Guild Wars 2: End of Dragons content

Veteran Void Thornheart

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Veteran Void Thornheart

Veteran Void Thornhearts are strong Void-corrupted Mordrem Thornhearts found in Dragon's End.



Story involvement[edit]

End of Dragons story[edit]

Event involvement[edit]

Red Boss.png [Group Event] Defeat Soo-Won (80)
Event shield red (map icon).png [Group Event] Defend the hatchery from the Void ambush (80)
Event shield red (map icon).png [Group Event] Defend the temple from the Void ambush (80)
Event shield red (map icon).png [Group Event] Escort Caithe's troops to the observatory (80)
Event shield red (map icon).png [Group Event] Escort Captain Fa and his troops to the Jade Brotherhood outpost (80)
Invasion (map icon).png [Group Event] Quell the Mordrem Void corruption (80)
Event star (tango icon).png Quell the Mordrem Void corruption (80)
Event shield red (map icon).png [Group Event] Escort Navan and her troops to the Speakers outpost (80)
Invasion (map icon).png [Group Event] Quell the Void corruption (80)
Event flag red (map icon).png [Group Event] Reclaim the Speakers outpost from the Void (80)
Event flag red (map icon).png [Group Event] Reclaim the Jade Brotherhood outpost from the Void (80)
Event collect2 red (map icon).png [Group Event] Use crystallized dragon magic to charge matching prismatic crystals (80)

Combat abilities[edit]

  • Protected
  • Launches Artillery
  • Passive until engaged in combat

DefianceDefiance bar teal.png

  • Artillery - Launches indestructible AoE projectiles that Knockback.png Knockback enemies. Low damage. Not susceptible to projectile destruction or reflect.
  • Void Energy - Unleashes a burst of energy onto players within its hitbox. Medium damage.
Stolen skills


Name Type Rarity Quantity
Large Bone.png Large Bone Crafting material Fine 1
Mordrem Lodestone.png Mordrem Lodestone Crafting material Exotic 1
Pile of Incandescent Dust.png Pile of Incandescent Dust Crafting material Fine 1