Gortho, Son of Malik

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Gortho, Son of Malik


Gortho, Son of Malik location.jpg

Path south to Point of interest (map icon).png Newglade Kraal crossing the bridge from Waypoint (map icon).png Gladefall Waypoint.

Interactive map

Gortho is the son of Malik the Destroyer, the chieftain of Grostogg's Kraal and the new leader of the ogres living in the Newglade Kraal. He can also be found at Ebbing Heart Run if it is under attack, and will eventually return to Newglade Kraal, where, shortly upon setting up the camp, he will sell the Ogre Pet Tonic. Once the camp has been defended from a Flame legion assault, he sells an Ogre Pet Whistle.


Event involvement[edit]

Event shield (tango icon).png Escort Gortho's expedition to Bronzeglade Crossing (59)
Event shield (tango icon).png Help the ogres defend Bronzeglade Crossing from the Flame Legion (60)
Event swords (tango icon).png Help the ogres of Grostogg's Kraal fight Branded invaders (59)

Items offered[edit]

Item Type Rarity Level Cost Notes
Weak Potion of Outlaw Slaying.png Ogre Pet Tonic Consumable Masterwork Silver coin 92 Copper coin Requires the event Escort Gortho's expedition to Bronzeglade Crossing.
Ogre Pet Whistle.png Ogre Pet Whistle Consumable Basic 59 Silver coin 4 Copper coin Requires the event Help the ogres defend Bronzeglade Crossing from the Flame Legion.
Broken Flute.png Bird Whistle Trophy Rare Gold coin Only if the Skyscale Toys collection is active.
Broken Flute.png Bird Whistle Service Exotic Gold coin Only if the Skyscale Growing Comforts collection is active.


At Grostogg's Kraal
We are a mighty clan, but my father, Malik the Destroyer, rules us all.
Talk end option tango.png Good-bye.
Event star (map icon).png Outside Grostogg's Kraal when Escort Gortho's expedition to Bronzeglade Crossing is ready to start
Our tribe must expand. But we need allies to locate an abandoned kraal. There, we will be strong and grow.
Talk ready option.png I'll join you.
Talk end option tango.png Another time.
At Newglade Kraal
Flame Legion, nothing but runts and whelps. You fought with us and for this kraal. Here, I have rewards to share with you.
Talk merchant tango.png Let's see what you have.
Talk more option tango.png What will you do now?
We will build this kraal. Our numbers will grow. Our pets will become strong. We will crush the Branded beasts once and for all.
Karma.png About that reward you mentioned.
Talk end option tango.png Good-bye.
Talk end option tango.png Good luck out here.
During Help the ogres defend Bronzeglade Crossing from the Flame Legion
You risk your life here today to fight our enemy. I will not forget this.
Talk end option tango.png Thanks.


  • If Gortho is not at his position in Newglade Kraal and neither of the two events that involve him are active he can be found in Ebbing Heart Run, east of the Grostogg's Kraal Waypoint, selling his items.
The associated event chain may stall for reason yet to be known.