Healing Signet/history
February 25, 2020
- Healing Signet: (Competitive split) Reduced base heal from 344 to 230.
Healing Signet
- Profession
Warrior (skill list)
- Slot
- Healing
- Type
- Signet
- Training cost
- 2 Hero points
- Game link
“Signet Passive: Regenerate health.
Signet Active: Heal yourself, and grant yourself resistance.
- Healing: 2,320 (0.5)?
- Resistance (6s): Nondamaging conditions currently on you are ineffective.
- Interval: 1 second
— In-game description
May 08, 2018
- Healing Signet: The healing per second of this signet is no longer split between game modes and will now use the lower 10%-reduced healing values in all modes.
Healing Signet
- Profession
Warrior (skill list)
- Slot
- Healing
- Type
- Signet
- Training cost
- 2 Hero points
- Game link
“Signet Passive: Regenerate health.
Signet Active: Heal yourself, and grant yourself resistance.
- Healing: 2,320 (0.5)?
- Healing Signet: 344 (0.05)? Heal
- Resistance (6s): Nondamaging conditions currently on you are ineffective.
- Interval: 1 second
— In-game description
May 16, 2017
- Healing Signet: The passive healing from this skill has been reduced by 10% in PvP only.
Healing Signet
- Profession
Warrior (skill list)
- Slot
- Healing
- Type
- Signet
- Training cost
- 2 Hero points
- Game link
“Passive: Regenerate health.
Active: Heal yourself, and grant yourself resistance.
- Healing: 2,320 (0.5)?
- Resistance (6s): Nondamaging conditions currently on you are ineffective.
- Interval: 1 second
— In-game description
January 26, 2016
- Healing Signet: The passive healing based on level from this signet has been increased by 5%.
Healing Signet
- Profession
Warrior (skill list)
- Slot
- Healing
- Type
- Signet
- Training cost
- 2 Hero points
- Game link
“Passive: Regenerate health.
Active: Heal yourself, and grant yourself resistance
- Healing: 3,275 (0.5)?
- Healing Signet: 382 (0.05)? Heal
- Resistance (6s): Nondamaging conditions currently on you are ineffective.
- Interval: 1 second
— In-game description
June 23, 2015
- Healing Signet: Activating this signet now grants 6 seconds of resistance.
Healing Signet
- Profession
Warrior (skill list)
- Slot
- Healing
- Type
- Signet
- Training cost
- 2 Hero points
- Game link
“Passive: Regenerate health.
Active: Heal yourself, and grant yourself resistance
- Healing: 3,275 (0.5)?
- Healing Signet: 362 Heal
- Resistance (6s): Nondamaging conditions currently on you are ineffective.
- Interval: 1 second
— In-game description
April 15, 2014
- Healing Signet: Reduced the passive heal by 8%.
Healing Signet
- Profession
Warrior (skill list)
- Slot
- Healing
- Type
- Signet
- Game link
“Passive: Grants regeneration.
Active: Heal yourself.
- Healing: 3,275 (0.5)?
- Healing Signet: 362 Heal
- Interval: 1 second
— In-game description
December 10, 2013
- Healing Signet: Added an interval fact.
Healing Signet
- Profession
Warrior (skill list)
- Slot
- Healing
- Type
- Signet
- Training cost
- 3 Hero points
- Game link
“Passive: Grants regeneration.
Active: Heal yourself.
- Healing: 3,275 (0.5)?
- Healing Signet: 392 Heal
- Interval: 1 second
— In-game description
July 23, 2013
- Healing Signet (Passive): Reworked the formula that this passive heal uses. At level 80, this skill goes from 392 healing per 3 seconds to 467 healing per 3 seconds with 1500 healing power.
Healing Signet
- Profession
Warrior (skill list)
- Slot
- Healing
- Type
- Signet
- Training cost
- 3 Hero points
- Game link
“Passive: Grants regeneration.
Active: Heal yourself.
- Healing: 3,275 (0.5)?
- Healing Signet: 392 Heal
— In-game description
May 14, 2013
- Healing Signet Updated skill facts to show the passive effect and accurately display the healing value for the active effect.
Healing Signet
- Profession
Warrior (skill list)
- Slot
- Healing
- Type
- Signet
- Training cost
- 3 Hero points
“Passive: Grants regeneration.
Active: Heal yourself.
- Healing: 3,275 (0.5)?
- : 200 heal per sec
Healing Signet— In-game description
February 26, 2013
- Healing Signet: Reduced low-level healing for this signet without changing healing at higher levels. This signet now heals for 12 points at level 2 instead of 25 and then scales up to heal for 200 points at level 80.
Original version
Healing Signet
- Profession
Warrior (skill list)
- Slot
- Healing
- Type
- Signet
- Training cost
- 3 Hero points
“— In-game description