Choya Logging Tool

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Choya Logging Tool.png

Choya Logging Tool

Item type
Logging axe
Choya Logging Tool
Account Bound
Item link

Skin link
87530, 100968
Choya Logging Tool.jpg

Click to enlarge.

Perfect for use on all types of trees. Unlimited use.
Glyph of the Prospector.png Glyph of the Prospector

— In-game description

Choya Logging Tool is an unlimited logging axe. There are two versions, one with a glyph and one without.


Youtube.png Search YouTube for videos related to Choya Logging Tool.

Sold by[edit]

  • The individually purchased tool comes with the glyph.
Vendor Area Zone Cost
Gem Store Gem Store 1,000 Gem
Black Lion Statuette/historical Black Lion Statuette (vendor currently unavailable) 45 Black Lion Statuette

Contained in[edit]


  • The gathering animation consists of the character pointing at the logging node and a Choya materializing out of thin air. The Choya strikes the node three times, then burrows into the ground and disappears.
    • While the Choya will strike the node three times no matter what, you must be actively channeling the animation to get materials for each of the Choya's strikes.
    • It is possible to get multiple Choya striking the node by rapidly starting, stopping, and restarting the gathering channel. However, only the most recently summoned Choya's strikes will count for gathering.
The Choya will occasionally fail to do its third strike before the gathering cast ends, forcing the player to start another gathering cast to get the third strike out of the logging node.

Gem Store history[edit]

Black Lion Statuette history[edit]