Agent Zildi
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Agent Zildi
Agent Zildi is an asura member of the Order of Whispers. She can be found in Rata Novus alongside her brother Kott, and is later found in Dragon's Stand helping in the battle against Mordremoth.
Event involvement[edit]
- Tangled Depths Outpost: Rata Novus
- Bring golem parts to Agent Zildi (80)
- Draw the shielded golem's fire while Agent Zildi reprograms it (80)
- Use ley energy to power the golem's shields so Zildi can reach the console room (80)
- Protect Zildi while she hacks the defense matrix (80)
- Kill the golem that is preventing Zildi from hacking the mainframe! (80) [Group Event]
- Tangled Depths King of the Jungle
- Power the golems, forcing the chak gerent to emerge (80) [Group Event]
- Destroy the chak gerent before it reaches the cannon (80) [Group Event]
- Stop the chak from reaching the cannon (80) [Group Event]
- Dragon's Stand
- Destroy the Ley-Line Disruption Pod to restore the ley lines to other islands (80)
- Defeat and stop the Mordrem commander from growing enough explosive pustules to destroy the island (80)
- Attack the Mouth of Mordremoth's head while evading its attacks (80)
- Destroy the vine growth before it destroys a section of the island (80)
- Stun the Mouth of Mordremoth to keep it in place while your allies collect mortars to damage it from above (80)
- Defeat and stop the Mordrem commander from shielding allies inside the coils (80)
- Attack the dragon's body while evading its attacks (80)
Tangled Depths[edit]
- During Bring golem parts to Agent Zildi
- This golem could help us explore the ruins, but it's missing parts. If you find any, bring them to me.
- The ruin's automated defenses currently see us as enemies. We'll need a functional interface to reconfigure them, which is exactly what this golem would be—if it wasn't broken.
- Safety! This jungle is dangerous, and we need a safe base of operations. These ruins would be perfect if the defenses weren't trying to kill us.
- Thank you for the explanation.
Why do we need to reconfigure the defenses?
- I see.
How would this golem help us?
- I don't have any golem parts for you.
- During Use ley energy to power the golem's shields so Zildi can reach the console room* (see note below)
- Seems safe to conclude the chak feed on ley energy. Unfortunate, but useful. That may be the last piece of the puzzle I needed to complete my cunning plan!
- Of course! But never mind that. My current mission is to get the city mainframe online and operational. We need to get to the console room, where we'll find the mainframe.
- I'll trust you, Zildi. Let's do this.
Are you ready to share that plan with me?
- In Rata Novus, after meta event is completed
- Prior to being assigned to unlock the city, I set up cannons in the central chamber of the cave system and converted them to use ley energy. All that ley energy is making the chak act...erratic.
- Fair point. But this is erratic, even for a chak. I need them angry, but I need them under control. It's all part of my cunning, murderous plan.
- The Mordrem are too plentiful for the few remaining Pact soldiers to engage them in direct combat. If this campaign has any hope of continuing, we need allies.
- Exactly. The chak are killers. Now we just need to motivate them to kill Mordrem. Got it? I need those cannons to clear the way.
- You see? Both cunning and murderous, exactly as advertised. So charge those cannons, and then we'll shove an army of chak down Mordremoth's throat!
- Let's hope nothing interferes with those cannons.
While the Mordrem are distracted, we can slip past.
Yes, but the city is deserted. The chak killed everyone.
All right, I'll bite. What's the cunning, murderous plan?
Are you kidding? Have you seen many predictable chak?
- Before the Chak Gerent
- You understand our objective?
- It's simply, really. The chak's defenses are strong, but we need to buy time for the ley-line cannons to charge. Our best bet is to power this golem to aid our defense.
- I'm trying to get this conduit hooked to the golem. But time is an issue, so we may have to improvise here shortly. Be ready to manually ferry the energy in case this doesn't work.
- Easily! We break them open, gather the spilled energy, and transport it to the golem. A crude solution, but it will work in a pinch.
- I'll be ready!
Got it! But how do I get the ley energy out?
- All right!
Nice! How do we do that?
- Right!
I...kind of...sort
- I totally get it.
- After successfully defending the Rata Novus Lane from the Chak Gerent
- I have to stay with the cannon. Go see if the other lanes need help!
- Got it!
- During Bring golem parts to Agent Zildi, when given an Archaic Golem Part
- Aha! There's the part I needed!
Dragon's Stand[edit]
- When Mouth of Mordremoth event begins
- Agent Zildi: Glad to have you here with me.
- After killing the Mouth of Mordremoth
- Agent Zildi: We actually beat it together, Commander!
- <Character name>: We really did it, didn't we?
- Agent Zildi's dialogue for Use ley energy to power the golem's shields so Zildi can reach the console room is repeated during Protect Zildi while she hacks the defense matrix, even though she is already in the console room.
- Agent Zildi is voiced by Janell Cox.