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Escort Ardent Gale as she poisons valravn nests

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Escort Ardent Gale as she poisons valravn nests

Interactive map

Interactive map

Escort Ardent Gale as she poisons valravn nests is a level 80 dynamic event that occurs in Exorheic Falls and Lupine Fields. Ms. Blood, the Assassin spawns after completion of either version of the event.[verification requested]


  • Ardent Gale
    Event bar.jpg Event shield (tango icon).png
  • Poisoning Progress
    Event bar empty2.jpg
  • Nests poisoned: x/4
  • Elite Valravn Knight/Champion Valravn Knight
    Event bar.jpg Event boss (tango icon).png


Reward tier Experience Karma Coin
Gold 26,670 Experience.png 378 Karma 88 Copper coin
Silver 20,003 Experience.png 284 Karma 66 Copper coin
Bronze 13,335 Experience.png 189 Karma 44 Copper coin
These are the expected rewards for a level 80 player.





Event trigger at Exorheic Falls
Ardent Gale: Visitor, do you hunt? I'm tracking vicious beasts that nest along the cliffs.
Talk ready option.png I can lend a hand.
Talk more option tango.png What exactly are we hunting?
It's a lot to explain. But trust me, they deserve no pity or remorse.
Talk ready option.png I suppose I can help.
Talk end option tango.png Sorry, can't help right now.
Talk end option tango.png Sorry, can't help right now.
Event trigger at Lupine Fields
Ardent Gale: Visitor, do you hunt? I'm tracking vicious beasts that nest in these grasses.
Talk ready option.png I can lend a hand.
Talk more option tango.png What exactly is this "beast"?
Tough to explain. But trust me, they deserve no pity or remorse.
Talk ready option.png I suppose I can help.
Talk end option tango.png Sorry, can't help right now.
Talk end option tango.png Sorry, can't help right now.
Before the event starts at Exorheic Falls
Ardent Gale: Visitor, if the plight of this town's well-being stokes your heart's fire, join me.
Ardent Gale: Perhaps a stranger will lend me the courage my own bearkin will not.
Kodan Stoutheart: Slow yourself, Ardent Gale! Best bring these matters to the council before leaping to rash action!
Ardent Gale: You deem protecting our community "rash action"?
Kodan Stoutheart: And when that monster's strewn your broken body across the cliffs? What good will that bring to our community?
Ardent Gale: Stay home cowering, then. I'm doing what must be done.
Ardent Gale: Valravns nest all along these cliffs, so mind your footing.
Ardent Gale: If those fiends don't kill you, the fall surely will.
Before the event starts at Lupine Fields
Ardent Gale: Oh! Startled me there! Didn't expect to come upon anyone in these far reaches, let alone a newcomer.
Ardent Gale: If you don't mind helping me finish my current to-dos, we'd be better off sticking together.
Ardent Gale: They may look unassuming, but many evils lie shrouded in these grasslands. Never know what may be lurking...
Ardent Gale: Watch your step. One such evil known to roam these lands is the valravn.
Ardent Gale: They fashion their nests from the tall grasses. Makes it that much harder to discern them from their surroundings.
At the first nest (from here onwards the dialogue is the same on both locations)
Ardent Gale: Bit of poison should do the trick. Once I lace their nests, damned fools will spread the plague among themselves.
Ardent Gale: Keep an eye out as I work. If any swoop in to guard their nests, fend them off!
After poisoning the first nest
Ardent Gale: This one's set. Press on, we must.
Ardent Gale: Our work is far from finished.
At the second nest
Ardent Gale: Making our mark. But we've still more to do.
After poisoning the second nest
Ardent Gale: Feel no remorse for them. Each one slain spares one of our own an even crueler fate.
Ardent Gale: The cubs most of all. These creatures prey upon them, even the ones whose lives were already cut short.
Ardent Gale: They rob the corpse for the child's heart in hopes of turning into something far more vile: a valravn knight.
Ardent Gale: Can you imagine an act so sick as to steal a fallen child's heart?
After poisoning the third nest
Ardent Gale: Coming for you, I am.
Ardent Gale: Imagine, a creature so selfish deeming itself a knight.
At the fourth nest, as the Valravn Knight appears
Ardent Gale: Avenge you, I will, Whispering Brook. Hush, dear. Mama will make it right...
Event success
Ardent Gale: Stranger, my bearkin are indebted to your self-sacrifice. You are thanked on all of our behalf.
Ardent Gale: Everything is all right now.
Ardent Gale: Hear that, dear? Mama and this kind stranger have made everything right again...
Ardent Gale: It's all right...
Event failure
Ardent Gale: No! I won't let this rest! Not 'til I've settled my score...

Related achievements[edit]


Ardent Gale will also be present at the Maul Boneyards during the event.