Guild Wars 2 Wiki:Projects/Shared Model Project/Objects 3

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Objects: Bundles

  • Bundles : Incomplete 0No
Shared Model Project
Major Races
Multi-Race Groups
Minor Races
  • GhostKodanTengu
  • Minor races, alphabetically sorted:
    NOPQRST • U • VW • X • Y • Z


File name Curent image Used by Visual description Notes Good image?
File:Ancient Orrian Tome.jpg Ancient Orrian Tome.jpg Ancient Scroll/Tome 0No
File:Asuran Experimental Weapon Rack.jpg Asuran Experimental Weapon Rack.jpg Asuran Experimental Weapon Rack 0No
File:Ball of Ooze.jpg Ball of Ooze.jpg Ball of Ooze Small, but not sure if possible to get larger image. Possibly when held? 0No
File:Bomb (bundle).jpg Bomb (bundle).jpg Bomb 1Yes
File:Bottle of Rum.jpg Bottle of Rum.jpg Bottle of Rum 1Yes
File:Boulder.jpg Boulder.jpg Boulder Horrible background contrast 0No
File:Cannonball.jpg Cannonball.jpg Cannonball Could do with a brighter background 1Yes
File:Charrzooka (Dragon Response Mission).jpg Charrzooka (Dragon Response Mission).jpg Charrzooka (Icebrood Saga) Doesn't contrast much with the background 1Yes
File:Conch.jpg Conch.jpg Conch Shell Small 0No
File:Cow Pie.jpg Cow Pie.jpg Cow Pie 1Yes
File:Drake Scale (bundle).jpg Drake Scale (bundle).jpg Scale 1Yes
File:Driftwood.jpg Driftwood.jpg Driftwood 1Yes
File:Empty Bottle.jpg Empty Bottle.jpg Empty Bottle 1Yes
File:Flamethrower (bundle).jpg Flamethrower (bundle).jpg Flamethrower 1Yes
File:Gear (bundle).jpg Gear (bundle).jpg Gear 1Yes
File:Lava Rock.jpg Lava Rock.jpg Lava Rock Maybe not enough contrast with the background? Still, good image otherwise and 1Yes if more contrast isn't possible 1Yes
File:Meat.jpg Meat.jpg Meat 1Yes
File:Metal Bar.jpg Metal Bar.jpg Metal Bar 1Yes
File:Rotten Egg (object).jpg Rotten Egg (object).jpg Speckled Egg 1Yes
File:Oakheart Branch.jpg Oakheart Branch.jpg Treant Branch 1Yes
