Escort Gortho's expedition to Bronzeglade Crossing

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Escort Gortho's expedition to Bronzeglade Crossing

Interactive map

Interactive map

Escort Gortho's expedition to Bronzeglade Crossing is a level 59 event that starts outside Grostogg's Kraal in Ebbing Heart Run and ends at Newglade Kraal in Gladefall Run.


  • Offer to join Gortho's expedition
  • Ogres alive: x/5


Reward tier Experience Karma Coin
Gold 6,182 Experience.png 284 Karma 66 Copper coin
Silver 5,255 Experience.png 241 Karma 56 Copper coin
Bronze 4,637 Experience.png 213 Karma 50 Copper coin
These are the expected rewards for a level 59 player. Higher level players receive dynamically adjusted rewards.





Approaching Event star (map icon).png Gortho, Son of Malik outside Grostogg's Kraal before joining the expedition
Gortho, Son of Malik: You, come over here for a moment. I'd like a word with you.
During escort
Gortho, Son of Malik: Onward. We grow closer to our new home.
Gortho, Son of Malik: Forward! Our new kraal lies ahead!
Gortho, Son of Malik: They cannot stop us. I won't allow it!
On success
Gortho, Son of Malik: Brothers, we have made it. Spread out. Slaughter every enemy who comes close.
Korakk: This is ogre land! The Brand goes no further!