Mistforged Glorious Hero's armor

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Mistforged Glorious Hero's armor
Light Medium Heavy
Female Mistforged Glorious Hero's armor (light) human female front.jpg Mistforged Glorious Hero's armor (medium) human female front.jpg Mistforged Glorious Hero's armor (heavy) human female front.jpg
Male Mistforged Glorious Hero's armor (light) human male front.jpg Mistforged Glorious Hero's armor (medium) human male front.jpg Mistforged Glorious Hero's armor (heavy) human male front.jpg
Light Medium Heavy
Female Mistforged Glorious Hero's armor (light) asura female front.jpg Mistforged Glorious Hero's armor (medium) asura female front.jpg Mistforged Glorious Hero's armor (heavy) asura female front.jpg
Male Mistforged Glorious Hero's armor (light) asura male front.jpg Mistforged Glorious Hero's armor (medium) asura male front.jpg Mistforged Glorious Hero's armor (heavy) asura male front.jpg
Light Medium Heavy
Female Mistforged Glorious Hero's armor (light) charr female front.jpg Mistforged Glorious Hero's armor (medium) charr female front.jpg Mistforged Glorious Hero's armor (heavy) charr female front.jpg
Male Mistforged Glorious Hero's armor (light) charr male front.jpg Mistforged Glorious Hero's armor (medium) charr male front.jpg Mistforged Glorious Hero's armor (heavy) charr male front.jpg
Light Medium Heavy
Female Mistforged Glorious Hero's armor (light) norn female front.jpg Mistforged Glorious Hero's armor (medium) norn female front.jpg Mistforged Glorious Hero's armor (heavy) norn female front.jpg
Male Mistforged Glorious Hero's armor (light) norn male front.jpg Mistforged Glorious Hero's armor (medium) norn male front.jpg Mistforged Glorious Hero's armor (heavy) norn male front.jpg
Light Medium Heavy
Female Mistforged Glorious Hero's armor (light) sylvari female front.jpg Mistforged Glorious Hero's armor (medium) sylvari female front.jpg Mistforged Glorious Hero's armor (heavy) sylvari female front.jpg
Male Mistforged Glorious Hero's armor (light) sylvari male front.jpg Mistforged Glorious Hero's armor (medium) sylvari male front.jpg Mistforged Glorious Hero's armor (heavy) sylvari male front.jpg

Mistforged Glorious Hero's armor is a PvP-exclusive Ascended or Legendary armor set that can be acquired from earning rewards in PvP Leagues.


Ascended variant[edit]


Legendary variant[edit]

Primary article: Legendary armor#PvP armor set

Crafting the Legendary armor set requires the corresponding Ascended armor piece. Several items needed in the crafting process require the Heart of Thorns expansion unlocked.


Piece Light Medium Heavy
Helm Mistforged Glorious Hero's Crown.pngMistforged Glorious Hero's Crown Mistforged Glorious Hero's Cap.pngMistforged Glorious Hero's Cap Mistforged Glorious Hero's Plate Helm.pngMistforged Glorious Hero's Plate Helm
Shoulders Mistforged Glorious Hero's Epaulets.pngMistforged Glorious Hero's Epaulets Mistforged Glorious Hero's Shoulderguards.pngMistforged Glorious Hero's Shoulderguards Mistforged Glorious Hero's Pauldrons.pngMistforged Glorious Hero's Pauldrons
Coat Mistforged Glorious Hero's Raiment.pngMistforged Glorious Hero's Raiment Mistforged Glorious Hero's Brigandine.pngMistforged Glorious Hero's Brigandine Mistforged Glorious Hero's Breastplate.pngMistforged Glorious Hero's Breastplate
Gloves Mistforged Glorious Hero's Armguards.pngMistforged Glorious Hero's Armguards Mistforged Glorious Hero's Wristplates.pngMistforged Glorious Hero's Wristplates Mistforged Glorious Hero's Gauntlets.pngMistforged Glorious Hero's Gauntlets
Leggings Mistforged Glorious Hero's Leggings.pngMistforged Glorious Hero's Leggings Mistforged Glorious Hero's Legguards.pngMistforged Glorious Hero's Legguards Mistforged Glorious Hero's Legplates.pngMistforged Glorious Hero's Legplates
Boots Mistforged Glorious Hero's Footgear.pngMistforged Glorious Hero's Footgear Mistforged Glorious Hero's Shinplates.pngMistforged Glorious Hero's Shinplates Mistforged Glorious Hero's Wargreaves.pngMistforged Glorious Hero's Wargreaves
  • Note that the chest piece is also available in a "Slumbering" variant, without the glowing tendrils. Buying the chest piece unlocks both variations of the skin.

Wardrobe skin links[edit]

Skin preview codes
Armor class Headgear Shoulders Chest Gloves Leggings Boots


  • It is recommended that you do not attempt to stat change your precursor item with the standard stat swap recipe in the Mystic Forge. While you will be provided with an item with the desired stats, it will have been replaced with a generic ascended item that cannot be used as a legendary precursor.
  • A minimum of 800 Ascended Shard of Glory.png Ascended Shard of Glory is needed for a full Ascended set once unlocked. 1,600 Ascended Shard of Glory.png Ascended Shard of Glory total including unlocking the ability to purchase this.
  • Introduced with the November 13, 2018 game update.


See also[edit]


  1. ^ Any method that unlocks the Ardent Glorious skin permits the purchase of this item. This includes: (1) the exotic skin, (2) the ascended piece or (3) the legendary piece.