Guild banner

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Guild Heroes Banner as seen in the game world

A guild banner is both a consumable item and an environmental object it produces that grants characters various bonuses upon interaction with it: from increase in rewards and experience to higher movement speed. Most guild banner effects last for 30 minutes, and being downed, defeated, or zone travel will not remove them. Any remaining time of guild banner effects is also retained while being logged out from the character. All guild banner objects last in the world for up to 1 hour, but will be removed immediately if the character who placed them logs out or leaves the zone.


Guild banners can be:


Guild banners that appear in the inventory are placed in the game world by double-clicking, like any other consumable. Guild banners that appear in the guild storage may be activated by any guild member with the "Use Placeables" privilege. To activate, select the Storage tab of the Guild panel, and then double-click on the banner.

When activated, guild banners will immediately appear at the character's current location. Multiple banners should not be placed at the same location or on top of other interactable objects, like guild mission activators or NPCs).

List of guild banners[edit]

Guild Storage Effect Effect Description
Guild Experience Banner.pngGuild Experience Banner 5 Exp Public Banner.png Guild Experience Banner Bonus Increase Experience gain from kills by 15%. Does not stack with other experience guild banner boosts.
Guild Gathering and Swiftness Banner (guild storage).pngGuild Gathering and Swiftness Banner Guild Swiftness Banner Boost.png Guild Swiftness Banner Boost Increases speed by 15%. Does not stack with other swiftness banner boosts.
Guild Gathering Boost.png Guild Gathering Banner Boost Increase chance to find rare materials from mining, logging, and harvesting by 15%. Does not stack with other gathering banner boosts.
Guild Gathering Banner (guild storage).pngGuild Gathering Banner Guild Gathering Boost.png Guild Gathering Banner Boost Increase chance to find rare materials from mining, logging, and harvesting by 15%. Does not stack with other gathering banner boosts.
Guild Gold and Magic Find Banner (guild storage).pngGuild Gold and Magic Find Banner Guild Gold Banner Boost (15 percent).png Guild Gold Banner Boost Increase gold gain for kills by 15%. Does not stack with other gold banner boosts.
Guild Magic Find Banner Boost.png Guild Magic Find Banner Boost Increase chance to loot rare items by 15%. Does not stack with other magic find banner boosts.
Guild Gold Banner.pngGuild Gold Banner Guild Gold Banner Boost (15 percent).png Guild Gold Banner Boost Increase gold gain for kills by 15%. Does not stack with other gold banner boosts.
Guild Heroes Banner (guild storage).pngGuild Heroes Banner Guild Swiftness Banner Boost.png Guild Swiftness Banner Boost Increases speed by 15%. Does not stack with other swiftness banner boosts.
Guild Heroes Banner.png Guild Heroes Banner Boost Increase experience gain from kills by 15%. Increase gold gain for kills by 15%. Increase chance to loot rare items by 15%. Increase karma gain by 15%. Increase chance to find rare materials from mining, logging, and harvesting by 15%. Does not stack with other guild banner enhancement.
Guild Karma and Experience Banner (guild storage).pngGuild Karma and Experience Banner Guild Karma Boost.png Guild Karma Banner Boost Increase karma gain by 15%. Does not stack with other karma guild banner boosts.
5 Exp Public Banner.png Guild Experience Banner Bonus Increase Experience gain from kills by 15%. Does not stack with other experience guild banner boosts.
Guild Karma Banner (guild storage).pngGuild Karma Banner Guild Karma Boost.png Guild Karma Banner Boost Increase karma gain by 15%. Does not stack with other karma guild banner boosts.
Guild Magic Find Banner (guild storage).pngGuild Magic Find Banner Guild Magic Find Banner Boost.png Guild Magic Find Banner Boost Increase chance to loot rare items by 15%. Does not stack with other magic find banner boosts.
Guild Road Marker (guild storage).pngGuild Road Marker Swiftness.png Swiftness (20s) Movement speed increased by 33%; stacks duration.
Other banners

These banners provide similar functionality, but are purchased from other vendors and don't have a dedicated slot in the guild storage.

See also[edit]