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An API key is a code players can generate in their account settings that can allow third-party apps to access certain account data in a read only manner via use of the API.


Creating an API key.

API keys may be created or deleted at https://account.arena.net/applications.

During the creation of a key, the player will need to give it a name and a set of permissions. The name is purely for the player's reference, though any third-party app the key is given to will be able to view the name.

The permissions of an API key designate what data a third party app would be able to access, if given this key. Permissions may not be changed after a key is created.

This permission is mandatory for all keys. It allows access to your account name and ID, home world, joined guilds, and date of account creation.
Allows access to your currently equipped specializations, traits, skills, and equipment for all game modes.
Allows access to information on your characters, including name, level, race, gender, class, age, creation date, and death count.
Allows access to guild-related information such as rosters, history, and MOTDs for all guilds you are a member of.
Allows access to your account vault, material storage, and character inventories and equipment.
Allows access to your achievements, story progression, dungeon unlocks, masteries, hungry cat scavenger hunt, and PvE progress.
Allows access to your PvP stats, match history, reward track progression, and custom arena details.
Allows access to your Trading Post transactions. This includes your current (pending) transactions, and up to 90 days of your past transactions.
Allows access to a list of skins and dyes you have unlocked.
Allows access to view your account wallet.

Deleting an API key takes effect immediately, and the API key will no longer work for any third party apps.

Authenticated endpoints

Authenticated endpoints can accept the API key in two ways.

  • Via the Authorization header field: Authorization: Bearer [api key].
    • As most browsers prevent CORS, this method will only be possible via custom applications. If using a browser, use the method below.
    • Additionally, preflight requests are not supported by the API backend.
  • Via the access_token query parameter: ?access_token=[api key]. This method circumvents the preflight requests of the CORS standard.
Full list of authenticated endpoints
API endpointRequired authorization
API:2/account/achievementsaccount, progression
API:2/account/bankaccount, inventories
API:2/account/dailycraftingaccount, progression
API:2/account/dungeonsaccount, progression
API:2/account/dyesaccount, unlocks
API:2/account/finishersaccount, unlocks
API:2/account/glidersaccount, unlocks
API:2/account/home/catsaccount, progression, unlocks
API:2/account/home/nodesaccount, progression, unlocks
API:2/account/homestead/decorationsaccount, unlocks
API:2/account/homestead/glyphsaccount, unlocks
API:2/account/inventoryaccount, inventories
API:2/account/jadebotsaccount, unlocks
API:2/account/legendaryarmoryaccount, inventories, unlocks
API:2/account/luckaccount, progression, unlocks
API:2/account/mailcarriersaccount, unlocks
API:2/account/mapchestsaccount, progression
API:2/account/masteriesaccount, progression
API:2/account/mastery/pointsaccount, progression
API:2/account/materialsaccount, inventories
API:2/account/minisaccount, unlocks
API:2/account/mounts/skinsaccount, unlocks
API:2/account/mounts/typesaccount, unlocks
API:2/account/noveltiesaccount, unlocks
API:2/account/outfitsaccount, unlocks
API:2/account/progressionprogression, unlocks
API:2/account/pvp/heroesaccount, unlocks
API:2/account/raidsaccount, progression
API:2/account/recipesaccount, unlocks
API:2/account/skiffsaccount, unlocks
API:2/account/skinsaccount, unlocks
API:2/account/titlesaccount, unlocks
API:2/account/walletaccount, wallet
API:2/account/worldbossesaccount, progression
API:2/charactersaccount, characters
API:2/characters/:id/backstoryaccount, characters
API:2/characters/:id/buildtabsaccount, builds, characters
API:2/characters/:id/coreaccount, characters
API:2/characters/:id/craftingaccount, characters
API:2/characters/:id/equipmentaccount, builds, characters, inventories
API:2/characters/:id/equipmenttabsaccount, builds, characters
API:2/characters/:id/heropointsaccount, characters, progression
API:2/characters/:id/inventoryaccount, characters, inventories
API:2/characters/:id/questsaccount, characters, progression
API:2/characters/:id/recipesaccount, characters, inventories
API:2/characters/:id/sabaccount, characters
API:2/characters/:id/skillsaccount, builds, characters
API:2/characters/:id/specializationsaccount, builds, characters
API:2/characters/:id/trainingaccount, builds, characters
API:2/commerce/deliveryaccount, tradingpost
API:2/commerce/transactionsaccount, tradingpost
API:2/guild/:id/logaccount, guilds
API:2/guild/:id/membersaccount, guilds
API:2/guild/:id/ranksaccount, guilds
API:2/guild/:id/stashaccount, guilds
API:2/guild/:id/storageaccount, guilds
API:2/guild/:id/teamsaccount, guilds
API:2/guild/:id/treasuryaccount, guilds
API:2/guild/:id/upgradesaccount, guilds
API:2/pvp/gamesaccount, pvp
API:2/pvp/standingsaccount, pvp
API:2/pvp/statsaccount, pvp


  • There is a limit of 200 API keys per account.