Guild Wars 2 Wiki:Projects/Shared Model Project/V

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V races

  • Vampire Beast: Complete 1Yes
  • Void: Incomplete 0No
Shared Model Project
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    NOPQRST • U • VW • X • Y • Z

Vampire Beasts[edit]

File name Curent image Used by Visual description Notes Good image?
File:Vampire Beast.jpg Vampire Beast.jpg - 1Yes


File name Curent image Used by Visual description Notes Good image?
File:Jade Spark.jpg Jade Spark.jpg Jade Spark 1Yes
File:Void Abomination.jpg Void Abomination.jpg Void Abomination Needs cleaner background 0No
File:Void Brandbeast.jpg Void Brandbeast.jpg Void Brandbeast Needs better background contrast 0No
File:Void Brandbomber.jpg Void Brandbomber.jpg Void Brandbomber Again, cleaner background. Also legs are partially in the ground and top of tail is cut off. 0No
File:Void Brandcharger.jpg Void Brandcharger.jpg Void Brandcharger Preferably not at this angle 1Yes
File:Void Brandfang.jpg Void Brandfang.jpg Void Brandfang Needs a cleaner background and possibly no Aurene cameo in the background. Neutral pose would be nice. 1Yes
File:Void Brandscale.jpg Void Brandscale.jpg Void Brandscale Cleaner background, neutral pose. 1Yes
File:Void Coldsteel.jpg Void Coldsteel.jpg Void Coldsteel Yet again, cleaner background. I may be being a bit pedantic, but most of the failures are my fault anyway. -Sunlion 1Yes
File:Void Corpseknitter.jpg Void Corpseknitter.jpg Void Corpseknitter Combat pose would be nice; it's difficult to make out the head in idle pose. 1Yes
File:Void Corrupted Jade Courier.jpg Void Corrupted Jade Courier.jpg Void-Corrupted Jade Courier Too dark. Good image otherwise, though. 0No
File:Void Corrupted Jade Bulwark.jpg Void Corrupted Jade Bulwark.jpg Void-Corrupted Jade Bulwark Too dark. 0No
File:Void Corrupted Jade Detainer.jpg Void Corrupted Jade Detainer.jpg Void-Corrupted Jade Detainer Too dark. 0No
File:Void Corrupted Jade Tracker.jpg Void Corrupted Jade Tracker.jpg Void-Corrupted Jade Tracker Too dark. 0No
File:Void Servitor.jpg Void Servitor.jpg Void-Corrupted Jade Servitor Maybe a little bit dark still? 1Yes
File:Void Crane.jpg Void Crane.jpg Void-Corrupted Crane Too dark, again. Also, grass covering the feet. 0No
File:Void Despoiler.jpg Void Despoiler.jpg Void Despoiler Cleaner background. 1Yes
File:Void Despoiler (underwater).jpg Void Despoiler (underwater).jpg Void Despoiler (underwater) Area it appears in is always too dark to get a much brighter image 1Yes
File:Void Emberknight.jpg Void Emberknight.jpg Void Emberknight Needs better background contrast and to be brighter, though it is posed well. 1Yes
File:Void Fiend.jpg Void Fiend.jpg Void Fiend Needs a cleaner background 1Yes
File:Void Frostwing.jpg Void Frostwing.jpg Void Frostwing Needs a cleaner background 1Yes
File:Void Giant.jpg Void Giant.jpg Void Giant Too dark 0No
File:Void Glacier.jpg Void Glacier.jpg Void Glacier Legs partially embedded in ground 1Yes
File:Void Goliath.jpg Void Goliath.jpg Void Goliath Would be a perfect image if not for being taken at night 1Yes
File:Void Infested.jpg Void Infested.jpg Void Infested Find one that's not walking and that has a cleaner background behind it 1Yes
File:Void Kirin.jpg Void Kirin.jpg Void-Corrupted Kirin Too dark, too much grass in the way 0No
File:Void Melter.jpg Void Melter.jpg Void Melter Hind set of legs possibly in the ground? If so, 1Yes instead. 1Yes
File:Void Obliterator.jpg Void Obliterator.jpg Void Obliterator Nice and bright but chaotic background 1Yes
File:Void Rimewolf.jpg Void Rimewolf.jpg Void Rimewolf 1Yes
File:Void Rotspinner.jpg Void Rotspinner.jpg Void Rotspinner 1Yes
File:Void Saltspray Dragon.jpg Void Saltspray Dragon.jpg Void Saltspray Dragon Needs a less chaotic background and less MinSec photobombing. 1Yes
File:Void Stormseer.jpg Void Stormseer.jpg Void Stormseer 1Yes
File:Void Tangler.jpg Void Tangler.jpg Void Tangler Chaotic background 1Yes
File:Void Tendril.jpg Void Tendril.jpg Void Tendril 1Yes
File:Void Thornheart.jpg Void Thornheart.jpg Void Thornheart Good image; would prefer if all four legs were on the ground. 1Yes
File:Void Vinetooth.jpg Void Vinetooth.jpg Void Vinetooth Background's a little chaotic but overall still good. 1Yes
File:Void Warforged.jpg Void Warforged.jpg Void Warforged Background needs to contrast more 1Yes
File:Void White Tiger.jpg Void White Tiger.jpg Void-Corrupted White Tiger Too dark 0No
File:Void Worm.jpg Void Worm.jpg Void Worm 1Yes
File:Void Wraith.jpg Void Wraith.jpg Void Wraith Front-on shot would be preferable 1Yes
File:Void-Corrupted Maw Tentacle.jpg Void-Corrupted Maw Tentacle.jpg Void-Corrupted Kraken Tentacle Yet again, background is a bit chaotic. 1Yes


No images/Bad images
Void or (Haze) Jade Brotherhood: Champion Brotherhood Junker, Champion Brotherhood Scout, Champion Brotherhood Scrapper, Champion Brotherhood Warrior, Elite Behemoth's Gap Garrison Support, Elite Corruption Channeler, Elite Jadepillar Point Garrison Support , Veteran Behemoth's Gap Garrison Support, Veteran Jadepillar Point Garrison Support
Void or (Haze) Speakers:Champion Speaker Ritualist

Notes: Void and Haze are shared models