Defeat the shadow behemoth

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Defeat the shadow behemoth

Interactive map

Interactive map

Defeat the shadow behemoth is a level 15 group event that occurs in Godslost Swamp during the Secrets in the Swamp meta event in Queensdale. After having successfully driven back Underworld creatures by destroying the portals that appeared in the nearby Heartwoods, Eldvin Monastery, Taminn Foothills and within the swamp itself, the Shadow Behemoth world boss emerges into Tyria and must be defeated. During the fight, it will spawn numerous portals around itself, through which various Underworld creatures will arrive.


  • Shadow Behemoth
    Event bar.jpgEvent boss (tango icon).png
    • (Red Boss.pngUnderworld Portals Have Spawned
      Destroy all of the portals to continue fighting the Shadow Behemoth.)
    • Underworld portals destroyed: x/5
    • Underworld portals destroyed: x/9
    • Underworld portals destroyed: x/13
  • Time limit: 15:00


Reward tier Experience Karma Coin
Gold 613 Experience.png 86 Karma 20 Copper coin
Silver 522 Experience.png 73 Karma 17 Copper coin
Bronze 460 Experience.png 65 Karma 15 Copper coin
These are the expected rewards for a level 15 player. Higher level players receive dynamically adjusted rewards.

Event schedule[edit]

Primary article: Secrets in the Swamp#Event schedule

The event only occurs after all preceding events have succeeded during the Secrets in the Swamp meta event, which starts at the following times.

Event Start Countdown Zone Area Waypoint link
Shadow Behemoth 01:45 ... Queensdale Godslost Swamp
Shadow Behemoth 03:45 ... Queensdale Godslost Swamp
Shadow Behemoth 05:45 ... Queensdale Godslost Swamp
Shadow Behemoth 07:45 ... Queensdale Godslost Swamp
Shadow Behemoth 09:45 ... Queensdale Godslost Swamp
Shadow Behemoth 11:45 ... Queensdale Godslost Swamp
Shadow Behemoth 13:45 ... Queensdale Godslost Swamp
Shadow Behemoth 15:45 ... Queensdale Godslost Swamp
Shadow Behemoth 17:45 ... Queensdale Godslost Swamp
Shadow Behemoth 19:45 ... Queensdale Godslost Swamp
Shadow Behemoth 21:45 ... Queensdale Godslost Swamp
Shadow Behemoth 23:45 ... Queensdale Godslost Swamp


At the beginning of the event, several Event swords (map icon).png Portals to the Underworld will immediately appear and spawn enemies as the Shadow Behemoth emerges, with a message on screen saying, "Red Boss.pngUnderworld Portals Have Spawned—Destroy all of the portals to continue fighting the Shadow Behemoth." The Shadow Behemoth will start to attack and remain untargetable until all the portals are destroyed. Upon reaching 75%, 50%, and 25% health, it will repeat this, becoming untargetable again and summon five, nine, and thirteen (respectively) of the same Event swords (map icon).png Underworld portals around it, showing the message on screen again. Check the minimap and the objective counter to monitor progress.

When the Shadow Behemoth is vulnerable to attacks, it will alternate between two positions: either close to the ground or upright. This makes the use of ranged weapons preferable as melee weapons can't reach it when it is upright.




Related achievements[edit]