Guild Wars 2: Janthir Wilds content

Kodan Landspeaker (scout)

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Tough Kodan Landspeakers can be found in Autumn's Vale, the Coursing Upland, and Tideland Outlet, directing players to nearby events.



Combat abilities[edit]

  • Mighty
  • Elemental Attacks

DefianceDefiance bar teal.png


Autumn's Vale
Hello there. Interested in helping out around here, are you? There's plenty we could use a paw with.
Talk more option tango.png What do you do?
Depending on the ask, I can help you track some areas where my bearkin, or even some of your magic friends, could use more hands in potentially time-sensitive situations.
Talk back option tango.png Got it. Let's see what we have.
Talk end option tango.png Interesting.
Talk collection option.png Have you heard anything about a meteor falling in the area? (If the third step of The Falling Star: Vault Dispatch has been unlocked)
From this village, we can't see much of the surrounding land. Though I did hear rumors of a light in the northwest, if that helps you.
Talk end option tango.png I think it does. I'll keep moving that direction.
Talk ready option.png There's some foul poison upstream that needs dealing with. (If Destroy pollutants, and cover yourself in rot and get examined by the ward is active)
Talk ready option.png Valravn nests need culling, they do. (If the Exorheic Falls version of Escort Ardent Gale as she poisons valravn nests is active)
Talk ready option.png Could always use help catching and preparing fish. (If Catch and collect the flying fish or Prepare fish before they rot is active)
Talk ready option.png Could lend a paw collecting frogs. They're delicious. (If Collect frogs across the river and bring them back to the pot is active)
Talk ready option.png One of my bearkin's having trouble with some trolls on the north shore. (If Keep the troll party from getting out of hand is active)
Talk ready option.png How about joining the hunt for a large basilisk? (If Hunt down the rampaging basilisk is active)
Talk end option tango.png I'm busy, thanks.
Coursing Upland
If ya have time to help, it'd be much appreciated... Wayfinder, is it? There's no shortage of needs around here.
Talk more option tango.png What do you do?
Depending on the ask, I can help you track some areas where my bearkin, or even some of your magic friends, could use more hands in potentially time-sensitive situations.
Talk back option tango.png Got it. Let's see what we have.
Talk end option tango.png Interesting.
Talk collection option.png Have you heard anything about a meteor falling in the area? (If the third step of The Falling Star: Vault Dispatch has been unlocked)
The light that struck the sea, yes—there was a sharp clamor from the north, then silence. Speak with the scout at the Maul Boneyards. From that vantage, I'm sure they saw the precise spot.
Talk end option tango.png That's a great lead. Thank you.
Talk ready option.png Beach is in serious need of a cleaning. One of your ward's involved, too. (If Help the Astral Ward clean up the ocean is active)
Talk ready option.png Could use some help with local trolls. They mean well, but... (If Keep the troll party from getting out of hand is active)
Talk ready option.png Maybe you could put a stop to creatures terrorizing the local wildlife? (If Kill the titanspawn infesting the area and tend to their victims is active)
Talk ready option.png We could always use more participants in the derby. Warclaws, you call 'em? (If Work together to destroy all targets while mounted on your warclaw is active)
Talk ready option.png There's also a race. (If The Warclaw Run race is starting soon! is active)
Talk end option tango.png I'm busy, thanks.
Tideland Outlet
Hello, Wayfinder. I have plenty of information about nearby areas, if you're interested in exploring or helping out.
Talk more option tango.png What do you do?
Depending on the ask, I can help you track some areas where my bearkin, or even some of your magic friends, could use more hands in potentially time-sensitive situations.
Talk back option tango.png Got it. Let's see what we have.
Talk end option tango.png Interesting.
Talk collection option.png Have you heard anything about a meteor falling in the area? (If the third step of The Falling Star: Vault Dispatch has been unlocked)
Yes, I saw it myself—a pillar of light that fell from the sky into the waters off of Haar Mire. Hand me your map—I will mark the spot.
Talk collection option.png Great! I'll check it out.
Talk ready option.png I hear a shark's causing havoc on the northeast[sic] shore. (If Kill the reef shark in the delta bog is active)
Talk ready option.png I hear the bearkin and the ward could use help cleaning the beach. (If Help the Astral Ward clean up the ocean is active)
Talk ready option.png Some bearkin reported oddity in the bog while they gathered peat. (If Defend the kodan from the bog bodies while they gather peat is active)
Talk ready option.png I hear some bearkin could use help hunting down a large basilisk. (If Hunt down the rampaging basilisk is active)
Talk end option tango.png I'm busy, thanks.

Related achievements[edit]