Ensure that the Pact holds the Gates of Arah

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Ensure that the Pact holds the Gates of Arah

Interactive map

Interactive map

Ensure that the Pact holds the Gates of Arah is a level 80 event that occurs in The Narthex.


  • Risen High Wizard (if spawned)
  • Event bar.jpg Event boss (tango icon).png
  • Gates of Arah Risen Control
  • Event bar.jpg Event flag red (map icon).png
  • Risen forces exhausted in: 10:00


  • The event reward is increased by 200% for experience, karma, and coin.
Reward tier Experience Karma Coin
Gold 35,560 Experience.png 756 Karma Silver coin 72 Copper coin
Silver 30,226 Experience.png 643 Karma Silver coin 16 Copper coin
Bronze 26,670 Experience.png 567 Karma Silver coin 79 Copper coin





Event start
Warmaster Benson: If we were able to take this location, then we should be able to hold it.
Vigil Tactician Coehl: We're about to find out. Here come the Risen!
Risen High Wizard: You will serve in death!
Risen High Wizard: Consume and convert.
Risen High Wizard: My defeat will not save you.
During event
Vigil Tactician Coehl: We can't give up this location.
Vigil Tactician Coehl: Dig in, soldiers. Today they lose and we win!
Vigil Tactician Coehl: Here they come! Prepare yourselves.
Event success
Vigil Tactician Coehl: Our casualties pile up, but while we hold this location, our hope never dies.
Warmaster Benson: The longer this goes on, the luckier I feel.
Vigil Tactician Coehl: You feel lucky to be here, in this place?
Warmaster Benson: I absolutely feel lucky as long as I'm alive and not one of those things.
Vigil Tactician Coehl: Well, here's hoping your luck never runs out

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