, 2023
  • Fixed an issue that caused this relic to affect might stacks applied by the user instead of might stacks applied to the user.
  • Reduced the internal cooldown from 3 seconds to 2 seconds.
August 22, 2023 Secrets of the Obscure release:
  • Relic of Mabon has been added to the game.