Guild Wars 2: End of Dragons content

Unstable Bladestorm

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Unstable Bladestorm.png

Unstable Bladestorm

Mesmer icon small.png Mesmer (skill list)
Virtuoso icon small.png Virtuoso
Main hand dagger
Weapon slot empty tango.pngWeapon slot empty tango.pngWeapon slot filled tango.pngNo related skill available in slot 4No related skill available in slot 5
Game link
12 Recharge time  
Unstable Bladestorm

Create a telekinetic storm of daggers that damages foes. With each interval, the bladestorm will fire blades at nearby enemies.

Damage.png Storm Damage: 92 (0.25)?
Damage.png Storm Damage: 147 (0.40)?
Damage.png Blade Damage: 183 (0.5)?
Damage.png Blade Damage: 37 (0.10)?
Number of targets.png Number of Targets: 5
Miscellaneous effect.png Blades Launched: 3
Duration.png Duration: 4 seconds
Interval.png Interval: 1 second
Radius.png Radius: 180
Power attribute.png Blade
Range.png Range: 1,200

— In-game description

Related traits[edit]

Virtuoso Virtuoso


  • Like  Bladecall.png Bladecall, this skill actually has an activation time despite not being listed in its tooltip, meaning it can be interrupted and it cannot be cast while casting other skills with an activation time.
  • The skill produces four projectiles with a Range.png Range of 600 units.

Version history[edit]

For a detailed skill history, see here.

Patch Changes
February 11, 2025
  • Reduced the power coefficient of the storm from 0.45 to 0.25 and the damage coefficient of the blades from 0.66 to 0.5 in PvE only.
November 28, 2023
  • Fixed an issue that prevented this skill from targeting large bosses such as Conjured Amalgamate.
August 22, 2023 Secrets of the Obscure release:
  • Fixed an issue that would sometimes prevent this skill from dealing damage if two bladestorms were active at the same time.
June 27, 2023
  • This skill is now a ground-targeted spell instead of a projectile. The spell strikes enemies in range in addition to firing projectiles at nearby enemies.
March 29, 2022
  • Increased large projectile power coefficient from 1.25 to 1.5. Increased small projectile power coefficient from 0.33 to 0.43 in PvP and WvW.
February 28, 2022 End of Dragons release:
  • Unstable Bladestorm has been added to the game.
  • (Undocumented) Increased power coefficient from 1 to 1.8. Interval between hits reduced from 2 seconds to 1.5 seconds.
November 30, 2021
  • Unstable Bladestorm was available during the End of Dragons Beta Event 4.
  • Increased power coefficient from 1.0 to 1.25 in PvP and WvW.
August 17, 2021