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Elexus's Journal

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Elexus's Journal

Book (grey-blue).jpg

Drizzlewood Coast
(Shiverpeak Mountains)

Elexus's Journal can be found after defeating Champion Elexus Shredskin during the Defeat the cache keeper events in Drizzlewood Coast.


Shiverpeak Mountains


Elexus's Journal

Entry 11 The warband lost two a few days back. They were trying to evac a Sentinel patrol not far from Day's Labor. Well, what was Day's Labor. They got cut down in my sights, just...butchered. I couldn't pick off the Branded fast enough, dozens in minutes. I had it out with our legionnaire after the op. They mean well, but they're not the old boss. Not everyone can run in, claws out, and be a gods-damned hero. What is the legionnaire looking for anyhow? A chance to get poached by the Pact just like the boss was? Blood and bullets, I hope not.

Entry 18 I was called to the Blood Keep for what I figured was a routine evaluation or to teach a class in the fahrar. That kinda thing. But it ended up being a lot more than just that. Tribune Stoneglow and Imperator Ruinbringer want to promote me to legionnaire! They're thinking I could put together my own warband. The imperator had a few questions about the old boss, though. I gave a fair report, all things considered.

Entry 33 Met a cub the other day while training some new recruits at Sniper's Square. Vishen, I think? I consider myself a good sniper, but damn, she was something else. Even her rifle was a masterpiece. We had a bit of a silent competition going on for an hour or so, but eventually got to talking. Turns out she's got a taste for fine meats! Grilled, smoked, you name it. Told her I was something of a fry cook myself and said I'd teach her my secret recipe for chicken-fried steak. Mmm, I'm drooling just thinking about it.

Entry 57 The Dominion's finally established a foothold on the Drizzlewood Coast. I spent the day scoping out locales for the best sniper nests with Steel and a few other sharpshooters. We'll have to shore up our defenses if the Legions try to stop us. I know the old boss is with them. I can still see them, welcoming me to the warband after we dispatched those Flame Legion recruiters. I remember their grief after having to cut down their old Risen warband mate. I hope I don't have to face them, but I've gone further with Bangar's support than I even could've with them. His mission is too important for our people. I won't run; I never run.


  • Elexus's Journal, along with the other cache keeper journals, was written by Kent Benson.[1]


  1. ^ Extra Life 2020 stream