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Vetia Foerazer

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Vetia Foerazer


Interactive map

Vetia Foerazer is a charr attempting to fix the Brand Stompers used to clear out residual Branded in Grothmar Valley. Speaking with her unlocks the Brand Stomped achievement.




First interaction, before beginning Brand Stomped
Hey! You have a moment? There's something we could use your help with.
Talk more option tango.png What do you need?
So that whole thing about Branded being gone? Not entirely true. There are lots of Brand shards underground, poisoning the soil. We have devices that neutralize them, but every one is broken.
Talk more option tango.png What kind of device?
We call 'em Stompers—they look like big mechanical hammers. Strange they all broke at the same time, but that's where you come in! Be careful of any Branded energy seeping through the soil.
Talk more option tango.png Anything else?
Deploy repair golems to fix them. Careful though, the repairs will take a while and who knows what you might run into out there. Start wherever you want. Come back to me when you're done!
Talk collection option.png I'm on it. (Fulfills the first requirement for Brand Stomped.)
Talk more option tango.png Wait, golems?
Yeah, golems. An asura actually pointed out the issue first...something about a thesis? You know how those little guys are. Anyway, he programmed some repair golems to fix the stompers for us.
(if not asura)
Talk collection option.png Interesting. I'll help you! (Fulfills the first requirement for Brand Stomped.)
(if asura)
Talk collection option.png It's an asura thing. I'd be happy to help them—uh, you. (Fulfills the first requirement for Brand Stomped.)
Talk end option tango.png Maybe later.
Talk end option tango.png Maybe later.
Talk end option tango.png Maybe later.
Talk end option tango.png Maybe later.
Talk end option tango.png Maybe later.
Talking to her again
Still more Brand Stompers to fix out there. Thanks again for the help.
Talk more option tango.png Can you remind me what I'm looking for? (same as "What do you need?" above)
Talk end option tango.png I'm on it.
After completing Brand Stomped
Welcome back! Thanks again for fixing the Stompers. With the repairs in place, we should be good again for a long while. No more pesky Branded to deal with...for real this time.
Talk more option tango.png What caused the malfunction in the first place?
Not sure. Could've been some of the rowdier Rally attendees. I've heard stories about sabotage going around.
Talk more option tango.png Sabotage?
I don't know much about it, really. Who knows? Could be just talk...
Talk end option tango.png I see.
Talk end option tango.png I see.
Talk end option tango.png You're welcome.


Victory through strength.
I haven't got all day.
At ease.
For Blood Legion.

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