Living World Season 3 content

Help the Prisoners

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Help the Prisoners

Heathen's Hold
(Draconis Mons)
Renown NPC
Escaped Prisoner Arissea
3 Silver coin 38 Copper coin
675 Karma
20,320 Experience.png

Interactive map (Upper level)

Free prisoners, defeat mercenaries, and light fires by using oil drums to make a trail from flammable material to lava.

— Heart objective

Help the Prisoners is a renown heart in Heathen's Hold in Draconis Mons.


Contributing actions[edit]

  • Kill Mercenaries — 3% heart progress, 1% for event mercenaries, 6% for named mercenaries
  • Free Prisoners from their cages — 5% heart progress
  • Use Oil Barrels to lay a trail of Oil from a pile of Cannonballs to nearby lava or fire to blow up the cannons — 10% heart progress

Contributing events[edit]

Event swords (tango icon).png Keep mercenaries from charging the lava with bloodstone magic (80) — 0% heart progress but spawns foes
Event boss (tango icon).png [Group Event] Kill the bloodstone-charged lava wurm (80) — 25% heart progress

Completion message[edit]

Renown Heart completion (cropped).png

You're the best.

I don't know if you'll get this, but it's important you know that we made it out. We'd still be melting there, alive or dead, if it weren't for you. Thank you.

Escaped Prisoner Arissea

You get:
3 Silver coin 38 Copper coin 675 Karma 20,320 Experience.png

Complete heart (map icon).png Merchant Unlocked: Escaped Prisoner Arissea