Slayer Feldera

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Karma Merchant.png

Slayer Feldera


Interactive map

Slayer Feldera is a karma merchant and ranking Order of Whispers operative stationed at Murmur Isle in the Whisper Bay area of Malchor's Leap. She will not offer items if Help Iduna destroy the Omicron golem factory is active, or while she leaves the camp during Subdue proto-golems being produced at the Omicron Inquest facility

She and her unit have separated from the rest of the Pact to monitor Inquest activity at Omicron Test Facility, where they are attempting to harness latent magical energy in Orr to produce golems. Their goal is to ensure that the Inquest do not interfere with Pact operations to the south in Blighted Arch.


Items offered[edit]

Item Type Rarity Level Cost
Dark Templar Greaves.png Murmur Boots Heavy boots Fine 79 455 Karma
Primitive Footwraps.png Murmur Shoes Light boots Fine 79 455 Karma
Buccaneer Boots.png Murmur Boots Medium boots Fine 79 455 Karma
Dark Templar Greaves.png Murmur Boots Heavy boots Masterwork 79 910 Karma
Primitive Footwraps.png Murmur Shoes Light boots Masterwork 79 910 Karma
Buccaneer Boots.png Murmur Boots Medium boots Masterwork 79 910 Karma
Seraph Emblem.png Order of Whispers Secret Code Accessory Fine 79 574 Karma
Seraph Emblem.png Order of Whispers Secret Code Accessory Masterwork 79 1,141 Karma
Glyphic Handblade.png Murmur Dagger Dagger Fine 74 427 Karma
Glyphic Pistol.png Murmur Pistol Pistol Fine 74 427 Karma
Glyphic Handblade.png Murmur Dagger Dagger Masterwork 74 854 Karma
Glyphic Pistol.png Murmur Pistol Pistol Masterwork 74 854 Karma
Lost Orrian Jewelry Box.png Lost Orrian Jewelry Box Container Exotic 4,550 Karma

Event involvement[edit]

Event swords (tango icon).png Subdue proto-golems being produced at the Omicron Inquest facility (78)


We've broken off from the main Pact force to keep an eye on the Omicron Test Facility, an Inquest base to the east.
Karma.png What goods do you have to offer?
Talk more option tango.png What have they been up to?
The Inquest found a way to power a golem production facility by harnessing ambient magic from Orr. We sent a spy to figure out if we can disable their energy tower.
Talk more option tango.png Was the spy successful?
He returned with codes that might disable the facility's power. The Pact is working to decrypt them.
Talk end option tango.png Let's hope that works.
Talk end option tango.png Sounds time-consuming. Good luck.
During Subdue proto-golems being produced at the Omicron Inquest facility
The Inquest produced a small run of golems at Omicron Test Facility. We need to cull their numbers.
Talk end option tango.png I might be able to work some golem-bashing into my schedule.
During Defeat the Risen Giant
We sent the Pact our stolen Omicron codes for deciphering, but it's been a while since we've heard from them. I hope nothing's wrong.
Tick green.png I can look into it. Where should I go?
We usually get communications through the shore in Blighted Arch. Here, I'll mark your map.
Talk end option tango.png Thank you.
Karma.png What goods do you have to offer?
Talk end option tango.png I'm sure it's fine.
During Help Iduna destroy the Omicron golem factory
Creator Stumm built a messenger golem that has codes capable of severing the power at Omicron Test Facility, but our agent needs help escorting the golem there.
Tick green.png I'll escort the golem. Where do I go?
The facility is east of here. If you help us cut their power, Omicron's golem production will be stalled.
Talk end option tango.png East. Got it.
Talk end option tango.png I'm sure your agent can handle things alone.
After Help Iduna destroy the Omicron golem factory
We managed to shut down production at the Inquest golem factory, but it won't be long before they're at it again.
Talk more option tango.png At least we slowed them down.
With your help. Creator Stumm's messenger golem couldn't have delivered the termination codes without you.
Talk end option tango.png Helping each other is what the Pact is about.
Karma.png What goods do you have to offer?
Talk end option tango.png Good thing you're here, then. Bye.