Volak Ironsnout
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Volak Ironsnout is friend of Finolla and announces the Dragon Ball Arena activity.
- Divinity's Reach
- The Crown Pavilion, at the bottom of the stairs opposite Lunar animal archway (only during Lunar New Year)
Historical location[edit]
- Lion's Arch
- Trader's Forum (only during Dragon Bash)
- Hey, you going to try Dragon Ball? Most don't have the guts. I tell ya, kids these days. Too soft, don't know the rigors of battle. Dragon Ball would straighten them right up.
- Volak Ironsnout. Used to be a soldier in the Iron Legion. Now I'm a duffer who announces Dragon Ball matches. It's a good life. Far better than growing fat and old alone.
- My warband's all gone. Family's gone. Friends, too. Finolla, she's been good to me. Sweet kid, taking me on like this.
- Met Finolla at the Bane. She'd been watching fighters and taking notes for weeks. I think even she slept there. We watched the fights together, talked about combat. We got on good together, you know?
- She was making a combat arena, to sell! Can you believe that? Tiny, sweet thing like her? I said, if you ever sell it, I'll be your announcer. Now, here I am. That kid, I'm proud of her.
- That's the spirit! Talk to Finolla. She's the happy, perky face of the operation and she'll get you started. See ya inside, recruit.
- Good-bye.
I'll try Dragon Ball.
- Good-bye.
Why was she taking notes?
- Sounds nice, but I have to go.
How'd you get involved with Dragon Ball?
- Yeah, I suppose so.
- Good-bye.
And you are?
- Not right now.
- Greets
- You got the guts? Then play Dragon Ball.
- Dragon Ball separates the strong from the weak!
- Hey, weakling. Try Dragon Ball yet?
Ambient dialogue[edit]
- For ambient dialogue with Finolla, go here.