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Bannach is a sylvari traveler who shares moral tales with others.
- I've been traveling throughout Tyria, gathering tales to share. I could regale you with one or three—if you'd like. Which topic would you prefer: bravery, foolishness, or freedom?
- There were once two asura traveling together from Rata Sum. As they walked, they spotted a krewe of Inquest coming towards them. One of the travelers ran into the bushes to hide.
- The other traveler remained and waited for the Inquest to approach. They spoke to him, but seeing no threat, passed him by. When they were gone, the hider returned.
- He asked his friend what the Inquest had said. The brave traveler told his companion, "They advised me to never trust anyone who deserts you when you need them the most."
- Very well. Choose your topic. (returns to the choice)
Tell me another.
- Well told.
- I need to go.
And the other one?
- I need to go.
- There once was a clever bandit who devised a scheme to waylay travelers upon the road. He entered a nearby cave, and from within, yelled for help.
- Yes. Nobles and scholars passing the cave felt pity for the poor soul trapped in the cave. But when they entered to help, the thief killed them and took all their possessions.
- One day, the town fool passed by, and he too heard the bandit's cries. He called into the cave, "Stay there! I'll help you!" But, he ran back to town instead.
- He returned with guards who discovered the thief and his victims. The bandit asked the fool how he knew. The fool replied that he had seen many footprints going in, but none coming out.
- Very well. Choose your topic. (returns to the choice)
Tell me another.
- Not such a fool after all.
Why did he do that?
- I need to go.
- I need to go.
I assume his scheme worked?
- I need to go.
- There was once a human Seraph drinking the finest ale in a tavern in Divinity's Reach. A scruffy mercenary entered and sat down beside her. The barkeep asked what he desired.
- The scruffy mercenary asked for a small glass of the cheapest draught. Upon hearing this, the Seraph felt pity for the man and offered to take him to the Seraph captain to see about a job.
- He went along, and the Seraph captain offered him a position. But, when the captain placed a contract before him, the mercenary asked what it meant.
- And?
- I need to go.
What did the mercenary do?
- I need to go.
What did he say?
- I need to go.
- I'm not in the mood.