Keeper Jonez Deadrun

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Karma Merchant.png

Keeper Jonez Deadrun


Interactive map

Keeper Jonez Deadrun is a karma merchant who sells level 80 exotic Berserker's temple armor, only after completing the Temple of Grenth meta event. Armor pieces contain a Superior Rune of Grenth.


Ruins of Orr

Event involvement[edit]

Event cog (tango icon).png Defend the Pact lightning cannon (80)
Event shield (tango icon).png Ensure that Keeper Jonez Deadrun reaches the Cathedral of Silence (80)
Event star (tango icon).png [Group Event] Use portals to fight shades, slay the Risen Priest of Grenth, and protect Keeper Jonez Deadrun (80)
Event shield (tango icon).png [Group Event] Cover Keeper Jonez Deadrun as he performs the cleansing ritual (80)

Items offered[edit]

Each piece of armor contains a Superior Rune of Grenth which cannot be salvaged.

Item Type Rarity Level Cost
Dwayna's Salmic Charm.png Pact Medal Of Recognition Accessory Fine 80 581 Karma
Dwayna's Salmic Charm.png Pact Medal Of Recognition Accessory Masterwork 80 1,155 Karma
Armageddon Greaves.png Berserker's Armageddon Greaves of Grenth Heavy boots Exotic 80 42,000 Karma
Armageddon Breastplate.png Berserker's Armageddon Breastplate of Grenth Heavy chest Exotic 80 42,000 Karma
Armageddon Gauntlets.png Berserker's Armageddon Gauntlets of Grenth Heavy gloves Exotic 80 42,000 Karma
Armageddon Helm.png Berserker's Armageddon Helm of Grenth Heavy headgear Exotic 80 42,000 Karma
Armageddon Leggings.png Berserker's Armageddon Leggings of Grenth Heavy leggings Exotic 80 42,000 Karma
Armageddon Pauldrons.png Berserker's Armageddon Pauldrons of Grenth Heavy shoulders Exotic 80 42,000 Karma
Aurora Shoes.png Berserker's Aurora Shoes of Grenth Light boots Exotic 80 42,000 Karma
Aurora Garb.png Berserker's Aurora Garb of Grenth Light chest Exotic 80 42,000 Karma
Aurora Gloves.png Berserker's Aurora Gloves of Grenth Light gloves Exotic 80 42,000 Karma
Aurora Helm.png Berserker's Aurora Helm of Grenth Light headgear Exotic 80 42,000 Karma
Aurora Leggings.png Berserker's Aurora Leggings of Grenth Light leggings Exotic 80 42,000 Karma
Aurora Mantle.png Berserker's Aurora Mantle of Grenth Light shoulders Exotic 80 42,000 Karma
Rubicon Boots.png Berserker's Rubicon Boots of Grenth Medium boots Exotic 80 42,000 Karma
Rubicon Coat.png Berserker's Rubicon Coat of Grenth Medium chest Exotic 80 42,000 Karma
Rubicon Gloves.png Berserker's Rubicon Gloves of Grenth Medium gloves Exotic 80 42,000 Karma
Rubicon Hat.png Berserker's Rubicon Hat of Grenth Medium headgear Exotic 80 42,000 Karma
Rubicon Leggings.png Berserker's Rubicon Leggings of Grenth Medium leggings Exotic 80 42,000 Karma
Rubicon Shoulderpads.png Berserker's Rubicon Shoulderpads of Grenth Medium shoulders Exotic 80 42,000 Karma
Lost Orrian Jewelry Box.png Lost Orrian Jewelry Box Container Exotic 4,550 Karma
Caudecus's Journal.png Soldier's Field Guide Accessory Exotic 80 42,000 Karma
Amulet.png Soldier's Amulet Amulet Exotic 80 42,000 Karma
Spineguard.png Soldier's Spineguard Back item Exotic 80 42,000 Karma
Gold Ring.png Soldier's Ring Ring Exotic 80 42,000 Karma
Bottle of Sesame-Ginger Sauce.png Bottle of Putrid Wine Alcohol Basic 28 Karma


By Death's Gaze Torch
We managed to hold our position, but I need to tend to my wounds before we continue. You're free to aide our other initiatives along the Cursed Shore.
Talk end option tango.png Thank you, sir!
As a karma merchant
This place sure has a lot of bones. Maybe I should start collecting skulls. Think there's a market for that?
Karma.png I'd buy anything from you. Seriously, anything. What do you have there?
Talk more option tango.png Is that what you came here for?
No. I have far more important work. I'm maintaining an arcane symbol that's going to save the world. I have to keep it functioning. I just get bored, and my mind wanders.
Talk more option tango.png What does it do?
When I triggered it—which was no small task—I severed this temple's connection with other Grenth statues across Orr. Oh, and the ritual should also keep Risen out of here.
Talk more option tango.png What was the connection between this temple and other Grenth statues?
Zhaitan was working through his Risen priest, here in this temple, to rouse Grenth statues across Orr to attack our troops. This was the priest's base of operations.
Talk end option tango.png Sounds like you did some good work here, soldier.
Talk end option tango.png Good work!
Talk end option tango.png I'll leave you to it, then.
Talk end option tango.png I have no idea, but good luck with that.

Related achievements[edit]

See also[edit]

  • Temple armor — for a list of other NPCs selling temple armor.