Guild Wars 2 Wiki:Projects/Shared Model Project/Human 8

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Human groups - EoD

  • Purists Females: Incomplete 0No
  • Purists Males: Incomplete 0No
  • Jade Brotherhood, Kestrels, Speakers and Xunlai Jade are under the Multi-racial Organizations as they are not human-only groups.
Shared Model Project
Major Races
Multi-Race Groups
Minor Races


File name Curent image Used by Visual description Notes Good image?
File:Canthan Laborer F1 a.jpg Canthan Laborer F1 a.jpg Under covered, female Shared with generic Canthan but purists used this model. 0No
File:Canthan Laborer M1 a.jpg Canthan Laborer M1 a.jpg Under covered, male Shared with generic Canthan but purists used this model. 0No
File:Purist Assassin (female).jpg Purist Assassin (female).jpg Purist Assassin, female 0No
File:Purist Assassin (male).jpg Purist Assassin (male).jpg Purist Assassin, male 1Yes
File:Purist Junker (female).jpg Purist Junker (female).jpg Purist Junker, female 1Yes
File:Purist Junker (male).jpg Purist Junker (male).jpg Purist Junker, male 1Yes
File:Purist Mesmer (female).jpg Purist Mesmer (female).jpg Purist Mesmer, female, using Dreamwalker Scythe 1Yes
File:Purist Mesmer (male).jpg Purist Mesmer (male).jpg Purist Mesmer, male, using Dreamwalker Scythe 1Yes
File:Purist Necromancer (female).jpg Purist Necromancer (female).jpg Purist Necromancer, female, using Deathwish 1Yes
File:Purist Necromancer (male).jpg Purist Necromancer (male).jpg Purist Necromancer, male, using Deathwish 1Yes
File:Champion Mal-Chin.jpg Champion Mal-Chin.jpg Purist Necromancer outfit, male, using Ritualist staff 1Yes
File:Purist Ritualist (female).jpg Purist Ritualist (female).jpg Purist Ritualist, female, using Ritualist staff 1Yes
File:Purist Ritualist (male).jpg Purist Ritualist (male).jpg Purist Ritualist, male, using Ritualist staff 1Yes


  • No picture: