Guild Wars 2: End of Dragons content

Daring Dragon

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Daring Dragon.png

Daring Dragon

Bladesworn icon small.png Bladesworn (trait list)
Training cost
10 Hero points
Game link
Daring Dragon

Dragon Slash has a lower maximum charge level and consumes more flow per charge, but its damage per charge is increased. Grant boons to nearby allies when you use Dragon Slash.

Alacrity.png Alacrity (10s): +25% Skill Recharge Rate
Might.png10 Might (8s): 300 Condition Damage, 300 Power
Fury.png Fury (8s): +20% Critical Chance
Alacrity.png Alacrity (3s): +25% Skill Recharge Rate
Attribute bonus.png Flow Cost per Charge: 10
Maximum Count.png Maximum Charge Level: 5
Radius.png Radius: 600

— In-game description

Version history[edit]

For a detailed trait history, see here.

Patch Changes
February 11, 2025
  • This trait no longer applies alacrity and now applies might and fury in WvW only.
June 27, 2023
  • This trait has been reworked. Dragon Slash has a lower maximum charge level and consumes more flow per charge, but its damage per charge has been increased. Grant alacrity to nearby allies when you use Dragon Slash.
June 28, 2022
  • In addition to its previous effects, this trait also causes Tactical Reload to affect Dragon Trigger for the duration of the effect instead of just affecting the next Dragon Trigger.
February 28, 2022 End of Dragons release:
  • Daring Dragon has been added to the game.
November 30, 2021
  • Daring Dragon was available during the End of Dragons Beta Event 4.
  • Now resets the cooldown of Dragonscale Defense whenever you reenter Dragon Trigger after using a Dragon Slash, in addition to its previous effects.
September 21, 2021