Lionguard (Refugee Coordinator)
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The Lionguard was the Refugee Coordinator in Lion's Arch.
Historical location[edit]
- As of May 12 2013
- The news spread like wildfire when the Molten Alliance got their final beatdown. Good news travels fast, I guess. Now maybe the refugees can get their lives back on track.
- Mm. Good question. Most to the Consortium camp in Southsun Cove, but others, back where they came from to rebuild their ranches and homesteads. I wish them luck.
- Interesting. Bye.
Where are the refugees going now?
- I hope so. Bye.
- From 25 February 2013 to May 12 2013
- Not a refugee? Then stand clear. We've got tired and wounded refugees on the way, we don't need gawkers.
- [sic] do to help?
- Well, the shock's wearing off. Some of these refugees could use moral support. Talk to them.
- I hear the Iron Legion is assessing the situation before they charge in. Initial reports indicate that it's dredge in Wayfarer Foothills and Flame Legion in Diessa Plateau. Simultaneous assaults — what are the odds?
- They're Consortium. They do tourist stuff, like selling souvenirs. They jumped in to help the refugees with food and water. They're talking about building new homes for them on Southsun Cove too.
- Understood. Bye.
So, who are the guards in blue and gold?
- Good question. See ya.
What can you tell me about the situation here?
- All right.
What I can - Gotcha. Will do.