Canton Factorium

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Canton Factorium

1Waypoint (map icon).png 2Point of interest (map icon).png 1Vista (map icon).png

Canton Factorium map.jpg
Map of Canton Factorium

Canton FactoriumGladium CantonGreat Imperial SmelterHaunted NolaniHero's CantonImperator's CoreIron Legion ArsenalJunker's ScrapyardLigacus AquiloLigacus NotosMemorial QuadrantMustering GroundNolani Academy RuinsPerimeter LoopPraetor's CantonRuins of RinThe BaneWar Wagon Prep DeckCanton Factorium locator.svg

Canton Factorium.jpg

Click to enlarge.

Canton Factorium houses the crafting area within the Black Citadel.


Waypoint (map icon).png Factorium Waypoint —
Points of Interest
Point of interest (map icon).png Durmand Scriptorium
Point of interest (map icon).png Serrated Blade Tavern
Vista (map icon).png Canton Factorium Vista —
From the Memorial Waypoint, head north over a fence and walk along the glass roof to the vista.





Karma Merchant (map icon).png Abella
Gathering Merchant (map icon).png Brunarr Sharpclaw
Karma Merchant (map icon).png Catio
Bank (map icon).png Cratus
Merchant (vendor icon).png Larisa Keencoin
Bank (map icon).png Orres
Weaponsmith (map icon).png Orrius
Armorsmith (map icon).png Paedra
Guild Banker (map icon).png Quora
Karma Merchant (map icon).png Trina
Merchant (vendor icon).png Tycho
Reinforce Armor (map icon).png Zyra
Tailor tango icon 20px.png Braugh Steelfoot
Chef tango icon 20px.png Gurges Burnpaw
Armorsmith tango icon 20px.png Morgaah Bloodseeker
Artificer tango icon 20px.png Ruuga Blackear
Leatherworker tango icon 20px.png Snaarl Stainedclaw
Jeweler tango icon 20px.png Vatia the Keen-Eyed
Huntsman tango icon 20px.png Vauldis Grawlbutcher
Weaponsmith tango icon 20px.png Taask Steamcaller

Ambient dialogue[edit]

Soldier: I don't care how many dredge he's slain. Have you seen the state of his armor? No excuse for that.
Soldier (1): So, the youngest cub says, "You hold him down. I'll kick him in the ribs." (laugh)
Soldier (2): I swear. Cubs these days.
Citizen (1): I've been watching the fahrar cubs train. Mine got another scar today!
Citizen (2): One scar today makes a champion tomorrow.
Ash Legion Soldier (1): Ever had to eat leather to survive? I sure have.
Ash Legion Soldier (2): It's best when it's well-boiled.
Citizen (1): Stay away from me. I'm not interested.
Citizen (2): Well, well. Kitten's got claws.
Citizen (1): Kitten's got sword, too. Back off.
Citizen (1): Sometimes I wonder what the Order of Whispers is really doing.
Citizen (2): They're watching everyone, but who's watching them?
Citizen (1): Exactly.
Citizen (1): What d'ya think of her?
Citizen (2): She's cute. I like the way she scowls.
Barkeep Gallowknot: You want a beer?
Citizen: Beer is for cubs. I want whiskey.
Scrapper: Somebody hold me back! I'm going to tear him apart!
Citizen: Shut up punk. You are nothing.
Scrapper: Your days are numbered!
Citizen: Pick a night in the arena, cub, or shut your mouth.
Butcher: You want some greens with that?
Citizen: What for?
Citizen (1): I went to the Priory once, but they kicked me out after my claws snagged on an ancient scroll.
Citizen (2): Guess you forgot to trim.
Citizen (1): I left the mark of an educated charr.
Grunt (1): We're done, right?
Grunt (2): Only if you're happy eating bread. You want steak? Keep working.
(This is continuation of the excursion scene from Haunted Nolani.)
Zyron Hopecrush: Come down here to spend your gold and gems. It's our financial and trade canton, Factorium. Merchants and crafters congregate here. Stay close. We're heading east, deeper into the citadel.
Zyron Hopecrush: This is your stop, Tallfir. Serrated Blade Tavern. The order you're looking for is up the ramp over there. I don't recommend sneaking up on them. Oh, and try not to drain the bar dry.
Tallfir Winge: I make no promises. Thanks.
Zyron Hopecrush: C'mon, sylvari. We're almost home.
Glynneth: Wait! I have to ask. Are those Ascalonian ruins?
Zyron Hopecrush: (sigh) Yeah. We've got a lot of those around here. Don't look at me like that. We reclaimed this land from the humans. They stole it from us first.
Glynneth: I'm not looking at you like anything. But, now you have a treaty with the humans, right?
Zyron Hopecrush: Not a treaty, no. We have a cease-fire. It's not the same thing.
Glynneth: Oh, but what about—
Zyron Hopecrush: Let's get moving. The Durmand Priory is right over there.
Zyron Hopecrush: Here you go. Durmand Priory. These people will be glad to answer all your questions. Have a pleasant stay in the Black Citadel.
Glynneth: Oh, thank you so much. Your assistance has been greatly—
Zyron Hopecrush: See you around.
Glynneth: —appreciated.
Zyron Hopecrush: (huff) Tourists. They better be spending their gold, that's all I have to say.


Crafting resources[edit]

Bulk ingredients
Chef tango icon 20px.png Gurges Burnpaw
Basil Leaves in Bulk.pngBasil Leaves in Bulk
Bell Peppers in Bulk.pngBell Peppers in Bulk
Buttermilk in Bulk.pngButtermilk in Bulk
Cheese Wedges in Bulk.pngCheese Wedges in Bulk
Ginger Root in Bulk.pngGinger Root in Bulk
Rice in Bulk.pngRice in Bulk
Sour Cream in Bulk.pngSour Cream in Bulk
Tomatoes in Bulk.pngTomatoes in Bulk
Yeast in Bulk.pngYeast in Bulk