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Keep the troll party from getting out of hand

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Keep the troll party from getting out of hand

Interactive map

Interactive map

Keep the troll party from getting out of hand is a level 80 Group Event that can occur at two locations: Point of interest (map icon).png Tidal Tailgate or Point of interest (map icon).png Troll's Tailgate.


  • Troll Contentment
    Event bar.jpg
  • Heat of the Fire
    Event bar.jpg
  • Break Up the Brawling Trolls
    Event bar.jpg
  • Time until party ends: 4:00


Reward tier Experience Karma Coin
Gold 26,670 Experience.png 378 Karma 88 Copper coin
Silver 20,003 Experience.png 284 Karma 66 Copper coin
Bronze 13,335 Experience.png 189 Karma 44 Copper coin
These are the expected rewards for a level 80 player.


  • Keep the fire stoked by throwing nearby logs on.
  • Pick up meat from nearby barrel, cook it over the fire and feed it to the cave trolls.
  • The trolls will often fight between each other, turning them into targetable enemies. Fight them to subdue them.






Start of the North event
Troll Partier: (growls)
Woken by Peace: Please, I... My frustration is budding. Allow me to breathe. You know this breaks our promises of trust and respect.
Troll Partier: (growls)
Woken by Peace: These games may be fun to your people, but the animals are fleeing; fire turns their anxiety red. The fish hide. Please go.
Troll Partier: (growls)
Woken by Peace: Thank you... And hopefully no blood needs to hit soil. Ah, the wayfinder. We've maintained peace with the trolls for decades, but these ones have decided to push our boundaries today...
Woken by Peace: They're dancing and fighting and burning any scrap they can manage... It's distressing to the land. And they know better.
Woken by Peace: Silken Weir was so muc better at this. Wyfinder, please. Surely they can't dance if they're bellies are full.
Start of the South event
Bludge: (growls)
Wafting Embers: I love a party, too. But I know you want to see the derby. Can't run when they get out of hand. And they always do.
Bludge: (growls)
Wafting Embers: They don't listen. Just laugh. Say I stink like fish. Can you convince 'em to pipe down for derby season like we agreed?
Bludge: (growls)
Wafting Embers: Why me? I'm supposed to be smokin' salmon and—hey, Wayfinder, right? Hear you're resourceful. Lend me a paw, will you?
Wafting Embers: Trolls up the hill get all riled up and hungry, start beatin' on each other—scares the journeykin. And the spectators.
Wafting Embers: Derby can't run with all their carryin' on. Can you settle 'em down? Feed 'em, stop 'em from scrappin' with each other?
Wafting Embers: If not, then I gotta get Pursuing Winds involved, and...(sighs) I just want to get back to cooking. What do you say?
Interacting with Woken by Peace during the event
I just wanted to fish in peace, but there's no point with all of the noise...
Talk more option tango.png Everything okay?
Uh, yeah, I suppose. I'm helping my friend here keep the trolls from getting too out of control. Not just so I can fish in peace, of course. All right, mostly so I can fish. Do you...want to help?
Talk more option tango.png I... All right, I suppose.
Great! Just take some of the meat here over to the fire to cook it, then serve it to the trolls. Oh, and if you see any fights starting, try and break them up before it spreads.
Talk end option tango.png I'll give it my best.
Talk end option tango.png Much too busy to get involved in this.
Talk end option tango.png Well, best of luck with the fish.
Interacting with Wafting Embers during the event
Why can't I just cook some fish in peace? (sighs)
Talk more option tango.png Everything okay?
Always falls on me to keep the local trolls from gettin' out of control and disruptin' the derby. Any chance you'd help? Otherwise I gotta get Pursuing Winds involved. Ought to call him Runnin' Mouth.
Talk more option tango.png I'll see what I can do.
Knew you were the kind sort! Take meat to the fire, give it a quick sear. Serve it to the trolls, nice and rare—got good taste, they do! If they start fightin', break it up before it gets outta hand!
Talk end option tango.png I'll give it my best.
Talk end option tango.png Sorry, I'm busy.
Talk end option tango.png Good luck.
If fire is low
Woken by Peace: Only hot embers sit at the bottom of the bonfire. You may want to tend to that.
Woken by Peace: The bonfire is fading.
Wafting Embers: Fire's dyin', Wayfinder! Might eat each other if we don't get them some hot food!
Wafting Embers: We've got empty bellies and no flames. Recipe for disaster!
When trolls start fighting
Woken by Peace: You resort to brawling in moments of ire... Though I suppose I'm not far behind. We wrestle to relieve stress, you see.
Troll Partier: (growls)
Woken by Peace: Yes, I'll ask. Wayfinder, would you break that up? I'll continue to negotiate with their leader.
Woken by Peace: Our cubs fight less than your kith.
Woken by Peace: Another brawl? Your patience is superior to mine, if this is a regular activity...
Bludge: (growls)
Wafting Embers: You said it, Bludge—don't listen to either of us anymore. No respect for the authority of cooks or...whatever you do.
Bludge: (growls)
Wafting Embers: Assistant chieftain? Huh. I need a promotion.
Wafting Embers: At it again? Surprised, I'm not. (sighs) Sorry to ask, but could you set them straight again?
Wafting Embers: More chewin' would probably mean less fightin'.
Wafting Embers: Some full bellies might settle 'em down a bit.
Woken by Peace: Chaos certainly spurs their appetites.
Woken by Peace: They can eat as much a it takes to turn their spirits gentle. By all means, feast.
Woken by Peace: Burn some meat by the flame, Wayfinder. That'll calm their tantrum.
Wafting Embers: One thing I know: serve up some hot grub, everybody gets friendlier—don't care if you're a kodan or a cave troll!
When south event fails
Wafting Embers: Now I gotta get Pursuing Winds. "Why didn't you try this, Embers? Let me show you how it's done, Embers." Deer scat!


  • This event can fail fairly quickly. Despite there not being a major boss fight, it's recommended to have multiple players to increase chances of success.

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