Guild Wars 2: Janthir Wilds content

Kodan Stoutheart (scout)

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Tough Kodan Stouthearts can be found in the Harvest Den and the Cragged Upland, directing players to nearby events.



Combat abilities[edit]

  • Protected
  • Stuns
  • Supports Allies

DefianceDefiance bar teal.png


Cragged Upland
Welcome. You look the helpful sort, outlander. That so? If I'm right, there's plenty you can do.
Talk more option tango.png What do you do?
Depending on the ask, I can help you track some areas where my bearkin, or even some of your magic friends, could use more hands in potentially time-sensitive situations.
Talk back option tango.png Got it. Let's see what we have.
Talk end option tango.png Interesting.
Talk collection option.png Have you heard anything about a meteor falling in the area? (If the third step of The Falling Star: Vault Dispatch has been unlocked)
Some time ago, the night watch reported a descending light from the west. Does that sound like what you're after?
Talk end option tango.png It does. I'll work my way that direction.
Talk ready option.png Willing to hunt reindeer, are you? (If Hunt down the rampaging reindeer is active)
Talk ready option.png Trolls are acting foolish again. Can you help? (If Keep the troll party from getting out of hand is active)
Talk ready option.png The wildlife around here are being terrorized by odd creatures. (If Kill the titanspawn infesting the area and tend to their victims is active)
Talk end option tango.png Sorry, I'm busy.
Harvest Den
Salutations, Wayfinder. I've got some information on areas that could use some help, if you're up for it.
Talk more option tango.png What do you do?
Depending on the ask, I can help you track some areas where my bearkin, or even some of your magic friends, could use more hands in potentially time-sensitive situations.
Talk back option tango.png Got it. Let's see what we have.
Talk end option tango.png Interesting.
Talk collection option.png Have you heard anything about a meteor falling in the area? (If the third step of The Falling Star: Vault Dispatch has been unlocked)
I heard murmurs about that, but I didn't see it myself. Was it the scouts in the mire...? Yes, I think that was it.
Talk end option tango.png I appreciate that. I think it will help.
Talk ready option.png Gardeners need help tending the crops. (If Help Frantic Hummingbird tend to the garden is active)
Talk ready option.png The journeykits have escaped their pen and need wrangling. (If Get warclaw cubs back in their pens before they eat the cabbages is active)
Talk ready option.png The kodan sparring arena could use additional participants. (If any arena event is active)
Talk ready option.png One of my brethren and your ward could use help cleaning the beach. (If Help the Astral Ward clean up the ocean is active)
Talk ready option.png The local fishing tournament needs participants. (If the Lowland Shore Fishing Tournament is active)
Talk ready option.png One of my bearkin could use help hunting down a sizeable warg. (If Hunt down the rampaging warg is active)
Talk end option tango.png Sorry, I'm busy.

Related achievements[edit]